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2024 Most Anticipated Video Games

  • 2024 Most Anticipated Video Games

    11 JAN 2024 · Buckle Up, Game Changers: A Deep Dive into the Most Anticipated Games of 2024 2024, oh glorious 2024! A year etched in pixels, a battlefield forged in polygons, a symphony composed in code. It's a year where virtual dreams manifest, where controllers become conduits to fantastical worlds, and where the boundaries between player and experience blur like a watercolor masterpiece. But with so many contenders vying for glory, where do we start? Well, buckle up, intrepid adventurers, because this is your compass, your guide through the vibrant jungle of video game releases. First on the horizon: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Prepare to revisit Midgar, not as a tourist, but as a participant in the revolution's crescendo. Cloud, Aerith, and the gang return in this next chapter of the iconic saga, promising emotional gut punches, breathtaking visuals, and combat that'll make your fingers dance on the controller. The whispers surrounding the story hint at a darker, more personal journey, one that forces us to confront the complexities of choice and consequence. Can Square Enix recapture the lightning in a bottle that was the original? The world waits with bated breath, fingers hovering over pre-order buttons. Star Wars Outlaws: Blasters blaze, credits clink, and bounty hunters grin, for Star Wars Outlaws promises a space western unlike any we've seen before. Imagine Han Solo meets The Mandalorian, with a generous dash of Firefly thrown in for good measure. Explore the lawless Outer Rim, forge your own legend, and maybe even bump into some familiar faces along the way. The developers, BioWare, are veterans of crafting intricate narratives and memorable characters, so buckle up for a tale of grit, gunslinging, and moral ambiguity in the galaxy far, far away. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth: Kiryu-san is back, baby! But this time, he's traded the streets of Kamurocho for the glittering, ruthless world of casinos. Gear up for high-stakes card games, dicey business deals, and enough Yakuza shenanigans to fill a karaoke bar. The beloved Yakuza series takes a new twist with this blend of turn-based strategy and classic beat-em-up action. Will Kiryu become the king of the casino floor, or will his penchant for justice land him in hot water? Only time, and some well-placed bets, will tell. Dragon's Dogma II: Dragons soar, claws extend, and arisen rise once more. This long-awaited sequel takes us back to the fantastical world of Gransys, where humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. Choose your pawn, customize your class, and climb the Arisen's path in a world teeming with mythical beasts and challenging quests. Capcom promises an even deeper combat system, a vast open world full of secrets, and a story that expands on the lore of the original. Will this dragon rise to legendary heights, or will it be devoured by the hype? These are just the opening salvos in a year destined to be etched in digital history. Stay tuned, adventurers, because this is just the beginning. We'll dive deeper into each of these games, explore hidden gems lurking in the indie space, and keep you updated on all the twists and turns this epic year will bring. So grab your controllers, sharpen your skills, and prepare to lose yourself in worlds of wonder. The future of gaming is here, and it's glorious. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
    Played 3m 15s
  • Final Fantasy VII- Rebirth

    11 JAN 2024 · Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Deep Dive into a Cloud-Strewn Horizon Ah, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. The mere mention of its name sends shivers down the spines of veteran slayers and sparks curiosity in the eyes of wide-eyed rookies. Square Enix's magnum opus returns, not as a nostalgic echo, but as a full-fledged symphony of evolution, ready to orchestrate a new chapter in the iconic saga. But what secrets lie hidden within the pixelated walls of Midgar? What whispers dance on the wind beyond the city limits? Let's don our mako-infused visors and delve deep into the heart of Rebirth. A Story Whispered in Fragments: The narrative thread picks up after the explosive events of Final Fantasy VII Remake, with Cloud and his band of eco-terrorists grappling with the fallout of their defiance against Shinra. Sephiroth, the silver-haired enigma, looms large, his motivations even more veiled than his iconic one-wing. Hints of a darker timeline, whispers of "Lost Numbers" and a world teetering on the brink of oblivion, paint a picture of a story that transcends mere nostalgia. This isn't your father's Midgar anymore. This is a Midgar scarred by conflict, haunted by shadows, and pregnant with potential for both redemption and ruin. Beyond the Familiar Streets: While Midgar will once again serve as the crucible for our heroes' struggle, Rebirth promises to stretch its digital legs beyond the city walls. Whispers of vast, untamed wilderness, forgotten settlements clinging to ancient secrets, and even whispers of the fabled Forgotten Capital fuel the fire of anticipation. The world of Gaia feels richer, more expansive, a tapestry woven with familiar threads and daring new patterns. Whether it's the windswept plains of the Wutai, the sun-drenched beaches of Costa del Sol, or the towering peaks of Mount Gagazet, every step promises a fresh vista, a new encounter, a chance to lose yourself in the intricate tapestry of this reborn world. Combat Evolved: The real-time combat of Remake, a breath of fresh air for purists and newcomers alike, gets a refined polish in Rebirth. Expect a deeper strategic layer, where positioning, enemy weaknesses, and strategic use of ATB gauges become the dance of battle. Think strategic party composition, dynamic switching between characters, and unleashing devastating special attacks that make the Mako reactors tremble. Whether you're a button-mashing brawler or a methodical tactician, Rebirth promises a combat system that caters to your inner warrior, pushing you to master the art of unleashing hell with a flourish. Visually Astounding: The graphical prowess of Rebirth demands a moment of silent reverence. Imagine Midgar in all its grimy glory, bathed in the warm glow of a setting sun. Picture the emerald expanse of the Forgotten Forest, alive with shimmering dewdrops and sun-dappled leaves. Envision Sephiroth, his eyes smoldering like molten silver, his every movement a testament to his otherworldly grace. Square Enix is pushing the boundaries of what the PS5 can achieve, crafting a world that feels not just rendered, but alive, breathing, pulsing with an energy that begs to be explored. A Symphony of Sound: And what's a Final Fantasy epic without a score that tugs at your heartstrings and sends shivers down your spine? Nobuo Uematsu, the maestro of melody, returns to weave a sonic tapestry that blends nostalgia with innovation. Familiar themes take on new life, infused with the weight of time and experience. Expect heart-wrenching ballads at twilight, adrenaline-pumping battle hymns, and moments of quiet contemplation where the sheer beauty of the music transports you beyond the realm of pixels and controllers. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is more than just a game. It's a promise whispered, a world reborn, a symphony waiting to be heard. It's the culmination of years of anticipation, a love letter to a fandom, and a bold step into the future of a genre. Whether you're a seasoned veteran of the Mako reactors or a fresh-faced adventurer stepping into Midgar for the first time, brace yourself. This is the dawn of a new era, and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the sun rising on a horizon bright with promise. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
    Played 4m 17s
  • Star Wars Outlaws

    11 JAN 2024 · Star Wars Outlaws: Blast Off to a Gritty Galaxy's Edge Move over, Mandalorians, because a new breed of gunslingers is swaggering onto the galactic stage with blasters blazing and credits clinking. Star Wars Outlaws, the upcoming open-world epic from BioWare, promises to take us on a lawless joyride through the Outer Rim, where bounty hunters carve their own destinies and moral ambiguity reigns supreme. Buckle up, space cowboys, because it's time to explore the darker underbelly of the Star Wars universe, blasters optional (but highly encouraged). Scoundrels, Shenanigans, and Side Hustles: Forget piloting X-wings or joining the Jedi Academy. In Star Wars Outlaws, you're not a chosen one, you're a hustler, a scavenger, a rogue carving your own path in the galaxy's grimy underbelly. Think Han Solo meets The Mandalorian, with a generous dash of Firefly's outlaw spirit thrown in for good measure. Craft your own custom outlaw, choose your trusty sidekicks (or betray them, it's your call), and build a reputation that echoes through the asteroid fields. Whether you're charming your way out of a Hutt's palace or blasting your way through a pirate ambush, every choice shapes your legend and opens new doors (or slams them shut in your face). The Outer Rim: Untamed and Unforgiving: This ain't Tatooine's sandy dunes or Coruscant's gleaming skyscrapers. Star Wars Outlaws throws you into the lawless expanse of the Outer Rim, a tapestry of forgotten planets, glittering space stations, and hidden smuggler dens. Explore vibrant alien bazaars teeming with bounty hunters and shady merchants, navigate treacherous asteroid fields where pirates lurk, and uncover ancient, forgotten ruins promising forgotten treasure and untold peril. BioWare's knack for crafting immersive open worlds comes into full force here, making every corner feel like a potential adventure, a chance to snag some credits, or double-cross your way to the top. Blasters, Blades, and Bounty Boards: When diplomacy fails, blasters speak the loudest language. Star Wars Outlaws offers a dynamic combat system that blends ranged shootouts with brutal melee brawls. Master a blaster rifle for satisfying long-range pew-pew action, wield a vibroblade for up-close and personal mayhem, or mix and match for a combat style that screams "rogue with a plan." Hunt down bounties for hefty payouts, take on side hustles from eccentric patrons, or just blast your way through anything that stands between you and the next big score. But remember, the Outer Rim can be a fickle mistress. One wrong move and you might find yourself staring down a blaster barrel with your own name on the bounty board. BioWare's Touch of Storytelling: Of course, Star Wars Outlaws isn't just about blasting your way through space scum. BioWare's renowned storytelling expertise shines through in every corner of this chaotic galaxy. Expect morally gray choices that weigh on your conscience, unexpected twists that leave you gasping for air, and companions who could backstab you just as easily as they'd share a bottle of Corellian ale. Will you become a legendary smuggler, a feared bounty hunter, or a scoundrel with a heart of gold? The choice is yours, and the consequences will ripple through the Outer Rim like a blaster bolt through a cantina window. Star Wars Outlaws is more than just a game. It's a chance to carve your own legend in the Star Wars universe, a gritty space western where every blaster shot tells a story and every corner hides a fortune (or a face full of trouble). So grab your thermal detonators, polish your boots, and keep your blaster holstered (for now). The Outer Rim awaits, and in Star Wars Outlaws, only the sharpest shooters and the cleverest outlaws survive. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
    Played 3m 49s
  • Like a Dragon- Infinite Wealth

    11 JAN 2024 · Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Where Yakuza Punch Meets Paradise Palms Ah, Like a Dragon. The series is synonymous with karaoke bars, devastating heat kicks, and enough side quests to fill a pachinko parlor. And its latest iteration, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, promises to be the most ludicrous, extravagant, and heartwarming chapter yet. This time, we trade the neon alleys of Kamurocho for the sun-kissed shores of Honolulu, Hawaii, where Kiryu-san and Ichiban Kasuga go from Yakuza brawlers to casino high rollers and beachside brawlers. Get ready for a cocktail of familiar faces, high-stakes gambles, and enough pineapple-shaped substories to give you a sugar rush. Yakuza in Paradise: Imagine Kiryu-san, the Dragon of Dojima, swapping his trademark tracksuit for a floral shirt and shorts. Picture Ichiban, the underdog with a heart of gold, perfecting his tan on Waikiki Beach. That's the hilarious premise of Infinite Wealth. Our favorite Yakuza duo finds themselves in Honolulu thanks to a cryptic tip and a family connection for Ichiban. But paradise ain't just Mai Tais and luaus. A rival Yakuza clan, the Barracudas, has set up shop in Hawaii, and their turf war threatens to disrupt the island's delicate peace. Can our heroes use their unique brand of justice and maybe a bit of luck at the blackjack tables to keep the Aloha spirit alive? From Dice Rolls to Dragon Punches: Infinite Wealth takes a refreshing turn from the usual Yakuza beat-em-up gameplay. While fisticuffs are never far away, the focus shifts to casino action and management. Run your own casino, deal cards, spin the roulette wheel, and rake in the dough. Master the art of the hustle, outsmart your opponents at the poker table, and build your gambling empire brick by brick (or chip by chip). Of course, the Yakuza life rarely comes without a few brawls. Expect chaotic street fights with tropical backdrops, hilarious misunderstandings with Hawaiian gangsters, and maybe even a rumble on the beach against a sumo wrestler in a speedo. Substories You Can Lei Around Your Neck: The heart of any Yakuza game lies in its side quests, those miniature epics that fill the world with absurdity and heartwarming moments. Expect to help lost tourists find their way, teach hula dancing to a grumpy old Yakuza boss, and maybe even compete in a surfing competition against a talking shark. The developers promise a mix of familiar humor and new island-themed shenanigans, all delivered with the series' signature blend of sincerity and slapstick. You never know what you'll find around the next corner in Infinite Wealth, which is half the fun. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is more than just a beach vacation for our favorite Yakuza. It's a chance to see these familiar faces in a new light, a chance to laugh, cry, and maybe even win a jackpot or two. It's a testament to the series' ability to constantly reinvent itself while staying true to its core themes of loyalty, redemption, and finding light in the darkest corners, even if those corners happen to be in a tiki bar filled with singing Elvis impersonators. So grab your sunscreen, loosen your tie (or strap on your floral shirt, Kiryu-san), and get ready to experience the wackiest, weirdest, and most heartwarming Like a Dragon adventure yet. Aloha! Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
    Played 3m 17s
  • Dragon's Dogma II- Rise of the Arisen

    11 JAN 2024 · Dragon's Dogma II: Rise of the Arisen - A Dance with Dragons in a Broken World Ah, Arisen, prepare to ascend once more. For the winds of Gransys whisper of dragons stirring, of a world teetering on the abyss, and of you, the chosen pawn in this grand, tragic play. Dragon's Dogma II, the long-awaited sequel to Capcom's cult classic, beckons with the promise of a deeper dive into a fantastical realm, where wyverns soar, pawns whisper cryptic truths, and the fate of humanity hangs precariously in the balance. A World Scars Deeper: Years have passed since the Red Moon cast its baleful shadow on Gransys. The land bears the scars of that apocalyptic night, with once-fertile plains choked by dust and towering castles reduced to crumbling monuments to a fallen era. Yet, life endures, clinging tenaciously to the edges of a broken world. Human settlements huddle behind towering ramparts, guarded by Arisen's legacy, those brave souls who ventured forth to slay the dragon and mend the sky. But the peace won was fragile, a mere lull before the inevitable storm. Dragons Dance, Arisen Arise: Whispers slither through the land, tales of colossal leviathans, each fiercer and more ancient than the last, rising from the slumber forced upon them by the previous Arisen. The Great Wyrm, the Ur-Dragon, stirs in its primordial slumber, promising a cataclysm that will eclipse even the Red Moon's devastation. You, Arisen, are humanity's last hope. Rise from the ashes of forgotten pawns, choose your class, and forge a bond with a new pawn – your silent, adaptable companion on this perilous journey. Deeper Combat, Deadlier Dance: Combat in Dragon's Dogma II evolves on the foundation laid by its predecessor. Expect a dynamic, strategic dance, where positioning, enemy weaknesses, and mastery of your chosen weapon become instruments of your survival. Climb atop monstrous griffons and unleash aerial attacks, grapple onto wyverns and cleave their scales with your blade, or utilize the environment to your advantage, setting traps and exploiting weaknesses with tactical aplomb. The Pawn system praised for its AI and adaptability, returns, offering strategic depth and companionship in an unforgiving world. Secrets Whispered in Bones: Gransys is a tapestry woven with ancient magic and forgotten lore. Unravel its mysteries by scouring dusty libraries, deciphering cryptic messages etched in dragon bones, and piecing together the fragmented history of your world. Explore vast, diverse landscapes, from sun-drenched grasslands teeming with wyverns to subterranean caverns where forgotten horrors lurk. Each step unveils a new facet of this intricately crafted world, a world that begs to be explored, plundered, and understood. Choices Ripple, Dragons Roar: Your choices echo through the world of Dragon's Dogma II. Every decision, every alliance forged, every pawn dismissed, carries weight. Will you side with the human factions vying for power, or carve your own path amidst the chaos? Will you delve into the darkness to uncover forbidden knowledge, or remain a beacon of hope in a dying world? The fate of Gransys hangs in the balance, and your every action tips the scales. Dragon's Dogma II is more than just a game. It's a call to adventure, a descent into a world both wondrous and perilous. It's a dance with dragons, a symphony of steel and fire, a story of humanity's struggle against extinction. So sharpen your blades, Arisen, polish your shield, and whisper a prayer to the Nine. The dragons demand a reckoning, and the fate of Gransys rests on your shoulders. Rise, Arisen, and claim your destiny amidst the flames. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
    Played 3m 52s

Buckle Up, Game Changers: A Deep Dive into the Most Anticipated Games of 2024 2024, oh glorious 2024! A year etched in pixels, a battlefield forged in polygons, a symphony...

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Buckle Up, Game Changers: A Deep Dive into the Most Anticipated Games of 2024 2024, oh glorious 2024! A year etched in pixels, a battlefield forged in polygons, a symphony composed in code. It's a year where virtual dreams manifest, where controllers become conduits to fantastical worlds, and where the boundaries between player and experience blur like a watercolor masterpiece. But with so many contenders vying for glory, where do we start? Well, buckle up, intrepid adventurers, because this is your compass, your guide through the vibrant jungle of video game releases. First on the horizon: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Prepare to revisit Midgar, not as a tourist, but as a participant in the revolution's crescendo. Cloud, Aerith, and the gang return in this next chapter of the iconic saga, promising emotional gut punches, breathtaking visuals, and combat that'll make your fingers dance on the controller. The whispers surrounding the story hint at a darker, more personal journey, one that forces us to confront the complexities of choice and consequence. Can Square Enix recapture the lightning in a bottle that was the original? The world waits with bated breath, fingers hovering over pre-order buttons. Star Wars Outlaws: Blasters blaze, credits clink, and bounty hunters grin, for Star Wars Outlaws promises a space western unlike any we've seen before. Imagine Han Solo meets The Mandalorian, with a generous dash of Firefly thrown in for good measure. Explore the lawless Outer Rim, forge your own legend, and maybe even bump into some familiar faces along the way. The developers, BioWare, are veterans of crafting intricate narratives and memorable characters, so buckle up for a tale of grit, gunslinging, and moral ambiguity in the galaxy far, far away. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth: Kiryu-san is back, baby! But this time, he's traded the streets of Kamurocho for the glittering, ruthless world of casinos. Gear up for high-stakes card games, dicey business deals, and enough Yakuza shenanigans to fill a karaoke bar. The beloved Yakuza series takes a new twist with this blend of turn-based strategy and classic beat-em-up action. Will Kiryu become the king of the casino floor, or will his penchant for justice land him in hot water? Only time, and some well-placed bets, will tell. Dragon's Dogma II: Dragons soar, claws extend, and arisen rise once more. This long-awaited sequel takes us back to the fantastical world of Gransys, where humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. Choose your pawn, customize your class, and climb the Arisen's path in a world teeming with mythical beasts and challenging quests. Capcom promises an even deeper combat system, a vast open world full of secrets, and a story that expands on the lore of the original. Will this dragon rise to legendary heights, or will it be devoured by the hype? These are just the opening salvos in a year destined to be etched in digital history. Stay tuned, adventurers, because this is just the beginning. We'll dive deeper into each of these games, explore hidden gems lurking in the indie space, and keep you updated on all the twists and turns this epic year will bring. So grab your controllers, sharpen your skills, and prepare to lose yourself in worlds of wonder. The future of gaming is here, and it's glorious. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
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