Mentoring and Accountability with Rock Thomas

Jan 19, 2016 · 59m 39s
Mentoring and Accountability with Rock Thomas

Did you know that mentoring = success?  Do you know what if you are accontable to a person or group you are many more times likely to reach the goal...

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Did you know that mentoring = success?  Do you know what if you are accontable to a person or group you are many more times likely to reach the goal you have set for yourself? Only 67% of people set goals, of those people only 10% will actual do anything with the goal they have set, and of that 10% on 2% will actually take action.  The difference is motivation and accountability.  When you get desperate enough or inspired enough in life then and only then will you move forward. You need a coach/mentor, an accountability group of matermind and other people who will help you, motivate you, hold you accountable and inspire you to live you best life Host Steve Kidd is joined by self proclaimed serial entrepreneur, successful real estate broker and business coach Rock Thomas to talk with you today about Mentoring and Acountability today on Thriving Entrepreneur,
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Author Steve Kidd
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