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40 Days at the Foot of the Cross

  • Introduction - 40 Days at the Foot of the Cross: A Gaze of Love from the Heart of Our Blessed Mother

    15 NOV 2018 · In writing to the Church in Galatia, Saint Paul said, “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:14). Saint Paul had clearly come to a profound realization that the Cross of Christ must be the single focus of his life. From a purely earthly perspective, the Cross doesn’t make sense. What is the value of suffering and death? What is the value of the brutal treatment of the Son of God? How could such a horrific incident ever be seen as something good, let alone the single boast of one’s life? These are difficult questions, and from an earthly perspective alone, they are impossible to answer. But from the point of view of grace and truth, from the perspective of God Himself, the answer is that in the Cross all goodness is contained. The Cross is the throne of all grace and mercy and from it alone new life is poured forth. There is no other source of the transforming power of God than the Cross. The mystery of the Cross is just that: a mystery. In fact, it is the most profound mystery. In the Cross we see the greatest horror transformed into the greatest good. We see death become the source of life. Suffering becomes the source of healing. Bondage becomes the source of freedom. Only God, in His perfect wisdom and power, is capable of transforming such evil into pure grace. Only God can do what no human mind could ever fathom to save humanity, dying a cruel death. This book, 40 Days at the Foot of the Cross, was written as a daily devotional by which the reader is invited to prayerfully ponder this most profound mystery of our faith. You are invited to stand at the foot of the Cross and gaze at our crucified Lord in openness to the mystery of His death. As you do, be assured that Jesus has much to teach you and reveal to you about your own suffering. His lessons will be ones taught by His own witness and saving act of love. You will be invited to enter into this act of sacrificial love and unite yourself more deeply with its power and truth. The meditations in this book are presented from the perspective of the greatest disciple of our Lord: His own dear mother. Mother Mary was one who faced the Cross of her Son with perfect openness, faith, love and devotion. Her fidelity to her Son throughout His life was unwavering. As she stood before the Cross during those long three hours, her fidelity never ceased. This devotional attempts to ponder what our Blessed Mother would have pondered during those three hours. What was she thinking as she stood there gazing at her own Child dying? What memories went through her mind? What emotions and feelings filled her heart as she watched this final act of love? The Scriptures do not reveal much about the interior ponderings of our Blessed Mother during those three hours, but the Scriptures do reveal to us many encounters between this mother and Son. Since the Cross was the culmination of the life of both mother and Son, it’s beautiful to bring to this moment of the Cross all the many experiences that these two shared throughout their earthly lives. It’s inspiring to unite all that they did and said to this moment, since all was a preparation for this moment. As you read through these meditations, try to do so in a prayerful setting. Allow yourself to be drawn into the mind and heart of our Blessed Mother and try to understand how she viewed her Son’s Cross. As you do, bring also your own crosses in life and look at them from the perspective of this loving mother. Allow her gaze to penetrate your crosses and to reveal to you the importance of their complete embrace. Enter into this mystery with faith and allow that faith to unite you more fully with the Cross of Christ, so that, with Saint Paul, the Lord’s Cross will become your central and single “boast” in life.
    Played 5m 50s
  • Day One - A Mother's Love

    15 NOV 2018 · Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. John 19:25 This is one of the most widely depicted scenes in sacred art throughout the centuries. It’s the image of the Mother of Jesus standing at the foot of the Cross with two other women. Saint John, the beloved disciple, was also there with them. This scene is far more than merely an image of the salvation of the world. It is more than the Son of God offering His life for us all. It is more than the greatest act of sacrificial love ever known to the world. It is so much more. What else does this scene depict? It depicts the most tender love of a human mother as she stands gazing at her own dear Son, dying a horrific death and agonizing with the greatest suffering. Yes, Mary is the Mother of God and Jesus is the Son of God. She is the Immaculate Conception, conceived without sin, and He is the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. But He is also her Son and she is also His mother. Thus, this scene is deeply personal, intimate and familial. Try to imagine the human emotion and experience that both mother and Son endured at this moment. Imagine the pain and suffering in the heart of the mother as she stood gazing upon the brutal treatment of her own Child whom she raised, loved and cared for throughout His life. Jesus was not only the Savior of the World to her. He was her own flesh and blood. Reflect, today, upon one aspect of this sacred scene. Look at the human bond of this mother and her Son. Set aside, momentarily, the divinity of the Son and the immaculate nature of the mother. Look only upon the human bond they share. She is His mother. He is her Son. Ponder this bond today. As you do, try to let this glimpse penetrate your own heart so that you can begin to feel the love that they shared. Dearest Mother, you stood at the foot of the Cross of your Son. Though He was God, He was first your Son. You bore Him, raised Him, cared for Him and loved Him throughout His human life. Then, you stood gazing at His bruised and beaten body. Dearest Mother, you invite me into this mystery of your love for your Son, this day. You invite me to stand by you as you stood by your Son. I accept this invitation. The mystery and depth of your love for your Son is beyond comprehension. But, nonetheless, I accept your invitation to join you in this gaze of love. Precious Lord, Jesus, I see You, gaze upon You and love You. As I begin this journey with You and Your dear mother, help me to begin on a human level. Help me to begin seeing all that You and Your mother shared. I accept Your profound invitation to enter into the mystery of this holy and human love. Mother Mary, pray for us. Jesus, I trust in You.
    Played 4m 47s
  • Day Two – The Strength of the Immaculate Heart

    15 NOV 2018 · Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. John 19:25 Again, today, we look at this most sacred scene of the Mother of Jesus standing at the foot of the Cross. Note that John’s Gospel says she was “standing.” There is little doubt that the human emotion Mother Mary felt was extreme and intense. Her heart was broken and pierced as she gazed upon her dear Son hanging upon the Cross. But as she gazed upon Him, she stood. The fact that she stood is significant. It is a small and subtle way by which this Gospel passage depicts her strength in the midst of great personal pain. Nothing could be more devastating than for her to witness such brutality toward the one whom she loved with her whole heart. Yet, in the midst of this excruciating pain, she did not give in to her grief or fall into despair. She stood, with the utmost strength, faithfully fulfilling a mother’s love until the end. Our Blessed Mother’s strength at the foot of the Cross is rooted in a heart that is immaculate in every way. Her heart was immaculate in love, perfectly strong, perfectly faithful, unwavering in determination, and imbued with unfailing hope in the midst of earthly chaos. From the perspective of the world, the greatest tragedy possible was befalling her Son. But from the perspective of Heaven, she was being invited at the same moment to manifest the pure love of her Immaculate Heart. Only a heart that loved with perfection could be so strong. The hope, in particular, that would have been alive within her heart was awe-inspiring and glorious. How does one have hope and strength like this in the face of such pain? There is only one way and it is the way of love. The pure and holy love in the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother was perfect. Reflect, today, upon the strength of the heart of our Blessed Mother. Gaze upon the love she had for her Son and allow yourself to be drawn into awe of this pure and holy love. When you find pain in your life to be intense and overwhelming, remember the love in the Heart of this mother. Pray that her heart will inspire yours and that her strength will become your strength as you seek to face the crosses and hardships of life. My most loving Mother, draw me into the purity and strength of your heart. You stood at the foot of the Cross, gazing upon your Son as He was so cruelly treated. Invite me into your heart of perfect love, so that I may be inspired by you and strengthened by your glorious witness. My dear Mother, as you stood at the foot of the Cross, you set an example for all people. There is no better place to be than the foot of the Cross. Help me to never turn away from the Cross, hiding in fear, pain or despair. Free me from my weakness and pray for me that I may imitate the strength of the love of your heart. Precious Lord, as You hung upon the Cross, You allowed the love of Your Heart to unite with the heart of Your mother. Invite me into this shared love, so that I may also be united with You in Your pain and suffering. May I never take my eyes off of You, dear Lord. Mother Mary, pray for us. Jesus, I trust in You.
    Played 5m 19s
  • Day Three – The Thoughts of the Mother of God

    15 NOV 2018 · Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. John 19:25 Most people experiencing such persecution would encounter thoughts of confusion, anger and denial. Such encounters are very difficult to understand and the temptation to irrational and confused thinking would be strong. So what was going through the mind of our Blessed Mother? Mother Mary not only had an Immaculate Heart, she also had a mind that was sharpened with the perfection of faith. In her faith she may not have had the same knowledge and understanding as she has now in Heaven, but her faith was such that she knew this horror was permitted by the will of the Father. Her mind would have grasped the deepest truth that her Son was fulfilling His divine mission. She would have known that this tragedy was not a tragedy at all; rather, it was the greatest act of love ever known. Mother Mary’s faith would have mixed with the pain she felt in that moment. Her faith would have been a source of great confidence as she was tempted to despair. Her faith would have transformed all temptations into clarity and conviction. In the end, she would have conquered her temptations by the truth revealed to her from the mind of God. In our own lives, suffering leaves us confused and uncertain. It tempts us to lose faith and to doubt the perfect will of the Father in Heaven. We must learn from the witness of our Blessed Mother as she allowed the truth to direct her thinking as she faced her Son’s suffering. Only the truth could set her free to understand and shed every temptation to doubt the wisdom of God. Reflect, today, upon the perfect faith of our Blessed Mother. Her faith was an absolutely certain knowledge that God was in control and that the will of the Father was being achieved before her very eyes. Worldly wisdom was left with an impossible task of making sense of such cruelty. But Heavenly wisdom took over as she consented to the death of her Son for the salvation of the World. Dear Mother, so many times in life I am tempted to doubt the ways of God. My own crosses, and those of my loved ones, can leave me confused. Pray for me that I may have your perfect faith as I go through this world of suffering and pain. May I never be deterred by the temptations that come from worldly wisdom alone, but instead allow the truth of Heavenly wisdom to flood my mind and give direction to my life. Precious Jesus, You allowed Your Immaculate Mother to witness the excruciating pain of Your Cross. But You also bestowed upon her Heavenly insight and knowledge so as to help bring clarity to her mind. Pour forth this same knowledge upon me and upon all mankind. Help us to know You and Your perfect will in all things. Mother Mary, pray for us. Jesus, I trust in You.
    Played 4m 39s
  • Day Four – Spiritual Friendship

    15 NOV 2018 · Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. John 19:25 By the providence and will of God, our Blessed Mother was not at the foot of the Cross alone. She was joined by two other holy women as well as by Saint John the Apostle. Together they stood at the foot of the sacrifice of Jesus. The strength of our Blessed Mother was unmatched. She and she alone could have stood at the foot of the Cross gazing in faith and perfect trust as she watched her Son endure His sacrifice. However, it was the will of the Father in Heaven that she not endure this alone. She was given certain spiritual companions with whom she would walk through this suffering. In many ways, our Blessed Mother was more of a pillar of strength for her companions than they were for her. But we can also be certain that she allowed the companionship of Saint John and these holy women to bring comfort and strength to her own heart. It is not the will of God that we face the hardships of life alone. Even if we were as strong and immaculate as our Blessed Mother, we could still be certain that God would want us to face the challenges of life with the assistance and consolation of others. Human life is made for communion with one another. Offering and receiving strength and consolation makes up part of who we are. Therefore, we must allow this holy scene at the foot of the cross to remind us of our need for the spiritual friendship of others. We must daily seek to embrace those friendships that God has given us and be open to new ones that He sends our way. Reflect, today, upon two things. First, reflect in gratitude upon the people in your life who act as a source of strength and support in times of need. No one but Jesus and our Blessed Mother will be a perfect support, but if we are open, we will come to realize that there are many whom God uses to offer us strength and support in various ways. Reflect, also, upon those who need your spiritual friendship. Who has God placed on your heart to reach out to and to console? Stand with them, at the foot of their daily crosses, and together you will be gazing at our Lord Himself. Dearest Mother, as you stood at the foot of the Cross you were joined by Saint John and the holy women. You allowed them to be a source of consolation to you who were immaculate in every way. You invited them into your own grieving heart and allowed their mutual love of your Son to bring you joy and strength. Dear Mother, draw me also close to your heart. May I also become a spiritual consolation to you in this agony. As I do so, I trust that this closeness to you will also be a source of consolation to me in my suffering and pain. I thank you for standing by me throughout life and I renew my trust in your motherly care. My dear Jesus, you draw me to Yourself and invite me to gaze upon You in Your agony. As I do so, give me the grace of true friends who will join me in my gaze of love towards you. May these friends strengthen me and may I always provide consolation to those in need.
    Played 5m 3s
  • Day Five – Total Surrender

    15 NOV 2018 · “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38a “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done.” Luke 22:42 Our Blessed Mother always said, “Yes.” This “Yes” was her fiat of perfect love. At the Annunciation, the Archangel Gabriel revealed to her the beginnings of the life of the Savior of the World. The Archangel revealed that she would be His mother and He her Son. Our Blessed Mother inquired with openness and submitted without reserve. Mother Mary’s fiat resounded throughout her life. Though faced with the great mystery of the Incarnation, she submitted with free and total consent to the will of God. As a result, God became one of us, incarnate in her immaculate womb. Though her Son was God and was perfect in every way, He chose to imitate her perfect fiat as He agonized in the Garden of Gethsemane. That night, just hours before His brutal Crucifixion, He fell on His knees and cried out, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done.” His prayer was one of perfect surrender to the will of the Father in Heaven. But it was more than that. His prayer also united Him ever more deeply to His own beloved mother. This prayer in the garden echoed Mary’s fiat to the Father at the Annunciation. Just as His mother had said “Yes” to the will of God, so did her Son the night before He died. As our Blessed Mother stood at the foot of the Cross, she would have pondered the union of her fiat with that of her Son. She would have seen that this moment was the culmination of their united surrender to the will of the Father. Reflect, today, upon your own surrender to God. Say with Jesus and our Blessed Mother, “Let it be done unto me according to your word.” And, “Not my will but yours be done.” Pray these prayers and know that you are saying “Yes” to the Cross. By entering into this great mystery of our faith, you are offering your life in union with the Son and His mother. Do not hesitate. Offer yourself freely and you will be blessed to be at the foot of the Cross, gazing at our Lord with our Blessed Mother. Dearest Mother, as you stood at the foot of the Cross and recalled your own perfect “Yes” to the will of the Father; you became immediately aware of what that “Yes” truly meant. It meant total sacrifice, surrender and death to all in this world. It meant you believed in the will of the Father above all earthly goods. It meant you chose to trust at a depth divine grace alone could make possible. Draw me in, dear Mother, to your perfect fiat. Help me to say those words with you as I face the mysteries, hardships, crosses and sufferings of my life. Give me the vision of your faith so that I may have hope and trust in all things. My Precious Lord, I choose to live Your perfect surrender and to make it my own. Grant me the grace to be one with You as You were one with the Father in Heaven and one with Your own dear mother. I love You, my Lord, and I give myself to You without reserve. Let it be done to me according to Your most holy will. Mother Mary, pray for us. Jesus, I trust in You.
    Played 5m 14s
  • Day Six – A Leap of Joy Remembered

    15 NOV 2018 · When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” Luke 1:41-45 As our Blessed Mother stood before the Cross of her Son, she had three long hours to ponder all the powerful moments and experiences of His earthly life. Perhaps her mind would have gone back to the beginning when Saint John the Baptist testified to Jesus from the womb of Elizabeth. Saint John sensed the presence of the Savior of the World. He was not able to understand this mystery fully with his mind, but he understood the mystery in his spirit. Joy touched him and he leaped. This was not a willful response on his part, it was an inspiration from the Holy Spirit. He received this gift of joy and responded from within the womb. Elizabeth sensed that joy and she expressed it to the Mother of God and to all of us. As our Blessed Mother gazed upon her crucified Son, the joy of that moment, experienced so many years ago, would have brought her peace and consolation. The Father had not abandoned her Son on the Cross. How could He? How could the Father and the Holy Spirit be absent from this moment? It was the Holy Spirit who inspired Saint John all those years ago with joy, and now it was the Holy Spirit, once again, who was inspiring Jesus’ mother with a joy that transcended even her Son’s death. As Mother Mary gazed upon her crucified Son, her joy would have resulted from the simple fact that she was gazing upon her Son. She saw His divine soul under the veil of blood and bruises. Despite the horror of the Crucifixion, the joy of His Incarnation could never be erased. He was God and He was also her Son, her flesh and blood. What a joy, what a blessing, what a gift! Reflect, today, upon the fact that God is present to you always, no matter what you go through in life. Even in the midst of the greatest sufferings, God is present. His presence is worth rejoicing over. This joy overshadows anything and everything we encounter in life. Let the joy of the presence of God enter your heart this day as you gaze, with our Blessed Mother, upon the suffering of the Son of God. Dearest Mother, your eyes beheld the greatest horror ever known but your heart leaped for joy. The joy you felt was a result of the holy and simple fact that no matter what they did to your Son, He was still God and He was still your Son. His presence always inspired hope and joy and nothing could ever take that away. Dear Mother, pray for me that I may keep my eyes on the divine presence of your Son, no matter what I endure in life. May that divine presence be the joy that enables me to rejoice always. My most precious Savior, no matter how beaten and bruised You are, I rejoice in Your divine presence in my life. I rejoice in Your Incarnation and union with me. May I never allow the joy of Your presence to be overshadowed by the sufferings of life. Pray for me, dear Mother. Jesus, I trust in You.
    Played 5m 16s
  • Day Seven – A Lowly Servant of the Lord

    15 NOV 2018 · “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed.” Luke 1:46-48 As our Blessed Mother stood before the Cross of her Son, would “all ages” call that a “blessed” moment? Was she blessed, as she says in her song of praise, to behold the cruel and brutal death of her Son? Though her experience at the foot of the Cross would have been one of exceptional pain, sorrow and sacrifice, it was also a moment of exceptional blessing. That moment, while she stood gazing with love at her crucified Son, was a moment of extraordinary grace. It was a moment through which the world was redeemed by suffering. And she chose to witness this perfect sacrifice of love with her own eyes and to ponder it with her own heart. She chose to rejoice in a God who could bring forth so much good from so much pain. In our own lives, when we face struggles and suffering, we are easily tempted to turn in on ourselves in hurt and despair. We can easily lose sight of the blessings we have been given in life. The Father did not impose pain and suffering upon His Son and our Blessed Mother, but it was His will that they enter into this moment of great persecution. Jesus entered into this moment so as to transform it and redeem all suffering. Our Blessed Mother chose to enter into this moment so as to be the first and greatest witness to the love and power of God alive in her Son. The Father also daily invites each one of us to rejoice with our Blessed Mother as we are invited to stand and face the Cross. Though the Scripture passage cited above recalls words our Blessed Mother spoke while she was pregnant with Jesus and went to meet Elizabeth, they are words that would have continually been on her lips. She would have proclaimed the greatness of the Lord, rejoiced in God her Savior and savored her numerous blessings in life over and over again. She would have done so in moments like the Visitation, and she would have done so in moments like the Crucifixion. Reflect, today, upon the words and the heart of our Blessed Mother. Speak these words in your own prayer today. Say them within the context of whatever you are going through in life. Let them become a daily source of your faith and hope in God. Proclaim the greatness of the Lord, rejoice in God your Savior, and know that God’s blessings are abundant every day no matter what you experience in life. When life is consoling, see the blessing in it. When life is painful, see the blessing in it. Allow the witness of the Mother of God to inspire you each and every day of your life. Dearest Mother, your words spoken at the Visitation, proclaiming the greatness of God, are words pouring forth from the great joy of the Incarnation. This joy of yours extends far and wide and filled you with strength as you later stood watching your Child die a brutal death. The joy of your pregnancy touched you, once again, in this moment of deepest sorrow. Dearest Mother, help me to imitate your song of praise in my own life. Help me to see God’s blessings in every aspect of life. Draw me into your own gaze of love to see the glory of the sacrifice of your own beloved Son. My precious Lord Jesus, You are the greatest blessing in this world. You are all blessings! Everything good comes from You. Help me to fix my eyes upon You each and every day and to be made fully aware of the power of Your Sacrifice of Love. May I rejoice in this gift and always proclaim Your greatness. Mother Mary, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You.
    Played 5m 56s
  • Day Eight – Fidelity in All Things

    15 NOV 2018 · Mary remained with [Elizabeth] about three months and then returned to her home. Luke 1:56 One beautiful quality that our Blessed Mother had to perfection was fidelity. This fidelity towards her Son was first manifested in her fidelity to Elizabeth. Mother Mary was pregnant herself, yet she went to care for Elizabeth during her own pregnancy. She dedicated three months of her time doing what she could to make the last months of Elizabeth’s pregnancy comfortable. She would have been there to listen, to understand, to offer advice, to serve and to simply express that she cared. Elizabeth would have been greatly blessed by the presence of the Mother of God during those three months. The virtue of fidelity is especially strong in a mother. As Jesus was dying on the Cross, His dear mother would have been nowhere else except on Calvary. She spent three months with Elizabeth and the three long hours at the foot of the Cross. This manifested her great depth of commitment. She was unwavering in her love and faithful until the end. Fidelity is a virtue that is demanded from each of us when we face the hardship of another. When we see others in need, suffering, sorrowful or persecuted, we must make a choice. We must either turn away in weakness and selfishness, or we must turn to them, bearing their crosses with them offering support and strength. Reflect, today, upon the fidelity of our Blessed Mother. She was a faithful friend, relative, spouse and mother throughout her life. She never wavered in fulfilling her duty no matter how small or how great the burden. Reflect upon the ways that God is calling you to act with unwavering commitment toward another. Are you willing? Are you ready to come to another’s aid without hesitation? Are you willing to understand their wounds, offering a compassionate heart? Seek to embrace and live this holy virtue of our Blessed Mother. Choose to reach out to those in need and to stand at the crosses of those you have been given to love. Dearest Mother, your fidelity to Elizabeth during those three months set a beautiful example of care, concern and service. Help me to follow your example and to daily look for the opportunities I have been given to love those who are in need. May I be open to service in great and small ways and never waiver in my calling to love. Dearest Mother, you were also faithful to the end as you stood with perfect fidelity before the Cross of your Son. It was your motherly heart that gave you the strength to stand and gaze at your beloved Son in His agony. May I never turn away from my crosses or the crosses that others carry. Pray for me that I may also be a shining example of faithful love to all who have been entrusted to my care. My precious Lord, I commit to You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I commit to gazing upon You in Your agony and pain. Help me to also see You in others and in their sufferings. Help me to imitate the fidelity of Your own dear mother so that I may be a pillar of strength for those in need. I love You, my Lord. Help me to love You with all that I am. Mother Mary, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You.
    Played 5m 12s
  • Day Nine – Unwelcomed by the World

    15 NOV 2018 · While they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:6-7 One of the first great sorrows to fill the heart of our Blessed Mother came at the moment of Jesus’ birth. It’s hard to fathom that at the moment the Mother of God was about to give birth to her Son, the Savior of the World, the only place they were welcomed was a place where animals dwelt. There was no room for Him in the inn or in any other home. It must have been quite an experience for her. She was aware of the amazing fact that her Son was the promised Messiah. She knew that she had conceived Him miraculously, by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. But now that it was time to be born, He was rejected for the first time. His first bed was a manger, the feeding trough for animals. Rejection was a part of the lives of Mary and Jesus. It began with His birth and ended on the Cross. Our Blessed Mother was there throughout. But the rejection they encountered in life never robbed them of their peace and joy. One thing that clearly overshadowed the rejection of the world was the shared love of this mother and Son. The bond that they shared served as their mutual daily spiritual food. Their shared love enabled them to overcome the pain of earthly rejection so as to live the will of the Father to perfection. So often in life we also experience rejection, misunderstanding and a lack of welcome by the world. When this happens, there is a great temptation to get angry and even despair. The key to enduring rejection is to be certain of the love and full embrace of the Mother of God and Jesus her Son in your life. They are always there with arms open wide. They will never leave you. They will never reject you. This gift of their loving embrace must also be offered by you to others. You are called to be the Mother of Jesus and you are called to be Jesus Himself to others. Your care and concern for others must be motivated by the love you receive from this Holy Family. Reflect, today, upon two things. First, know that you are always welcomed by the Mother of God and by Jesus her Son. You always belong to this family. Reflect, also, upon your duty to bring their family love to others. This is especially the case for those in need and those whom God has entrusted to your care. Do not waver in being welcoming in every way, for in the act of welcoming another, you will find that you are welcoming Christ Himself. Dearest Mother, I thank you for welcoming me always as your child. May your heart be my home as I rest close to your Son. May I never be deterred by the rejection I encounter in this life. Instead, may I always turn to your loving embrace, knowing that you welcome me as you welcomed your Son into this world. Help me, dear Mother, to always provide care to those who encounter rejection in this world. May I be an instrument of your welcoming heart to all who are in need. Precious Lord, You had no place to lay Your head except a manger. Yet the presence of Your mother was all the welcome You needed. Help me to open my own arms to You as You show Yourself in others. Help me to seek out those rejected and in need. May I be that manger for them and a refuge of Your own divine love. Mother Mary, pray for us. Jesus, I trust in You.
    Played 5m 29s

What went through the mind and heart of our Blessed Mother as she stood faithfully by her Son in His last agony? As a loving mother, she would have pondered...

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What went through the mind and heart of our Blessed Mother as she stood faithfully by her Son in His last agony? As a loving mother, she would have pondered every moment of His precious life and every experience she had with Him. She would have pondered His conception, His birth, His presentation in the temple, His public ministry, His passion and death and so much more.

Through this daily devotional you are invited to prayerfully ponder the mind and heart of our Blessed Mother as she endured the great suffering inflicted upon her own dear Son. Mother Mary faced the Cross of her Son with perfect faith, love and devotion. Her fidelity to her Son throughout His life was unwavering. As she stood before the Cross during those long three hours, that fidelity never ceased.

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