Victory Through Submission to God / Dr. Sabrina Sessions /Marshall Perot

May 20, 2020 · 3h 21m 19s
Victory Through Submission to God / Dr. Sabrina Sessions /Marshall Perot

Victory through submission ? How is that possible ? What is God asking me to do ? How can I do this ? Why should I ? Saints we MUST...

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Victory through submission ? How is that possible ? What is God asking me to do ? How can I do this ? Why should I ? Saints we MUST give God first place in our lives. This is NOT a suggestion. It is essential . It MUST BE DONE. It is not possible to walk with the Lord without rendering to Him due honor and allegiance because of who He is. He is God and God alone. When we fail to submit ourselves to Him; we make of our selves our "own god" ! This is rebellion, idolatry, and iniquity. Rebellion and Idolatry bring forth more sin, more curses, more judgments, and Satan's rulership in our lives along with seven times worse demons. Failure to submit to God results in loss of blessings, backsliding, and the inability to stand against the devil. Saints we must make the RIGHT CHOICE.  Revelation 1:8 King James Version (KJV) 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
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Author Miracle Internet Church Radio
Organization Miracle Internet Church
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