Parents Always Favored My Spoiled Brother Like Using My College Fund for His Car and Skipping My

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Parents Always Favored My Spoiled Brother Like Using My College Fund for His Car and Skipping My
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #familydrama #favoritism #collegefund #toxicparents #emotionalneglectSummary: My parents always favored my spoiled brother, using my college fund to buy him a car and skipping my graduation for his...
show moreMy parents always favored my spoiled brother, using my college fund to buy him a car and skipping my graduation for his event. Their blatant favoritism left me feeling undervalued and invisible. Now, I’m debating whether confronting them will mend or further strain our already broken relationship.Tags:
redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, favoritisminfamily, spoiledsiblings, familydrama, collegefundmisuse, unfairparents, siblingrivalry, emotionalneglect, toxicfamilydynamics, favoritismissues, childhoodtrauma, spoiledbrother, parentingfailures, familyfavoritism, parentalneglect, siblingissues, familyconflicts
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