Barbell Life 413 Dr. Mike Lane "Long Term Athletic Development"

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Today on The Barbell Life Podcast, we were joined by, Dr. Mike Lane, Associate Professor in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science at Eastern Kentucky University. He can also...
show moreToday we discussed long term athletic development. We discussed the best way to set expectations:
- What's your goal?
- Where are you currently in relation to where you need to be?
- Train for a few months and see how much progress you make as well as get an idea of what to expect.
Mike also discussed a brilliant idea of helping an athlete that isn't cut out for a particular sport in finding something that they could excel in. I think we need more of this in America.We discussed how we both fit into the long term development plan in our original decisions to powerlift. We were in two different sectors and yet both of us became elite.
Mike believes:
Here's what gets you 80% of the way:
- Consistency
- Training hard
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