Podcast Cover

A Force For Good Podcast

  • Our Yule Britannia Crowdfunder and Union Telethon

    10 DEC 2020 · Scottish Unionist group, A Force For Good presents its 36th Saturday Street Stall (5-12-20). We speak about the importance of our Yule Britannia Christmas Crowdfunder - our 28-day essential annual Appeal which is running to Wednesday 6th Jan. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/defending-the-union-in-2021 Incorporated into that is the big one - our first-ever UNION TELETHON, running from 1pm to 11pm Saturday 12th December 2020, for 10 hours across these 3 social media platforms. Be sure to tune in! We are also now back on YouTube after we were "unsuspended". It took 16 weeks, but Twitter eventually told us that had made a quote/unquote "mistake"! Our Director Alistair McConnachie explains.
    Played 57m 56s

    2 DEC 2020 · ANNOUNCING OUR 10-HOUR "UNION TELETHON" Alistair McConnachie, Director at Scottish Unionist group, A Force For Good, hosts our 35th consecutive Saturday Street Stall broadcast (28-11-20). We speak about how the United Kingdom is more a Nation of Families, than it is a "family of nations". We ask if Scotland is becoming "an authoritarian state" with "post-Stalinist totalitarians", as a recent newspaper report was suggesting. We announce a "world's first" - our 10-hour "Union Telethon" on our YouTube Channel from 1pm-11pm on Saturday 12th December. It will be part of A Force For Good's annual "Yule Britannia Christmas Crowdfunder" (28 days from 9 Dec – 6 Jan). Please make a date for that. As always, we look at some fascinating dates in British History coming up this week, and much more... REFERENCES SNP accused of misleading public with use of fake cafe in Covid campaign https://uk.news.yahoo.com/snp-accused-misleading-public-fake-203110888.html Dr Mike Yeadon – PCR Testing (must watch) He points out that mass testing is becoming a pathology all of its own, because of so many false positives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1onx7LaNio Stop the Civil Service being used to Break up Britain https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2019/02/05/Stop-the-Civil-Service-Being-Used-to-Break-Up-Britain Defend our Heroes Petition https://www.change.org/p/historic-environment-scotland-don-t-remove-the-word-heroes-from-the-india-cross-war-memorial Follow our Instagram Page https://www.Instagram.com/UKaForceForGood Subscribe to us on YouTube https://www.YouTube.com/UKaForceForGood HISTORY Cupar: AFFG Doorsteps Anti-British Sedition Centre https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2018/12/03/AFFG-Doorsteps-Anti-British-Sedition-Centre Kirkcaldy: Our St Andrew's Day Weekend Tour of the Hubs of Hate (Part 2 https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2018/12/04/Our-St-Andrews-Day-Weekend-Tour-of-the-Hubs-of-Hate-Part-2 MERCHANDISE Our Great British Christmas Cards https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/christmas-cards-pack-of-5 Wee Book for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/a-wee-book-for-the-union Our AFFG Shop for lots of patriotic goodies! https://www.aforceforgood.uk/shop-1 AFFG LINKS AFFG Podcast Page https://www.aforceforgood.uk/podcast Sign Up to Keep in Touch https://www.aforceforgood.uk/support One-Off Donation https://www.aforceforgood.uk/donate2 Monthly Union Supporter https://www.aforceforgood.uk/union-supporters
    Played 1h 1m 37s
  • Report of Lockdown Scotland Glasgow Level 4

    25 NOV 2020 · In this Podcast, Director of Scottish Unionist group, A Force For Good, Alistair McConnachie, takes a walk down Buchanan Street in Glasgow one day into lockdown (21-11-20) - usually the second busiest shopping street in the UK. This is 5 weekends before Christmas! As we hear, the SNP's lockdown is not a sustainable policy - not for our health, society, and economy - and our politicians of all parties should be ashamed of themselves for supporting it. In this broadcast: 1. We ask who speaks for us? So many well-paid politicians are failing in their basic duty to us! 2. We describe "The Covid Consensus" which is imprisoning us all! Our usual British Attitude of "Keep Calm and Carry On", is now "Hide under the Bed because the Sky is Falling". 3. We explain what is wrong with the policy of Lockdowns in response to presumed viral threat. 4. We conclude by speaking about what we can do as individuals.
    Played 27m 2s
  • We Will Stay Together

    18 NOV 2020 · Scottish Unionist group, A Force For Good presents our 33rd Saturday Street Stall (14-11-20) As always, we emphasise that we're British, we love the UK and we will Stay Together! Our Director, Alistair McConnachie starts by talking about how the government in Westminster and the Scottish administration is using fear to create what many people are experiencing as a "heightened state of anxiety" in society. The system manipulates the natural tendency of most people to want to fit in, and is now continuing to manipulate us around the idea of the necessity of a vaccine. We point out that millions of pounds of taxpayers money is being funnelled into TV adverts, newspapers and into social media, in order to perpetuate a national conformity. This means that many media platforms have a vested interest in perpetuating the scare story. One would need to be very strong not to be affected by it all, and to resist it! We despair at the MPs and MSPs who are so willing to promote Big Pharma, and we raise a typical example! It seems that "common sense is now a fringe ideology in modern Scotland!" In other matters, we reveal the true figure, after all these years, of the Scottish nationalist march in Dumfries back on 2 June 2018. We explain why getting to the truth always matters! We read a copy of The National in real time (yes it can be done, and doesn't take very long). And as always, we look at the coming week in British History because "giving a clear historical perspective is essential to the narrative in defence of the Union." Please subscribe to us on this YouTube page and hit the Bell for notifications https://www.YouTube.com/UKaForceForGood REFERENCES Dumfries Count, Revealed at Last, 1,854 https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/dumfries2-6-18-1854 'Deleted' Book by Allum Bokhari link https://www.waterstones.com/book/deleted/allum-bokhari//9781546059301 Follow our Instagram Page https://www.Instagram.com/UKaForceForGood HISTORY David Wilkie "Synthesising Britishness" http://www.aforceforgood.org.uk/precious/wilkie/ MERCHANDISE Our Great British Christmas Cards https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/christmas-cards-pack-of-5 Wee Book for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/a-wee-book-for-the-union Our AFFG SHOP https://www.aforceforgood.uk/shop-1 Union Jack Flag for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-flag-3x2-ft Union Jack Umbrellas https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-jack-folding-umbrella AFFG Flag Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/affg-flag-badge AFFG Heart Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/new-union-heart-badge AFFG T-Shirts and Hoodies at TEESPRING https://teespring.com/stores/a-force-for-good AFFG LINKS AFFG Podcast Page https://www.aforceforgood.uk/podcast Sign Up to Keep in Touch https://www.aforceforgood.uk/support One-Off Donation https://www.aforceforgood.uk/donate2 Monthly Union Supporter https://www.aforceforgood.uk/union-supporters
    Played 57m 15s
  • Keeping the UK Together

    11 NOV 2020 · Scottish Unionist pro-UK Campaign Group and Think Tank, A Force For Good, with our 32nd Saturday Street Stall (7-11-20). Alistair McConnachie looks at how best to advocate to keep the UK together. We also look at the power of Big Media, Big Tech, and what might have happened in the US electoral process during the Presidential Election. This week in British History and much more... MERCHANDISE Our "Glorious British Christmas" Cards on Sale Now! https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/christmas-cards-pack-of-5 Wee Book for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/a-wee-book-for-the-union Union Jack Flag for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-flag-3x2-ft Union Jack Umbrellas https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-jack-folding-umbrella AFFG Flag Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/affg-flag-badge AFFG Heart Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/new-union-heart-badge AFFG T-Shirts and Hoodies at TEESPRING https://teespring.com/stores/a-force-for-good AFFG LINKS AFFG Podcast Page https://www.aforceforgood.uk/podcast Sign Up to Keep in Touch https://www.aforceforgood.uk/support One-Off Donation https://www.aforceforgood.uk/donate2 Monthly Union Supporter https://www.aforceforgood.uk/union-supporters
    Played 1h 2m 58s
  • SNP Wants to Police Speech in our Own Homes

    6 NOV 2020 · Scottish Unionist group, A Force For Good, presents our 31st Saturday Street Stall (31-10-20). AFFG Director, Alistair McConnachie speaks about the unhealthy nature of masks, which ensure we breath back in our own CO2. This is especially bad if you are elderly or pregnant. We are upset that SNP Education Secretary, John Swinney is scaring the children with unnecessary fears! We argue that if Boris had stayed in control of the UK, then there is a strong likelihood that we would be out of lockdown by now. We could have been back to normal shortly after the Queen gave her broadcast. This is because he would not have been able to maintain control over all the UK and the devolved assemblies would have seen political benefit in pushing back against the centre. However, devolving the management of the crisis has compounded and extended the crisis because it has ensured that all the devolved assemblies are trying to out-do each other in enforcing the lockdown. Why are politicians doubling-down on this strategy? We look at one explanation. We take another look at the SNP's Anti-Free Speech bill and how the "Justice Secretary" wants to police your dinner table. This is an unprecedented invasion of the right to privacy. The entire Bill needs to be swept away, not just the idea of Dinner Table Convictions, but also the notion of "Protected Characteristics" which should be considered an illegitimate legal concept. We speak about the American Election, and the relevance of it for freedom of speech on the internet. We are still "suspended" by Twitter, but we point out that Scottish newspapers should be campaigning for us to be re-instated since it was often re-tweets from AFFG which enabled their newspaper stories to promoted around the internet. Without us re-tweeting them to our 30K followers, many of their stories now fall flat on Twitter. We say to people in the rest of the UK to remember that the whinging Scottish nationalists will never be happy, so please don't think that separation would somehow shut them up. They are always going to complain, and separation would ensure their complaints got even louder! The only way to quiet them down is to marginalise them politically, like they were in the past. We look at the forthcoming week in British History, and we launch our brand-new Christmas Cards (which are free to Union Supporters)… REFERENCES Free Speech for Scots! https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2020/07/24/Free-Speech-For-Scots Carlton Brick: This new 'hate crime' law is even more pernicious and worrying than celebrity critics realise https://www.rt.com/op-ed/504018-scotland-hate-crime-law/ 'Deleted' Book by Allum Bokhari link https://www.waterstones.com/book/deleted/allum-bokhari//9781546059301 Follow our Instagram Page https://www.Instagram.com/UKaForceForGood HISTORY 2nd Nov Our 'Get Sturgeon Telt' Rally! https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2019/11/02/unionists-rally-in-george-square-sturgeon-gets-telt Sturgeon Humiliated Express article (Wayback, 3-11-19)) https://web.archive.org/web/20191104010026/https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1199380/Election-news-Nicola-Sturgeon-unionists-nationalists-Scotland-IndyRef2-Glasgow-rally Our "Glorious British Christmas" Cards on Sale Now! https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/christmas-cards-pack-of-5 MERCHANDISE Wee Book for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/a-wee-book-for-the-union Union Jack Flag for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-flag-3x2-ft Union Jack Umbrellas https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-jack-folding-umbrella AFFG Flag Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/affg-flag-badge AFFG Heart Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/new-union-heart-badge AFFG T-Shirts and Hoodies at TEESPRING https://teespring.com/stores/a-force-for-good AFFG LINKS AFFG Podcast Page https://www.aforceforgood.uk/podcast Sign Up to Keep in Touch https://www.aforceforgood.uk/support One-Off Donation https://www.aforceforgood.uk/donate2 Monthly Union Supporter https://www.aforceforgood.uk/union-supporters
    Played 58m 33s
  • UK Free Movement at Risk

    28 OCT 2020 · Alistair McConnachie of Scottish Unionist Campaigning Group and Think Tank, A Force For Good, hosts our 30th Saturday Street Stall (24-10-20). We speak about the "shutdown" of the "border" between Wales and England, and how this flies in the face of the fundamental right of freedom of movement for all British citizens between all parts of the United Kingdom. How can we have an "Internal Market" for goods, if we don't have internal freedom of movement? Will the British Parliament stand up for freedom of movement or is this another civil liberty and plank of our Union which is at risk of falling as a result of the Carry-On Covid Pantomime? We look at the Polls which appear to suggest the separatists are in the lead. We urge people to remember: 1. Polls lead, as much as reflect opinion, so they must be understood as a black art. 2. They are deliberately engineered to create talking points for the media, or for political tendencies to exploit. 3. Polls are but a snapshot in time, because; 4. Voters move all the time in relation to information and circumstances. 5. They are not reflections of a permanent position – but the media may try to pretend that they are. We must not be defeatist. Even if these polls were accurate, remember they can be turned around. In 2014, the nationalists came from behind at 20% to 45%. That means we can come from 42% to 67%. And we must do so, for if there was ever another referendum we would need to win it by more than we won it last time, in order to "put it to bed". What can be done? We must emphasise our Mandate for Unity. https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/holyrood-cannot-deliver-indyref-mandate We speak about the extent to which some Social Media companies are abusing their position at this time of the American election – and how AFFG may have got caught up in a possible suspension spree. In that regard, can you share our stuff onto Twitter? Please share the URLs to our videos and articles, because we can't get these out on Twitter anymore. Please help if you can. This week in British History and so much more… If you like what we say, please Subscribe to this YouTube channel and hit the Bell for notifications. REFERENCES UK'S Borders Must Not be Plaything of Angry Nationalists D. Telegraph, 15-10-20 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/10/15/uks-borders-must-not-plaything-angry-nationalist-politicians/ Speech: One UK: The British Union from 30 First Principles http://www.aforceforgood.org.uk/strategy/firstprins/ Holyrood cannot Deliver IndyRef mandate https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/holyrood-cannot-deliver-indyref-mandate British Unionism: Britain's Core Ideology (Nov 2018) https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2018/11/03/british-unionism-britains-core-ideology Speech: 21 Reasons why England should Care about Scotland Separating http://www.aforceforgood.org.uk/shared/british2/ 'Deleted' Book by Allum Bokhari link https://www.waterstones.com/book/deleted/allum-bokhari//9781546059301 Follow our Instagram Page https://www.Instagram.com/UKaForceForGood HISTORY British Unionism: The Union of the Crowns, 24th March https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2020/03/24/the-union-of-the-crowns-24th-march MERCHANDISE Wee Book for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/a-wee-book-for-the-union Union Jack Flag for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-flag-3x2-ft Union Jack Umbrellas https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-jack-folding-umbrella AFFG Flag Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/affg-flag-badge AFFG Heart Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/new-union-heart-badge AFFG T-Shirts and Hoodies at TEESPRING https://teespring.com/stores/a-force-for-good AFFG LINKS AFFG Podcast Page https://www.aforceforgood.uk/podcast Sign Up to Keep in Touch https://www.aforceforgood.uk/support One-Off Donation https://www.aforceforgood.uk/donate2 Monthly Union Supporter https://www.aforceforgood.uk/union-supporters
    Played 1h 2m 58s
  • Our Mandate For Unity

    21 OCT 2020 · Scottish Unionist Think Tank, A Force For Good, presents our 29th Saturday Street Stall. Director Alistair McConnachie says it's astonishing that "local panjandrums" such as the Welsh First Minister can "close the border" with England. If this sort of aggressive behaviour is allowed by the British Parliament, then do we even have "a United Kingdom" anymore? We should not be allowing the carve-up of our UK in this way. What happened to our basic right of freedom of movement! Indeed, we seem to be losing lots of things which we previously considered part of our British Constitution, including the absence of accountability in Parliament! We speak about the changes in society, and in our "British characteristics" which seem to be happening as a consequence of the controls. We need a rebirth of some of our "cultural conventions" which have been found historically in our song, poem and story and which are particular characteristics of the British. We examine what is meant by "a case", and we quote from the best article we've seen so far on the matter. At the start of the Covid Lockdown, we all agreed to "do our duty" for a few weeks, but it should all have ended after the Queen's broadcast. That was the perfect moment to get back to normal, but the politicians kept pushing it, and pushing it, and abusing our goodwill. Why is Nicola rising in the polls? We point out that it is not difficult for her, when the media has elevated her into the central focus of our Scottish national life. However, the United Kingdom is the Great Work of Time. And we cannot and must not allow it to be broken up so easily. In that regard, we don't accept that a majority of seats for the SNP/Greens, at a Holyrood election, is a sufficient mandate for a second separation referendum. We speak about the importance of our Mandate for Unity, and we explain what, exactly, the SNP and the separatist parties would need to do if they were genuinely to claim "a mandate" for a second separation referendum. This is an important insight. We report on our latest dealings with Twitter, after having been unjustly suspended from their platform on the incredible grounds of being a "fake account". We point out that our Twitter following of over 30,000 people was built up openly and for years; and even our Header picture featured 4 photos of our Director, Alistair McConnachie. This coming week in British History features some fascinating material about the Union, Margaret Tudor, James VI, Nelson, and much more! Please check it out and please subscribe to our channel by clicking Subscribe and hitting the Bell for notifications. REFERENCES NEIL OLIVER, Talk Radio, 14-10-20 'None of our liberties seem to matter if a government can do whatever it wants with our lives.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BhBwOP00Ls Not all 'cases' of Covid are created equal (The Daily Telegraph, 12-10-20) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/10/12/not-cases-covid-created-equal/ COMPETITION: Win a 37x19" wooden Union Jack https://www.facebook.com/UKaForceForGood/posts/3447020122001454 Holyrood Cannot Deliver a Mandate for a 2nd IndyRef https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/holyrood-cannot-deliver-indyref-mandate Stephen Daisley: Unionists must stop playing by separatists’ rules https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/unionists-must-stop-playing-by-separatists-rules Twitter Suspension Explanation (22-8-20) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bsD7jjyQqA HISTORY British Unionism: The Union of the Crowns, 24th March https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2020/03/24/the-union-of-the-crowns-24th-march Lord Nelson didn't support slavery, Daily Mail, 13-10-20 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8832743/Expert-proof-Admiral-Horatio-Nelson-did-NOT-support-slavery.html MERCHANDISE Wee Book for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/a-wee-book-for-the-union Union Jack Flag for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-flag-3x2-ft Union Jack Umbrellas https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-jack-folding-umbrella AFFG Flag Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/affg-flag-badge AFFG Heart Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/new-union-heart-badge AFFG T-Shirts and Hoodies at TEESPRING https://teespring.com/stores/a-force-for-good AFFG LINKS AFFG Podcast Page https://www.aforceforgood.uk/podcast Sign Up to Keep in Touch https://www.aforceforgood.uk/support One-Off Donation https://www.aforceforgood.uk/donate2 Monthly Union Supporter https://www.aforceforgood.uk/union-supporters PREVIOUS BROADCASTS - CHECK OUT all our "SATURDAY STREET STALLS" This is our Saturday Street Stall 29, 17-10-20 28. Broadcast 10-10-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhHECkq3-Qw 27. Broadcast 3-10-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XJRLiTLSrs 26. Broadcast 26-9-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMPqSPNhcpY 25. Broadcast 19-9-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N538LXBlp7k 24. Broadcast 12-9-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJmzUnnl2Po
    Played 1h 4m 45s
  • SNP Lockdown Will Ruin Business

    16 OCT 2020 · Scottish Unionist group, A Force For Good, points out that at the start of the year, many of us had been looking forward to leaving the EU this Christmas. Now it looks like we'll just have to settle for being able to leave the house! In this, our 28th Saturday Street Stall (10-10-20), we lay into the SNP and the extent to which it is keeping the country in lockdown in the face of contrary evidence and increasing economic problems. We point out that the new hospitality lockdown is so unfair for all those places who have been trying to follow the rules, and who have spent a lot of money to do so, but have now been rewarded with a slap in the face! Unfortunately, all the opposition parties can't really capitalise on this because they all go along with the Covid Consensus – they are all invested in the strategy that the virus has to be eradicated rather than a strategy to live with it. This limits their ability to respond to the very unsatisfactory position of just...sniping about who is having the best lockdown. We detail these two different strategies and we mention some good references advocating the alternative approach. We also remind listeners to be alert to how the statistics can be presented in a way to make them sound scarier. For example, saying "50 in 100,000" rather than 1 in 2000. One thing is for certain, if MPs and MSPs had to take a pay-cut, or lose their jobs, every time they supported lockdown, then they wouldn't be so keen on it! SNP GERRYMANDER SCOTTISH ELECTIONS FRANCHISE We also show that the franchise for Scottish elections was changed this year to include everybody who is legally resident in Scotland, regardless of whether or not they are a British citizen (from 30.00 mins). How did that policy "sneak in"? We explain the how and why. What we have to ensure is that if there is another separation referendum then the British General Election franchise must be used (rather than this Holyrood one). Otherwise we are going to have 10s of thousands of residents of Scotland who will be able to vote – and who are not even British citizens – and who will be highly vulnerable to being pandered-to directly by the SNP. As usual, we highlight some fascinating historical dates from "the coming week in British history" and much more... REFERENCES COVID Neil Oliver on the Lockdown (Talk Radio, 8-10-20) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rDM9EXVOLg Lord Sumption: "Government may increase the death toll with unjust and insane measures, why are they doubling down on failure?" The Sun, 9-10-20 https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12886627/lord-sumption-government-death-toll-coronavirus-crisis/ IVOR CUMMINGS Talk Radio 6-10-20 Lockdown sceptic Ivor Cummins says there is "essentially no substantial connection" between lockdowns and Covid deaths: "I don’t know why government isn't reading the published papers that have done the analysis” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpInci1g1RM POLITICS DISSOLVING NOT DEVOLVING BOOKLET: Available at https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/danger-of-devolution-pamphlets SNP/Scottish Cabbage Proposal to Give Everybody the Vote https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2018/09/05/SNP-and-Scottish-Cabbages-Proposal-to-Give-Everyone-the-Vote Being British: Some Practical Benefits and Spiritual Elements (Feb 2014) http://www.aforceforgood.org.uk/shared/british1/ BRITISH HISTORY GLASGOW SPITFIRES draw FIRST BLOOD in "BATTLE OF BRITAIN" (2013 video) Alistair McConnachie tells the story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCzmEzo2izc CRUCHAN DAM "How to Do Devolution Properly" on our Legacy Site http://www.aforceforgood.org.uk/devo/admin/ MERCHANDISE Wee Book for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/a-wee-book-for-the-union Union Jack Flag for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-flag-3x2-ft Union Jack Umbrellas https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-jack-folding-umbrella AFFG Flag Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/affg-flag-badge AFFG Heart Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/new-union-heart-badge AFFG T-Shirts and Hoodies at TEESPRING https://teespring.com/stores/a-force-for-good AFFG LINKS AFFG Podcast Page https://www.aforceforgood.uk/podcast Sign Up to Keep in Touch https://www.aforceforgood.uk/support One-Off Donation https://www.aforceforgood.uk/donate2 Monthly Union Supporter https://www.aforceforgood.uk/union-supporters PREVIOUS BROADCASTS - CHECK OUT all our "SATURDAY STREET STALLS" This is our Saturday Street Stall 28, 10-10-20 27. Broadcast 3-10-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XJRLiTLSrs 26. Broadcast 26-9-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMPqSPNhcpY 25. Broadcast 19-9-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N538LXBlp7k 24. Broadcast 12-9-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJmzUnnl2Po 23. Broadcast 5-9-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjDGGshVbYI 22. Broadcast 29-8-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDlpU2bXnJE 21. Broadcast 22-8-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bsD7jjyQqA
    Played 57m 22s
  • We Love the UK - Our One Big Country

    7 OCT 2020 · The 27th Saturday Street Stall (3-10-20) from British Unionist group, A Force For Good, covered a very wide range of issues, as usual! We ask if Matt Hancock's strategy to "suppress Coronovirus while protecting our economy & education until a vaccine arrives" is a proper strategy, given that this will take a long time, may never arrive and even when it does, many people won't take it and it won't always work! We also question how we can "Build Back Better" when the government appears intent to "Destroy Forward Worse!" We point out that the Tracing App is a means which could destroy local businesses (many of whom only survive "day to day" when the going is good)! For example, if you are tested "positive" then the App will leave a trail, and it will know where you have been. This means you risk being responsible for the authorities closing down a business which was trying to survive! Who wants that on their conscience? And what is a "case" anyway? It is simply a test "positive" which indicates that your body has developed anti-bodies and has developed an immune response. Yet the word "case" is being used by the politicians and media to imply a "hospitalisation". This is a vital point of confusion! Furthermore, flu and pneumonia cases remain higher than Covid cases, so this also implies that mask-wearing and social distancing is not having the effect that we might believe! Politically, we point out that devolution is perpetuating the lockdown! This is because a central British government could NEVER have got away with demanding a lockdown for 6 months and more! This requires the active complicity of other more local administrations. For example, a central British Government might have been able to wing-it for 3 weeks or so, and then they'd have found the patience throughout all the rest of the UK running out. But because now - as we have political administrations throughout the UK - this means we also have media systems which uphold those administrations. These administrations all end up competing with each other to see who can lockdown the most; and none of them will back down on the lockdown, unless they all do so at the same time! Among themselves, they have created a many-headed monster and they are all stuck in a spiral which is mutually reinforcing each other's decisions. This is why Britain is uniquely troubled by this lockdown pantomime in a way that Sweden, for example, is not. And who is speaking for the many people in the UK who are becoming tired of this situation? It seems that "never before have we been so over-governed, yet poorly represented". There is no excuse for politicians to say that they are only following the concerns of the people. The fact is - as we always say - reality is created by the words which come out of politicians' mouths. People may say they are scared at the moment, but this is because the politicians are telling them they should be scared. The job of a politician is to lead, not just reflect opinion. We believe that the tune of the people will change when the politicians change their tune. Yet, we are presently stuck in a frame where politicians are afraid to lead us out of what they got us into in the first place. There is an opportunity here for a brave politician to shine! Ultimately, for society, the strategy must be to ensure that the vulnerable are encouraged and helped to shield if they wish, and the rest of us should get back to normal. Continuing, we speak about the importance of understanding our United Kingdom as ONE BIG COUNTRY, and why the Scottish nationalists cannot get their head round that. But if they did, they would begin to understand where we are coming from! We address 3 points of view of 'National' letter writers and we respond to their questions as to why, in their view, the SNP is not treated respectfully at Westminster; why the British Government must "give consent" for a second referendum; and what the mandate for a second referendum should actually be (and it's not a majority in a devolved assembly, that's for sure)! We notice it is "Black History Month", but at AFFG, EVERY DAY is British History Month, which also includes people we might call ethnic minorities, but "we don't make a fetish about them". We point out the extent to which we are involved in a "culture war" and we use the example of the legislation promoted in the USA to DEFUND such organisations. It will take primary law before the taxpayer-funded government bodies, and charities, reign in their behaviour. It is an easy win for the Government, so why is it not being done right now? We speak about the "Black Post Boxes", and the one for Mary Seacole, even though the BLM movement probably wouldn't (shouldn't?) like her! We speak about the fascinating dates in British History this coming week; which include the SNP marches in Edinburgh that our Thin Red Line stood against in 2019 and 2018 - and of course we detail the correct figures. How can an SNP MSP lie so terribly that she imagines a quarter of a million were there when it was 11,286 (give or take a 3% margin of error)? Please check it all out and Subscribe to us at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47THBZLA1WA REFERENCES The UK Gives us One Big Home to Call our Own http://www.aforceforgood.org.uk/positive/v2/ President Trumps Executive Order to Defund Critical Race Theory Training https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-combating-race-sex-stereotyping/ "Was Mary Seacole racist? The Times and an idiotic attempt to erase history" https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/was-mary-seacole-racist-the-times-and-an-idiotic-attempt-to-erase-history/ 2019 MARCH - EDINBURGH 11,286 at Edinburgh AUOB March, 5-10-19 https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2019/10/05/11286Edin 2018 MARCH - EDINBURGH Nat Media Lies Exposed: March Video Released! 12,789 not 100,000 https://www.aforceforgood.uk/single-post/2018/10/11/nat-media-lies-exposed-march-video-released MERCHANDISE Wee Book for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/a-wee-book-for-the-union Union Jack Flag for Sale https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-flag-3x2-ft Union Jack Umbrellas https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/union-jack-folding-umbrella AFFG Flag Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/affg-flag-badge AFFG Heart Badge https://www.aforceforgood.uk/product-page/new-union-heart-badge AFFG T-Shirts and Hoodies at TEESPRING https://teespring.com/stores/a-force-for-good AFFG LINKS AFFG Podcast Page https://www.aforceforgood.uk/podcast Sign Up to Keep in Touch https://www.aforceforgood.uk/support One-Off Donation https://www.aforceforgood.uk/donate2 Monthly Union Supporter https://www.aforceforgood.uk/union-supporters
    Played 59m 36s

We are Scotland's foremost pro-UK campaign organisation. We publish high-quality, well-researched Podcast episodes to demonstrate the benefits of the British Union and to promote the United Kingdom as a Force...

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We are Scotland's foremost pro-UK campaign organisation. We publish high-quality, well-researched Podcast episodes to demonstrate the benefits of the British Union and to promote the United Kingdom as a Force For Good in the world.​

While we highlight the dangers of separation, we focus on making positive arguments. Our work has developed a rich pro-UK philosophy that offers original insight into constitutional, economic, historical and cultural perspectives on the British Union.​

It is important to appeal to hearts as well as minds, and this is central to our approach.
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