2016 Forecast--Part One

Mar 13, 2017 · 9m 24s
2016 Forecast--Part One

The following series of podcasts will examine the major Astrological factors influencing our lives and world during 2016. Today’s podcast, Part One, is a brief introduction to the Tri-Partite Hierarchy...

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The following series of podcasts will examine the major Astrological factors influencing our lives and world during 2016. Today’s podcast, Part One, is a brief introduction to the Tri-Partite Hierarchy of Planetary forces of the major planets: Firstly, you have Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. Secondly, comes these three interrelating with Saturn. Thirdly, you have these four interrelating with Jupiter. The First level in this Hierarchy is formed by Pluto, Neptune and Uranus which together comprise the Long-Wave or Substantial Spiritual Evolutionary forces for our planetary system. Each moving through the signs, and forming significant aspects to one another create the rhythmic pulses of Spiritual quickening for our journey. These Lords of Spiritual Evolution combine to form three Planetary pairs of meaning: Neptune/Pluto forming the relationship of Unconditional Love versus Sacred Space or Love and Will. Uranus/Neptune forming the relationship between Individuality versus Community or Freer Minds and Unconditional Love. And, Uranus/Pluto forming the relationship between Individuality versus Sacred Space or Freer Minds and Will. These long-range evolutionary cycles range from about 500 to 130 years.
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Author Bill Attride
Organization William Attride
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