
The Best Way to Get Vitamin A

Dec 12, 2024 · 37m 12s
The Best Way to Get Vitamin A

12/12/24 - Dr. Jack Stockwell, & | Phone: 866-867-5070, shares more information on what RFK Jr. shares for and what it would mean if he becomes in charge...

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12/12/24 - Dr. Jack Stockwell, & | Phone: 866-867-5070, shares more information on what RFK Jr. shares for and what it would mean if he becomes in charge of the CDC, NIH, and FDA, and moving the health of Americans back to what represents the European model of health in eating real foods and not processed food and food-like products, and the misinformation of RFK Jr being against vaccines when the truth is he is in favor of safe vaccines, and questioning Big Pharma’s approach of treating illness and disease over prevention of illness and disease. Dr. Jack also discuses the body’s need for Vitamin A, and getting it in the form of liver, cod-liver oil, egg yoke, butter, and heavy cream. Boosting your immunity is something of significance importance to attain in an effort to keep from experiencing severe illness due to viral and/or bacterial illnesses — having a strong immune system won’t keep you from getting sick, but it will keep you from needing to be hospitalized due to your illness. Another discussion includes what’s in the MMR vaccine and why it’s dangerous. Lastly, Doug joins Dr. Jack Stockwell for a conversation on the best whole food supplements and why synthetic supplements and vitamins don’t provide the nutrition that’s most beneficial to your body. 

Social Media: @GoodDayNetworks
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Author Doug Stephan
Organization Doug Stephan
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