January 3—The Most Holy Name of Jesus, Optional Memorial

Jan 2, 2025 · 5m 47s
January 3—The Most Holy Name of Jesus, Optional Memorial

https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/january-3-the-most-holy-name-of-jesus/ January 3—The Most Holy Name of Jesus, Optional Memorial Liturgical Color: White Prayer: Jesus, Name full of glory, grace, love, and strength! You are the refuge of those who...

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January 3—The Most Holy Name of Jesus, Optional Memorial

Liturgical Color: White

Jesus, Name full of glory, grace, love, and strength! You are the refuge of those who repent, our banner of warfare in this life, the medicine of souls, the comfort of those who mourn, the delight of those who believe, the light of those who preach the true faith, the wages of those who toil, the healing of the sick. To You our devotion aspires; by You our prayers are received; we delight in contemplating You. O Name of Jesus, You are the glory of all the saints for eternity. Amen.

Source of content: mycatholic.life
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Image via Wikipedia Commons
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Author My Catholic Life!
Organization My Catholic Life!
Website mycatholic.life

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