A Savage Perspective - Interviews with interesting people. When not interviewing interesting people, Mike and Cynthia talk about things that interest them.

Episodes & Posts
19 APR 2021 · Rejected by his biological father, neglected by his mother, he was raped, abused, and sold into prostitution. He is now an AG pastor. Listen to the transformational process of God in one man’s life.
Contact: https://www.forgivingthenightmare.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forgivingthenightmare
Email: forgivingthenightmare@gmail.com
12 APR 2021 · Tim Winders is a Performance Coach and author who specializes in helping Executive Teams and Entrepreneurial Leaders maximize their potential by looking beyond traditional “cookie-cutter” methods that often limit the creative process. A follower of Christ, he has allowed the Lord to show him how to love others while he operates in the world of business and entrepreneurship, teaching companies how to implement growth strategies while eliminating the racism, sexism, and divisiveness that lead to turnover and limited productivity.
Website: https://www.timwinders.com
Podcast: https://seekgocreate.com/
5 APR 2021 · Kent Dickerson is a Christian writer, teacher, singer, and lecturer. He calls his website, “Remadepreacher”. This title was chosen was because God brought him back to full-time ministry after leaving it for almost thirty years. The primary reason for leaving full-time Ministry was a lack of spiritual strength. He knew little about prayer and had a deep-seated struggle with pornography. Kent is now again in full-time men’s ministry and writing. He also facilitates two seminars: Spiritual Battle Plan and The Path To Victory. He is the author of, Remade: A preacher finds victory over porn and complaint.
He can be contacted at https://remadepreacher.com/
29 MAR 2021 · Jake Starkey opened a coffee shop in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and lived to talk about it. He discusses life as a small business owner and the challenges moving forward. This episode gives insight into the mind of small-business owners. He is also the cohost of Creating Community with Dorian and Jake. A podcast featuring businesses in the Alvin, Texas area. It’s available on most of the major podcasting sites.
22 MAR 2021 · Kevin White had to let go of his own expectations and trust God in some cool ways. He was almost broke and unsure how he was going to feed his family when the Lord led him to start feeding other families as well. Today, his ministry feeds 500 families in his area. He is convinced that audacious generosity transforms the world. Kevin’s on a mission to empower a culture of generosity throughout the world with his book, Audacious Generosity, and his Generosity of God story telling campaign.
Find out more at:
Website: https://kevinwhite.us
Email: kevin@kevinwhite.us
Instagram: @kevinwhiteus
Facebook: @kevinwhite.usa
Twitter: @kevinwhiteus
LinkedIn: @kevinwhiteus
15 MAR 2021 · Dave Jenkins is Executive Director of, Servants of Grace Ministries, Executive Editor of Theology for Life Magazine, Host/Producer of Equipping You in Grace Podcast, and writes a newsletter called Servants of Grace News. He’s recently written a book entitled The Word Explored in which he takes on the issue of Biblical Illiteracy and offers ideas on how to overcome it.
He can be reached here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaveJJenkins
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaveJenkinsSOG/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davejjenkins/
Youtube: Servants of Grace Youtube
8 MAR 2021 · Dr. Bruce Coats and his wife Sheryl currently foster a family of five African American children ranging from ages 1-11. It is a ministry and a calling for them. This is their story.
1 MAR 2021 · In this episode we explore how Christians can begin to bridge the divide between races in America and elsewhere. Rev. B. Keith Haney, an African-American, is the Assistant to the President for Missions, Human Care, and Stewardship, and an ordained Lutheran pastor for the past 27 years. In January 2016, he started to write a blog to encourage believers in their faith journey and non-believers to explore difficult faith issues. The blog has over 6,000 faithful followers, over 1,500 of which are Millennials.
He also hosts a podcast called A Light Breaks Through.
The blog address is http://alightbreaksthrough.org
You can subscribe to his new podcast on iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-light-breaks-through/id1527559732
Google Podcast. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS8xMjUyMzk0LnJzcw==
22 FEB 2021 · Jay Cee is the host of the Hashtag Dad Swag podcast. It chronicles his personal journey to be a better husband, father, and man. It also presents some pretty interesting guests on the subject of fatherhood. His road to the podcast has been bumpy. Raised in an abusive home where he was physically and mentally assaulted, a short stint in prison, and the redemption of God, have given him a desire not just to be a better dad, but to help others do the same. He’s also a musician and songwriter.
You can connect with him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hashtagdadswag/
His email is: hashtagdadswag@gmail.com
15 FEB 2021 · Lori Morrison never set out to be a private investigator or a podcaster, but life is funny like that.
After many years as a paralegal, her life-long interest in the true crime genre led her to where she is today. Because her faith is the most important part of who she is, Lori couldn’t help but find a way to combine the two in service and encourage others to do the same.
Her podcast, The Unlovely Truth, explores the intersection of faith and true crime.
Connect with Lori at:
Website: https://www.theunlovelytruth.com/
Instagram @theunlovelytruthpodcast
Facebook: theunlovelytruth
A Savage Perspective - Interviews with interesting people. When not interviewing interesting people, Mike and Cynthia talk about things that interest them.
Author | Mike and Cynthia Savage |
Organization | Mike and Cynthia Savage |
Categories | Society & Culture |
Website | www.mikesavagebooks.com |
mike@mikesavagebooks.com |
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