Lower Decks 5x07 and 5x08 - "Fully Dilated" and "Upper Decks"

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Lower Decks 5x07 and 5x08 - "Fully Dilated" and "Upper Decks"
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Catching up on two more episode of Lower Decks, maman. We got a purple Data head and tales of the upper decks, maman. Lurks and clicking jerks. Something's happening, maman....
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Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x07 - "Fully Dilated"
Star Trek: Lower Decks 5x08- "Upper Decks"
David C. Roberson
Matthew Carroll
Note: This episode of Star Trek Universe continues Dave and Matt's ongoing journey discussing Star Trek as they have since the late1980s.
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Author | Stranded Panda |
Organization | Stranded Panda |
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