Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show – Saturn Square Uranus in 2021

Mar 14, 2021 · 1h 4m 27s
Astrologer Bill Attride Radio Show – Saturn Square Uranus in 2021

Astrological Musings – Saturn Square Uranus, Order and Freer Minds (March 14, 2021) In my third show of 2021 we will look at the major alignment in the Dance of...

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Astrological Musings – Saturn Square Uranus, Order and Freer Minds (March 14, 2021) In my third show of 2021 we will look at the major alignment in the Dance of the Planets this year, the waning square of Saturn with Uranus. The question posed by Saturn and Uranus’ cycle of relationship concerns the integral relationship between the old and the new in all aspects of our lives. Whether personally or collectively, within a community, culture, nation or world, we are always seeking to treasure and preserve what we have come to rely upon or value, yet equally find ourselves open to the necessity of growth and change. As before, I will answer your questions during the show, whether on this topic or some other matter, including personal questions about your astrological chart. If you do wish to ask a personal question, please be ready to provide at least your birth date and birthplace, and time of your birth if you have that too. If you wish to suggest a subject or topic for a future show, please email me as I would be happy to hear from you. My email is: The phone number to call if you wish to ask a question during the live show is: (516) 531-9638. Please join me on Sunday March 14th @ 2 pm EDT as we look at the current astrological indications and what they mean for you. If you miss the show, it will be available as a Podcast shortly after on BlogTalk or my Apple Podcasts. Here is a transcript of the show:
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Author Bill Attride
Organization William Attride
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