Unlocking The Mystery & Science Behind Brain Wave Frequencies

Sep 26, 2014 · 55m 45s
Unlocking The Mystery & Science Behind Brain Wave Frequencies

Your brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at once...

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Your brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at once produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain, which can be detected using sensitive medical equipment (such as an EEG), measuring electricity levels over areas of the scalp. The combination of electrical activity of the brain is commonly called a Brainwave pattern, because of its cyclic, ‘wave-like’ nature. Our mind regulates its activities by means of electric waves which are registered in the brain, emiting tiny electrochemical impulses of varied frequencies, which can be registered by an electroencephalogram. Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler ( www.BuildMindPower.com) is a doctor of psychology with over 45 years of pioneering brain/mind research experience. In addition to teaching mind power methods in universities and corporations, she was invited by former President Jimmy Carter to support his Special Commission on Women in Business, was invited to serve as a Pentagon consultant focused on business communications, and has authored over 30 books, a novel, and hundreds of articles in both business and individual success categories. Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler's sites - www.QuantumLeapAudios.com, www.BuildMindPower.com, www.Quantum-Self.com
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Author Ryan McCormick
Organization Ryan McCormick
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