As "Father's Day" approaches, on Critical Discourse this Saturday, we'd like to review and discuss the dynamics and finer points about fatherhood. Statistics point to a troubling reality, of 70+ percent of black homes, headed by single [un-wed] mothers. In fact, the "single mom", seems to be given a status of near-divinity, as she's perceived to be "strong" "independant" and confident, not needing a man, for leadership, maintenance and support. Interestingly, not too long ago, Michelle Obama, in an interview, referred to herself as a "single mother", but then, quickly "corrected" herself, somewhat, "cleaning" things up a bit, by stating that she sometimes feels like a single mother. The Holy Qur'an is clear, in the role of men/fathers in society/family, in 4:34, yet we find ourselves in a contradictory paradigm, which says the complete opposite. Today, we seem to be afraid of terms like "patriarch" or any similar forms, male leadership or "strength", as it relates to men. The times call for an earnest and frank discussion on fathers, fatherhood, and the expectations of fathers, in leading and directing the family. We also hope today, that our callers will share with us, stories about their own fathers, growing up, and their own challenges as being either fathers, or wives, supporting their husbands/fathers of their children. Should prove to be a most scintilating conversation - just what you can expect on CRITICAL DISCOURSE.
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