“Mental Health and Coping Tips During COVID-19" Interview with Susan Brozek

May 13, 2020 · 1h 40m 36s
“Mental Health and Coping Tips During COVID-19" Interview with Susan Brozek

Hello brothers and sisters welcome to Reaching Out Radio International where we are working together in love and unity in one mind one accord as the hands and feet of...

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Hello brothers and sisters welcome to Reaching Out Radio International where we are working together in love and unity in one mind one accord as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ sharing the Gospel into the world.  With all that is going on in the world with the COVID 19 Pandemic, we thought it would be beneficial to ask our host Susan Brozek, Lincensed Christian Psychotherapist to be on for a special broadcast to offer some insight and help in dealing with these times we are in.  This program will be an interview format I will be asking Susan questions She will be touching base on issues in regards to isolation, depresssion, anxiety, increase in suicidies, tension, hoplesness, the impact it is having on the family system. She is an amazing woman of God, a very talented Christian Psychotherapist that can offer us some direction as we endure in this pandemic. This is going to be a broadcast you will want to share with family and friends this program can be of great help to them. May God watch over you all protecting you as we go through this. Have hope knowing He never leaves us or forsakes us just call upon His name He is there. Thank you for your contniued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world.
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Author Evangelist Montell Fields
Organization Evangelist Montell Fields
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