Shane Hipps - Selling Water by the River

Oct 27, 2012 · 2h 49s
Shane Hipps - Selling Water by the River

This week we will be interviewing Shane Hipps, the Emergent Christian author and minister, about his new book, Selling Water by the River: A Book About the Life Jesus Promised...

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This week we will be interviewing Shane Hipps, the Emergent Christian author and minister, about his new book, Selling Water by the River: A Book About the Life Jesus Promised and the Religion that Gets in the Way. (Jericho Books/Hachette Book Group, 2012). In Selling Water by the River, Shane reveals the true purpose of Jesus' life, apart from what Christianity has made it out to be. The book distinguishes Biblical truths about Jesus from the constraints of religious institutions  and reveals a shocking but welcome truth to readers, one that eternal life dwells within each of us, and is the only thing that can quench our innate thirst for happiness. "I am a Christian, and have been for 25 years," writes Hipps. "I've been a church leader for a decade. In these years of practicing and serving as a religious leader, I have come to believe that a big difference exists between the power and purpose of Jesus and the religion that bears his name." "The most overlooked aspect of the Good News is that we already have what we are looking for, and Jesus came to show us how to experience it."  Shane’s talks on technology and faith, preaching, and human development are available for download on his website, which also features hundreds of podcasts exploring leadership, culture, technology, and church.  In 2012 he was featured in the "Animate" film and curriculum series produced by Spark House. Learn more at or follow him on Twitter @shanehipps.  Please join us!  
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