2025 Grammy Predictions

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The latest Grammys nominations just dropped so you know we had to make some predicitions. Since Adriel and Demar have lost all hope in the Grammys ever getting it right,...
show moreTIMECODES:
2:10 - Who was the Grammy’s fav white woman?
2:40 - Context going into the Grammy’s where race does matter
3:08 - Album of the Year always feels like a popularity contest
3:30 - Adriel is guessing Cowboy Carter wins
4:22 - Demar takes a victory lap with BRAT
4:55 - André 3000 getting on this list is dubious
5:38 - live show gave the energy that this whole thing is a joke (Andre 3000)
7:33 - Not like us winning
9:06 - I’m one of the birds
11:10 - Best new artist
12:28 - Everyone on the list has made music for years but this is when they made it in their eyes
13:44 - Demar controversial pick
14:49 - Rap album of the year
15:21 - Death of Slim Shady
19:00 - Espresso is going to win it
20:05 - New Edition of the white women rankings
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Author | Demar Grant & Adriel Smiley |
Organization | Demar Grant & Adriel Smiley |
Website | - |
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