Prioritizing People Over Buildings in the Church

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Prioritizing People Over Buildings in the Church
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The imbalance between the resources we pour into physical church buildings and the care we give to the people who worship within them. [Consequences of Misplaced Priorities]* - When we...
show more[Consequences of Misplaced Priorities]*
- When we invest more in the building than in the people, several issues arise:
1. *Neglect of the needy*: Resources that could have gone into feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, or supporting the broken are diverted into maintaining an impressive structure.
2. *Loss of community focus*: The church becomes more about a location than a living body of believers who are meant to support and uplift one another.
3. *Spiritual stagnation*: Focusing on the external often leads to neglecting the internal, resulting in a congregation that looks good on the outside but lacks spiritual depth and genuine relationships.
Author | Transformers podcast |
Organization | Real Heaven |
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