E004-2024 TheBullshit Show - The Five-Year Itch- Are We Built for Long-Term Love?

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E004-2024 TheBullshit Show - The Five-Year Itch- Are We Built for Long-Term Love?
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The Bullshit Show is an original production of Cyberium Media Miami Production, because even professional pain-in-the-ass need a trademark! If you want to reach out to suggest new bullshit for...
show moreIf you want to reach out to suggest new bullshit for us to tear apart, share your experiences with human stupidity, or just tell me what an asshole I am - hey, I take compliments too! - you can write to us at thebullshitshow@cyberium.media
And remember: the rights to this program are as protected as my right to call you out when you do or say stupid shit.
Any unauthorized reproduction will be treated with the same respect I have for influencers selling miracle supplements - that's zero! Special thanks to the team that makes this radio circus possible:
- The lawyers who have to deal with my "creative interpretations" of legal disclaimers
- The sound engineers who have to bleep out my swearing (spoiler: they always miss some)
- And most importantly, you lovely bastards who keep tuning in for your daily dose of uncomfortable truths
Author | Miami Media Productions |
Organization | Miami Media Productions |
Website | - |
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