Judge TARGETS Ammon Bundy After He SAVED Baby Cyrus From CPS & His 2 Years in Prison Without a Single Charge

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Judge TARGETS Ammon Bundy After He SAVED Baby Cyrus From CPS & His 2 Years in Prison Without a Single Charge
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Exclusive Interview Judge TARGETS Ammon Bundy After He SAVED Baby Cyrus From CPS & His 2 Years in Prison Without a Single Charge Exclusive interview of Ammon Bundy. Once again...
show moreExclusive interview of Ammon Bundy. Once again Ammon Bundy takes a stand to fight tyranny.Ammon Bundy Speaks about the arrest warrant from the civil case, when CPS took a baby Cyrus from her parents. A corrupt judge put out an arrest warrant out for him for the civil case surrounding these events. He talks about his stand against the court’s pro child abduction stance and how the corruption of CPS stands to abduct children in an international child trafficking ring. Neighbors and friends have rallied around Ammon Bundy and are keeping authorities from making an arrest. The New World Order Persecutes the Bundys With Ammon Bund. Catching up with everything that happened at the ranch and everything since then. The incarcerations, the persecutions, the deception. He is a Christian family man, a rancher, a patriot. The government incarcerated him without formal charges or conviction for over two years. He talks to us live from Idaho on his ranch. Ammon Bundy gives us explicit details on the solitary confinement and how his family beat one of the biggest court trials since the January Sixers; exposing the FBI fraud as a criminal entity that now targets Americans. The inside personal insights of being in prison and in solitary confinement are detailed. The miracles of a just God and the mercies of Jesus Christ as the biggest conspiracy trial this century exposed the truth of the Secret Society and its intent to destroy justice. And More: We talk about the virus, gay America, the election deception. Bundy gives his opinion. Ammon says The manipulation is there because of the corrupt judges, just like the Book of Mormon. The most important thing in his life is Justice.How did we get here? Amon speaks about the corruption of Utah, “heads and shoulders more subscribers to pornography than any other state.” Utah has the highest rate of homosexuality, “I’d never send my child to BYU because I wouldn’t want my child to be influenced by anything there.” The rainbow flag is everywhere. “What it really comes down to as members of the church, and christians in general, we are listening to the precepts of men and denying the Holy Ghost. They have forgotten to listen to the Holy Ghost.”
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Judge TARGETS Ammon Bundy After He SAVED Baby Cyrus From CPS & His 2 Years in Prison Without a Single Charge
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