Cell Phone plus auxiliary cord to Vehicle Audio = Action Radio on your Radio! Show site: BlogTalkRadio.com/citizenaction Patreon memberships: https://www.patreon.com/ActionRadio Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/radiolegislature/ Twitter: GregPenglis@ActionRadioGP Bill writing site: www.WriteYourLaws.com ***** Action Radio Show - 3/16/20 - Show Notes! Show Start: We begin every Monday with Annie Marie Delgado, President of TrumpTeam2020 here in Florida. We go over the campaign and the Trump Daily Update, with today featuring the big G7 video conference with world leaders. It's all about the Coronavirus. We are all about the outrageous panic caused by the CDC/NIH, particularly the new Health Dictator, Dr. Anthony Fauci. We also talked about Family Court since the Mad Moms report is no longer on Action Radio. 31:00 - We went into some housekeeping and announcements, and then I got into a reading of Mark Twain's, "The Danger of Lying in Bed." We really need his wisdom to separate fear from reasonable action. Remember - the vast majority of people die in bed. Stay out of bed... 58:30 - Tina Terry, our Carnivore Diet reporter - is BACK!!! As usual, the spunky 73 year old, yoga teaching, meat eater, had lots to say about the Coronavirus panic, vitamins, meat diets, building your immunity, avoiding sugar and carbs, and lots to say in general. *** This turned into a fabulous panel discussion because Pianki, one of our regular callers joined the conversation, and Michael Volpe, family law writer and investigator, also joined us, and the four of us had an incredible, free-wheeling discussion about many aspects of how government has used the media created panic over the Corona Flu, to assume dictatorial powers closing anything they want. That is dictatorship.
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