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2023/03 Mar-Apr Ramadhan 1444H Sohba

  • The Battle For The Heart

    21 APR 2023 · - All of Mankind surrenders control of the heart to the Ego, at the start of their worldly journey. - For guided believers, they begin this battle to wrest control of the heart back from the Ego, and this battle is called the Jihadul Akbar - the Great Battle - by the Holy Prophetﷺ. - It is a lifelong battle which must be won in this worldly life. - The Ego is the doorway for shaitan to enter the heart. Just like when a man and woman marries and have offspring, the marriage between Ego and shaitan breeds sins. - The control centre of all organs is the heart. Should the heart be under shaitanic control, then all organs produce sinful acts. Hence it is crucial for a believer to strive until the heart - the House of God - is returned to its rightful owner and all shaitanic influences are removed and destroyed. - Just as the Prophetﷺ destroyed all idols in the Kaabah upon conquering Makkah, a believer's aim in life is to conquer his heart from the oppressor ego and banish all idols of self aggrandisation - pride, arrogance, self admiration, conceit, envy etc. from it. - That is the true meaning of Eidul Fitri - to return to the purity of the heart - to attain qolbun saleem before we return to Allah. - Then the Angels will welcome you with the real 'Eid Mubarak', when you are called home bearing the Golden Heart.
    Played 25m 40s
  • Faith Determines Our Rank

    14 APR 2023 · - The rank of Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq is from his unwavering faith in Allahﷻ. It was he who taught all of Mankind to reply to the 'Alastu Birabbikum' question that Allahﷻ asked Mankind on the Day of Promises. The Prophetﷺ said that if the weight of the faith of Sayyidina Abu Bakr was placed on one side of the scale, and that of all of Mankind on the other side, the faith of Sayyidina Abu Bakr weighs more. - Faith is increased by the companionship of people of faith, so always choose the physical and Spiritual companionship of Saints. Allahﷻ says: Be with the Truthful ones (Sodiqeen) (9:119). - Faith leaves us, like a white bird hovering over our heads, when we indulge in sinful acts. Death in that state is su'ul khotimah - a bad death. - Many of us forget to seek more Iman and protection from losing our faith, from Allahﷻ, in our prayers. Making Doa is one way to increase and protect faith. Faith is a priceless gift from Allahﷻ, the Al-Mukmin. - Faith is further increased by the proof we see and experience when we seek God's help in facing the trials in our lives. So trials and tests build patience, and patience is half of faith, hence the ultimate goal of these tests & trials is to increase our ranks by increasing faith.
    Played 18m 57s
  • The Qur'an, Map to The Hidden Treasure

    7 APR 2023 · - Allahﷻ is the Hidden Treasure. Heﷻ created us to find Him. The treasure map leading to this immense treasure, is the Holy Quran. - Allahﷻ has no benefit in revealing Himself to us. Heﷻ is not in need of us, our existence or our worshipping. But for us to be given access to see Hisﷻ Face and Listen to Himﷻ, and to meet Himﷻ, is an eternal happiness of no parallel, which makes even Paradise meaningless. - The Qur'an is the living and eternal miracle of Rasulullahﷺ. - It contains all the guidance necessary for each Soul to reach its destination - one Book for all Mankind, a gift to us, a gift of light that is often neglected and not valued. - The Qur'an is to be read, pondered over, practised, till it becomes our flesh & blood - the Prophetﷺ became a walking Qur'an. - "And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember; then is there anyone who will take the lesson?" Surah Al-Qamar (54:17) - Allahﷻ had made the Qur'an easy to learn, yet so many believers/mureeds still cannot read the Qur'an. - The Qur'an is in clear poetic perfect Arabic. Reading it in English is NOT the same. - So first learn to read simple Arabic. - Then learn tajweed, to read with tartil (properly). - Then learn to read with translation. - Then learn to read with tafsir (explanation). - Then ponder the meanings. - Then follow the treasure map step by step to the Hidden Treasure. - Can one ever dream to find even a worldly treasure, without a map? Never! What more to find the everlasting greatest prize of friendship and companionship with Himﷻ? - Don't abandon the Qur'an. Make it the lights of your chest and the means of healing for your illnesses. Live and die by it. Build your existence around it because at one time, you did not even exist. - Do you have no desire to know the one who created you, who brought you into existence from nothingness? Do you not want to be intimate discourse with the Lordﷻ who fashioned you... from nothing into something? With Kun faya kun. - You have but one chance in this life to find Himﷻ. And you never do so without the Divine treasure map. - What can you give to One who is King of Kingsﷻ? Your deeds? No. You give him yourself - be Hisﷻ Servant and reach Himﷻ by surrendering to Himﷻ.
    Played 23m 44s
  • Why Sahoor is So Important

    31 MAR 2023 · - The Prophet was born just before fajr. That time has been the most blessed time of day, ever since. - It is that last third of the night in which the Mercy of Allah descends upon this earth. It is also in that time that Sahoor is mandated. - Waking up for Sahoor is not so much about eating, as it is about catching that special time to worship. - A common misconception is that Sahoor is about eating, so that one will not get hungry later whilst fasting. So, one who does not feel hungry, or who had eaten supper at midnight, feels no need to wake up for Sahoor. In doing so, they miss the whole point of sahoor - to catch the blessings of that time near fajr, the blessings of reviving a Sunnah and the blessings of praying fajr on time. - Even eating just a date or a drinking a tiny sip of water in that last hour before fajr, is already considered having caught the blessings of sahoor. - But the actual blessings of sahoor lie in doing tahajjud and doa in that very special and blessed time. - Even just a two raka'at Sunnat shukur is worth the world and its contents. - Istighfar is especially accepted then too. - And the reading/recitation of the Qur'an in that time is witnessed by the Angels. - So don't miss the Sahoor that is close to fajr. Even if you have eaten earlier, awaken in that last hour to catch the Spiritual blessings that are unique to Ramadhan. - In the Qur'an, Allah mentioned two deeds specific to sahur time. - Al-Isra' verses 78-79 (78) أَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ لِدُلُوكِ ٱلشَّمْسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ ٱلَّيْلِ وَقُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِۖ إِنَّ قُرْءَانَ ٱلْفَجْرِ كَانَ مَشْهُودًا (79) وَمِنَ ٱلَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِۦ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ عَسَىٰٓ أَن يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحْمُودًا (78) Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night and [also] the Quran [i.e., recitation] of dawn. Indeed, the recitation of dawn is ever witnessed. (79) And from [part of] the night, pray with it [i.e., recitation of the Quran] as additional [worship] for you; it is expected that your Lord will resurrect you to a praised station (Maqamam Mahmuda). - Lessons: - To pray tahajjud raises believers to Maqamam Mahmuda. This is the highest maqam, that we Doa for the Prophet to reach, in the doa after Azan. - To recite Qur'an at fajr is witnessed by the Angels. - So don't skip Sahoor!
    Played 11m 44s
  • The Most Precious Gift from Allah

    24 MAR 2023 · - The first 10 days of Ramadhan are days of Oceans of Mercy descending upon all of Mankind - However only the believers are accepting this Mercy. The other Oceans that have not been accepted by the unbelievers do not rise back to the heavens, but remain on this earth to be redistributed to the believers who ask for it. So ask! - These Oceans contain light and beauty, and gifts of dressings and blessings, the most precious of which is - hidayah (Guidance) - Allah is Al-Hadi, the Guide. The one blessed to receive hidayah will find the closed doors leading to good deeds and abundant sustenance, opened for him - Via such open doors do unbelievers become people of faith, and non-Tariqah people become people who begin seeking a Shaykh - Hidayah is the key to change - From darkness into light. From nakedness to covering up. From smoking to leaving the habit - From every sort of badness - the doors close. To every type of goodness - the doors open - Hence every Fateha is a prayer to be continually showered in hidayah... that in every moment we are guided to what pleases Allah and at the same time, guided away from what causes Him to turn away from us - So seek fervently this priceless gift for ourselves and our loved ones
    Played 14m

Audhu billahi min ash-shaitan ir-rajeem 🌹Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem🌹 Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said in a sahih hadith, “ad-deenu naseeha” – “Religion is advice.” Religion is not a lecture for a...

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Audhu billahi min ash-shaitan ir-rajeem
🌹Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem🌹

Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said in a sahih hadith, “ad-deenu naseeha” – “Religion is advice.” Religion is not a lecture for a scholar to give and go. It is advice, and advice doesn’t come except through experience. Advice cannot be theoretical.

Sayyidina Shah Naqshaband said, “tariqatuna as-suhbah wal-khayru fil-jam`iyya” – “Our tariqat is association, it is keeping company, sohbah, association, and the best of the gathering is in coming together.” Or it can be said, “Our way is guidance, and the best is in association.” Without association, without advice, there is no way to benefit.

🌹 KINDLY NOTE: The recordings in this podcast are initiated and personally documented by student attendees of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil Ar Rabbani, the 41st Leader of the Nasqhbandi Aliyyah Sufi Order, in Singapore.
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