Building Bridges with Susan Larison Danz: Be You!

Apr 14, 2016 · 1h 28m 53s
Building Bridges with Susan Larison Danz: Be You!

How can we bring our own authenticity into the world, more and more? Susan Larison Danz authentically explores how we can build bridges of understanding in our lives and the...

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How can we bring our own authenticity into the world, more and more? Susan Larison Danz authentically explores how we can build bridges of understanding in our lives and the world. Callers joining the discussion are welcome, and the chat room will be open. Those seeking gentle guidance and support are encouraged to call or submit questions via the chat room. Join the discussion on Twitter here: Susan first began having "bridge building" discussions many years ago on the Oprah spirituality discussion forum and other forums as anonymous contributor "bridgebldr" (aka BridgeBuilder). These discussions involving people of diverse backgrounds and idealogies led to many epiphanies of understanding and shifts in points of view, as well as multiple lifelong friendships. The posts of Susan and other frequent contributors regularly were featured on the front page of the Oprah web site under "What People Are Talking About". Susan went on to regularly share her anonymous voice on broadcast radio, recognized in Portland and beyond, as well as creating her own show The Frontier Beyond Fear over 5 years ago.  Susan has a background in Computer Science and Mathematics, and spiritually had an evangelical upbringing, though her natural intuition was active at a very young age. After a brush with her mortality in her late 30's, Susan had a series of powerful spiritual emergence experiences many years ago, rocking her world, and opening her up to an entirely new level of expansive awareness and being.  Program music copyrighted by Grammy award winner Larry Seyer (, included in this podcast with his permission. Visit to learn about the inspirational outreach of this program, now in its 6th year.
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Author Susan Larison Danz
Organization Susan Larison Danz
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