
Autumn's Hidden Path: A Pyrenees Adventure Unfolds

Sep 1, 2024 · 16m 27s
Autumn's Hidden Path: A Pyrenees Adventure Unfolds

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 43s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Autumn's Hidden Path: A Pyrenees Adventure Unfolds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: Les fulles dels arbres es gronxaven...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Autumn's Hidden Path: A Pyrenees Adventure Unfolds
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Story Transcript:

Ca: Les fulles dels arbres es gronxaven lleument, pintant el paisatge amb tonalitats de vermell, taronja i daurat.
En: The leaves on the trees swayed gently, painting the landscape with shades of red, orange, and gold.

Ca: La cabana acollidora dels Pirineus guardava secrets antics mentre el vent xiuxiuejava entre les branques.
En: The cozy cabin in the Pyrenees held ancient secrets while the wind whispered among the branches.

Ca: Aquell matí de la Diada, Mireia i Jordi estaven a punt d'iniciar una aventura especial.
En: That morning of the National Day, Mireia and Jordi were about to embark on a special adventure.

Ca: Mireia, amb la càmera ben assegurada a l'espatlla, contenia l'emoció.
En: Mireia, with her camera secured on her shoulder, held back her excitement.

Ca: Estava decidida a capturar la fotografia perfecta per al concurs de fotografia.
En: She was determined to capture the perfect photo for the photography contest.

Ca: Jordi, al seu costat, somreia, agraït de la companyia i l'oportunitat de desconnectar dels seus propis pensaments.
En: Jordi, beside her, smiled, grateful for the company and the opportunity to disconnect from his own thoughts.

Ca: “Vinga, Mireia, que avui serà el nostre dia!
En: "Come on, Mireia, today will be our day!"

Ca: ”, va dir Jordi amb entusiasme.
En: Jordi said enthusiastically.

Ca: Un camí de fulles cruixents guiarà els seus passos pel bosc.
En: A path of crunchy leaves would guide their steps through the forest.

Ca: Tot semblava perfecte, fins que un obstacle inesperat els va aturar.
En: Everything seemed perfect until an unexpected obstacle stopped them.

Ca: Un recent temporal havia tombat arbres, bloquejant el seu camí original.
En: A recent storm had knocked down trees, blocking their original path.

Ca: Mireia es va sentir desanimada.
En: Mireia felt discouraged.

Ca: “No arribaré a temps per fer la fotografia!
En: "I won't make it in time to take the photograph!"

Ca: ”, es preocupava.
En: she worried.

Ca: Però Jordi, amb un somriure tranquil, va suggerir: “Confia en mi, Mireia.
En: But Jordi, with a calm smile, suggested, "Trust me, Mireia.

Ca: Conec una altra ruta, més amagada però preciosa”.
En: I know another route, more hidden but beautiful."

Ca: Després de dubtar una mica, Mireia va assentir.
En: After hesitating a bit, Mireia nodded.

Ca: Van desviar-se del camí marcat, seguint Jordi per un sender menys transitat.
En: They veered off the marked path, following Jordi along a less traveled trail.

Ca: La pujada era més dura, però la vista que els esperava valia cada pas.
En: The climb was tougher, but the view that awaited them was worth every step.

Ca: Arribaren a un clar ocult, just quan els darrers raigs de sol tocaven les fulles.
En: They reached a hidden clearing, just as the last rays of sun touched the leaves.

Ca: El cel es tenyia de tons daurats i roses, reflectint la màgia de la tardor al seu voltant.
En: The sky was tinted with golden and pink hues, reflecting the magic of fall around them.

Ca: Mireia va agafar la càmera amb mà ferma i va immortalitzar aquell moment perfecte.
En: Mireia grabbed her camera firmly and captured that perfect moment.

Ca: El sentiment de triomf l'omplia mentre apagava la càmera, conscient que havia captat l'essència de la tardor.
En: A feeling of triumph filled her as she turned off the camera, aware that she had captured the essence of autumn.

Ca: En tornar a la cabana, Mireia i Jordi estaven esgotats però satisfets.
En: Returning to the cabin, Mireia and Jordi were exhausted but satisfied.

Ca: Mireia va abraçar Jordi fortament.
En: Mireia hugged Jordi tightly.

Ca: “Gràcies, Jordi.
En: "Thank you, Jordi.

Ca: Sense tu, aquest moment no hauria estat possible”, li va dir.
En: Without you, this moment wouldn't have been possible," she said.

Ca: Jordi va somriure, reflectint sobre les seves pròpies preocupacions.
En: Jordi smiled, reflecting on his own concerns.

Ca: “Canviar de ruta ha valgut la pena.
En: "Changing route was worth it.

Ca: Potser hauria de pensar en fer realitat els meus somnis”, va confessar.
En: Maybe I should think about making my dreams come true," he confessed.

Ca: Aquella nit, sota el sostre de la cabana, amb la llar de foc crepitant, ambdós es van adonar de l’important que és perseguir allò que realment estimem.
En: That night, under the cabin's roof, with the fireplace crackling, they both realized how important it is to pursue what we truly love.

Ca: Mireia havia après a afrontar els obstacles amb confiança, i Jordi, a escoltar el seu cor.
En: Mireia had learned to face obstacles with confidence, and Jordi, to listen to his heart.

Ca: La tardor, amb la seva bellesa efímera, els havia regalat una nova perspectiva.
En: Autumn, with its fleeting beauty, had gifted them a new perspective.

Ca: I així, envoltats del color i la calma dels Pirineus, van somiar amb el que vindria.
En: And so, surrounded by the color and calm of the Pyrenees, they dreamed of what was to come.

Vocabulary Words:
  • the leaves: les fulles
  • to sway: gronxar-se
  • the landscape: el paisatge
  • the cabin: la cabana
  • cozy: acollidora
  • the secrets: els secrets
  • to whisper: xiuxiuejar
  • the branches: les branques
  • to embark: iniciar
  • to capture: capturar
  • the photography contest: el concurs de fotografia
  • to comprehend: comprendre
  • the obstacle: l'obstacle
  • to block: bloquejar
  • the path: el camí
  • discouraged: desanimada
  • calm: tranquil
  • to suggest: suggerir
  • the route: la ruta
  • hidden: amagada
  • the trail: el sender
  • the climb: la pujada
  • the clearing: el clar
  • the rays: els raigs
  • to reflect: reflectir
  • the triumph: el triomf
  • to realize: adonar-se
  • the fireplace: la llar de foc
  • to pursue: perseguir
  • the essence: l'essència
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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