
Free Ringtone Singtone iServalan Using the Synth Arpeggiator Female Vocal Sample Loop

Oct 3, 2023 · 4m 7s
Free Ringtone Singtone iServalan Using the Synth Arpeggiator Female Vocal Sample Loop

hey guys welcome to free ringtones and a free lesson on how to make ringtones actually do you know what I think I may as well do a whole song...

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hey guys welcome to free ringtones and a free lesson on how to make ringtones actually do you know what I think I may as well do a whole song so was kind of little um free stuff to give away in little sections each day but in about a week when I've got all the pieces together I'll just release the whole song so um I thought that's quite a nice idea isn't it so I have no idea what the song's about all I know is that I kind of you know improvise the next bit really just to show you guys what you know how easy it is um and to talk about the process that I go through to create really actually very good music so this is another one that you you can use for private personal use not private necessarily personal use so you don't resell it but you can use it on your Tik Tok and your Facebook and you know and I thought well the longer the song the better really because clearly she's quite upset clearly this woman who's SI and I'm not upset by the way at all um I mean I have to get in the zone when I say I'm not upset I'm not upset about a man I have to get in in the actual Zone to try and remember what it used to be like but I I think I'm getting the essence of it but really what I wanted to talk to you about today was the processes that I went through to make this even more song likee So if I hope you're listening to the other broadcasts because we started off with a vocal and drum and then today the one I've just done cuz I'm doing a few today actually so the one I've just done I introduced the next section and then I I did speed it up so I've doubled the speed because now I'm looking at you know a dance track um not a hardcore trance track a dance track so I suppose my dream would be that somebody from Tik Tok will use this song and it'll go viral that would be nice wouldn't it so maybe maybe you're the person to do that for me um so let's have a look take the journey with me with the arator so all I did I speeded it up as I said to 83 um I might change that to 85 tomorrow I'll see how I feel and I've added I've taken the midi information from my vocal and I've put it into an arpegiator plugin so now my voice becomes a synthesizer and I love doing this on um logic pro I I love the arpegiator do you know what an arpegiator takes me straight back to when I was learning piano when I was seven and you know on this old clunky piano and I was doing my arpeggio practice arpeggio are the basis for just about all music um in in the west you know the the classical Canon it's so bark and Beethoven and you know all of list all these wonderful composers and performers they they use the arpeggio and that that's the the first third and fifth note of the scale and they use it over and over again in music they return to it they use it for different effects we're so used to hearing the arpeggios in pop songs we don't even know what we're listening to but we know that sound and the arpegiator is something that I use a lot a lot a lot because I'm obviously I'm a s addict and I'm a synth performer really um so adding the arpegiator has really brought an 80s feel it's really turned this into a proper dance track and it's really made me very excited about tomorrow's episode so hope you like it guys this is free to use for personal use not not for profit um and education so have some fun with it see let me know what you think guys over leaving take the journey with me I'm here for the reason
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