How Do You Remember Harold Washington? Call into Black Wall Street -- USA at 347-326-9477!

Apr 30, 2010 · 2h 1m 13s
How Do You Remember Harold Washington?  Call into Black Wall Street -- USA at 347-326-9477!

How Do You Remember Harold Washington? And, other Chicagoan's that make Chicago the Unique City By The Lake. Call into Black Wall Street--USA at 347-326-9477! ********** Our guests will be...

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How Do You Remember Harold Washington? And, other Chicagoan's that make Chicago the Unique City By The Lake. Call into Black Wall Street--USA at 347-326-9477! ********** Our guests will be Mr. El Hajj El Shabazz, who has been a Chicago Treasurer for more than 30 years as owner of Truth & Soul Barbershop located on East 87th Street and joining him will be Ms. Angela Williams, Executive Director of the Southeast Chicago Chamber of Commer as she shares with us "The State of Black Businesses" on the dynamic southeast side of Chicago. ********** Join us as we prepare for the "1st Black Wall Street National Conference scheduled for August 20 - 23 in Chicago. For more information, please visit our national website at ********** BWS-C was birthed on May 19, 2007 with Economic Summit I (in celebration of the life of Malcolm X). BWS-C follows a course once laid out by Brother Malcolm X of action which is directed at the strengthening of present and future black businesses in their ability to be self-sufficient. ********** Mr. Ron Carter, Chairman of Black Wall Street – Chicago and Co-Host Sonja Perdue, Founder of Chicago's Black Business invites you to join them every Thursday evening at 7 PM for BLACK WALL STREET -- USA at CBBN on Blog Talk Radio. BWS-C wants you to share in this opportunity to serve African American businesses of the past, present and future by joining us and being a part of the solution.
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Author Sonja Cassandra Perdue
Organization Sonja Cassandra Perdue
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