Spells & Sorcery/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina/Marshal Perot

Aug 2, 2013 · 3h 19m 28s
Spells & Sorcery/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina/Marshal Perot

http://amzn.to/ZMql7F Amazon.com: New Creation (Your Supernatural Image) eBook: Pat Holliday: Kindle Store  A spell, charm, or incantation is a set of words, spoken or unspoken. Spell casting brings a mysterious...

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http://amzn.to/ZMql7F Amazon.com: New Creation (Your Supernatural Image) eBook: Pat Holliday: Kindle Store  A spell, charm, or incantation is a set of words, spoken or unspoken. Spell casting brings a mysterious outcome. Magical Spells from magic signs, language and patterns, perform and other forms are exercised by a compilation of words. The recital of magic spells involves the use of language. Whether spoken out strident or understood, words are regularly used to access or steer magical authority; magic spells which are used for various magic spells for love, magic spells money, magic spells for protection, black magic, white magic, candle magic, hoodoo root work, lucky charms, high magic, folk magic Spells.  Witchcraft in many churches are thriving the subject list reads like the syllabus at Hogwarts School in the Harry Potter books such as “Spell Casting”, “Divination,” “Spirits, Gods and Goddesses”, The Book of Shadows and Moon Magic.  "Beloved, believe not every spirit, try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."
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Author Miracle Internet Church Radio
Organization Miracle Internet Church
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