Late Night with Heroes Pamela Weston & Meryl Rice with host Yvonne Smith

May 25, 2015 · 1h 59m 33s
Late Night with Heroes Pamela Weston & Meryl Rice with host Yvonne Smith

Call in 267) 521-0167 Fight over Health Care is Occurin all over the United States but in Tennesse Heroes are fighting Back. Pamela Weston, Randall Rice and his wife...

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Call in 267) 521-0167 Fight over Health Care is Occurin all over the United States but in Tennesse Heroes are fighting Back. Pamela Weston, Randall Rice and his wife retired therpist Meryl Rice were determined not to let their neighbors go uninsured. Learn how they launched a campaign for ACA.Pamela Weston is a grandmother in East TN who organized a 70 mile walk through her state senate district to reach out to those in the healthcare coverage gap resulting from Tennessee's decision not to expand Medicaid.  Her Insure TN Journey for Justice crossed a rural senate district through five counties in an effort to reach out to the district's nearly 15,000 uninsured adults. Meryl Rice is a retired psychotherapist whose last position was as the Director of Crisis Services  for a mental health agency which covers five rural counties in West TN.  She also has many years experience in the healthcare field working in med-surg hospitals .  Her 40 year experience has made her acutely aware of how access to affordable healthcare affects not only individuals and families, but the community at large.  After retirement, Meryl and her husband Randall Rice took it upon themselves to promote the Affordable Care Act and initially trained to be navigators/certified application counselors.  When there were no "sponsoring agencies" near them willing to take on the responsibility of volunteers, they decided to launch out on their own. However, they hit another roadblock.      
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Author Lauren Tenney
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