Thousands of people tuned into part one of this series were we are inviting NYS employees who work in group homes to share their perspective on what is happening behind closed doors. and have eagerly anticipated this follow-up episode. The is episode will standout with a deeper dive into the I/DD Crisis. We are proud to showcase a perspective that often goes unheard on a topic not many people are fully aware of... Join us to hear from OPWDD staff members who are on the frontlines and have been serving people with special needs for 10+ years each. We will share some of the scary realities happening "behind closed doors" and given the nature of this conversation, please be advised that this content may not be appropriate for all audience members. This episode is part one in a series of episodes we are dedicating to Direct Service Professionals (DSPs) also known as aides, caregivers, and sidekicks. WE SEE YOU and stand with you. Thank you to Roc Vox Studios for helping us share this very important content with our audience and encourage everyone to SHARE THIS EPISODE.