Victory for Ukraine, or a Grey Zone? War in Ukraine, Analytics. Alexey Arestovych with Lyudmila Nemirya (June19)

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Victory for Ukraine, or a Grey Zone? War in Ukraine, Analytics. Alexey Arestovych with Lyudmila Nemirya (June19)
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In an interview with Lyudmila Nemyra, we discussed Putin’s ultimatums, Russia’s long-term plans and their consequences for international security, reaction of the West and possible scenarios for the development of...
show more➤ 00:05 Putin's ultimatum, his visit to North Korea, plans and strategies. Subliminal actions of the Russian Federation are aimed at splitting the unity of the global West, consolidating the global South and influencing mass consciousness.
➤ 06:50 Collective American opinion on Ukraine: 75% of Americans believe it is important for Ukraine to win the war, despite changes in perception of the current situation.
➤ 11:55 Western strategy: Ukraine must not lose, Russia must not win.
➤ 16:46 Putin made a mistake by putting forward an ultimatum for Ukraine and strengthening the position of President Zelensky.
➤ 20:45 War vocabulary needs to be adjusted: not compromises and victory, but the real interests of the parties.
➤ 21:28 Collective security system in Europe. Collective West is not ready to fight for victory over Russia.
➤ 25:12 The role of real interests and/or values in peace negotiations. Realistic scenario for the new collective security system.
➤ 29:23 What will collective security system bring to Ukraine?
➤ 34:55 Putin’s ultimatum is an example of Russia’s unsecured policy. War creates a demographic and economic hole that will affect many future generations.
➤ 35:53 Russia and Ukraine cannot achieve political goals through war. It is necessary to look for real solutions, taking into account the interests of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
➤ 36:59 The problem of holding peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia.
➤ 38:15 The real scenario of peace negotiations between the West and Russia is a "Grey Zone".
➤ 44:07 Assessment of Russia's capabilities in the summer offensive.
➤ 45:18 Weak defense of the Ukrainian army and the qualitative and quantitative advantage of the enemy in the Ocheretinsky-Pokrovsky direction of the front. Who and why in Ukraine is systematically making so terribly wrong decisions?
➤ 47:48 Optimistic and Realistic scenario is a "grey zone": freezing the conflict will avoid an endless war wit more destruction.
- English translation #PrivateerStation
- Originalstream in Russian:
Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Advisor to the Office of Ukraine President :
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Lyudmila Nemirya (Kyiv, Ukraine): Journalist, UKRLIFE
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