Life on a Neighboring Planet - Part 4

Apr 6, 2013 · 2h 1m 41s
Life on a Neighboring Planet - Part 4

This week we continue to work our way through one of the most intriguing papers in The Urantia Book, Paper 72 - Government on a Neighboring Planet. The Urantia Book...

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This week we continue to work our way through one of the most intriguing papers in The Urantia Book, Paper 72 - Government on a Neighboring Planet. The Urantia Book unequivocally states that we are not alone in the cosmos and that, in fact, the universe is teaming with life. It says, "The myriads of planetary systems were all made to be eventually inhabited by many different types of intelligent creatures, beings who could know God, receive the divine affection, and love him in return." The book tells us that these intelligent creatures, living on material worlds, evolve from primitive life to highly evolved civilization. Further, it says that such is God's will and God's way. The book describes in detail the milestones of these various periods of evolution. In Paper 72, the authors of the book reveal to us the workings of a government on a neighboring planet. A planetary civilization that has experienced setbacks similar to the setbacks our world has endured. Yet, one nation on this other world has been able to solve some very basic but complicated problems, not unlike the problems we have faced in the last 150 years. So far, some knowledgeable callers have helped us cover the first 5 sections of this paper, including: The Continental Nation, Political Organization, Home Life, Educational System and Industrial Organization, all crucial keys to evolving civilization on this world and all worlds. This week we hope to cover Old-age Insurance and Taxation. Do you think it might be timely and relevant? We do and we hope you'll tune in or call with your thoughts and ideas as to how we might practically adapt the insightful presentations to the complicated issues we face. It's clear that our world and the people on it are not going away any time soon. It's time to get to work!  
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Author Paula Thompson
Organization Paula Thompson
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