
The Creative Trance & the Trickster with Dr. Tobi Zausner & Dr. Stan Krippner

Sep 19, 2023 · 1h 10m 42s
The Creative Trance & the Trickster with  Dr. Tobi Zausner & Dr. Stan Krippner

Have you ever wondered just what makes the creative act special? Is it a confluence of events and timing, or is it a special state, a trance state, that is...

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Have you ever wondered just what makes the creative act special? Is it a confluence of events and timing, or is it a special state, a trance state, that is demarcated from ordinary time? This episode of the Psychology Talk Podcast takes a deep dive conversation on the creative trance and the trickster.

Dr. Tobi Zausner is a research psychologist, a clinician in private practice, and an
award-winning visual artist with works in major museums and in private collections
around the world. Dr. Zausner writes and lectures widely on psychology and human
potential at academic conferences and charitable events, as well as teaching in graduate programs.

Dr. Krippner has published numerous papers, book chapters and books. He is a professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He has lectured and published widely on human potential, parapsychology and transpersonal psychology, indigenous healing, and humanistic psychology. Dr. Zausner is the author of the new book, The Creative Trance. Dr. Krippner is the author of a paper entitled, Trance & the Trickster. He also has an upcoming autobiography entitled, A Chaotic Life.

There is a hegemony of waking consciousness in the western mindset that has eclipsed the natural inner landscape of revery and imagination that we still bump up against with indigenous cultures, and that the arts. The Creative Trance & the Trickster work outside the bounds of “normal time and space” and bring us all back to our roots in the as creatures rooted in the earth and capable of imaginal life.
The Creative Trance
Trance & the Trickster

The Psychology Talk Podcast is a unique conversation about psychology around the globe. Your host Dr. Scott Hoye discusses psychology and mental health trends with practitioners and experts to keep you informed about issues and trends in the industry. Dr. Hoye is a clinical psychologist and the director of Chicago Psychology Services, in Chicago, IL., USA.
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Author Scott Hoye
Organization Scott Hoye
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