The weekly sermon podcast from Adams United Methodist Church of Auburn, Mississippi. Learn more about us at adamsumc.org.

Episodes & Posts
27 JAN 2025 · Welcome to the Adams United Methodist Church Sermon Podcast, where we bring you the weekly message of hope, faith, and love from our Sunday worship service. Each episode features an inspiring sermon delivered by our pastor, helping you to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God.
This Week’s Sermon: "Why Worship Matters" Scripture: John 4:14-21 (NLT)
Going to temple was a custom for Jesus when he was in his hometown. Let's explore why worship is important for us as well.
For more information and to follow along with our worship, you can view the digital worship bulletin here:http://bible.com/events/49378874http://bible.com/events/49382289
Visit our church website at http://adamsumc.org to learn more about our ministries, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our church community.
Subscribe and tune in every week for a new message, and may you find God’s grace and peace in every word.
19 JAN 2025 · Welcome to the Adams United Methodist Church Sermon Podcast, where we bring you the weekly message of hope, faith, and love from our Sunday worship service. Each episode features an inspiring sermon delivered by our pastor, helping you to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God.
This Week’s Sermon: "Ordinary to Extraordinary" Scripture: John 2:1-11 (NLT)
Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana showed us a lot of things but one thing we don't talk about enough is how God uses the ordinary for extradinary purposes.
For more information and to follow along with our worship, you can view the digital worship bulletin here:http://bible.com/events/49378874
Visit our church website at http://adamsumc.org to learn more about our ministries, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our church community.
Subscribe and tune in every week for a new message, and may you find God’s grace and peace in every word.
18 NOV 2024 · Welcome to the sermon podcast of Adams United Methodist Church in Summit, Mississippi. This week, we glean knowledge from Jesus' letter to the church in Philadelphia in Revelation 3. Jesus helps us hold on to our faith and gives us strength to press on.
7 OCT 2024 · Welcome to the Adams United Methodist Church Sermon Podcast, where we bring you the weekly message of hope, faith, and love from our Sunday worship service. Each episode features an inspiring sermon delivered by our pastor, helping you to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God.
This Week’s Sermon: Return to Your First Love Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7 (NLT)
The letters to the seven churches in Revelation can show us a lot about where the church has been and even where it is today. We start a series looking at the letter to the church in Ephesus and learn about the importance of keeping our relationship with Jesus at the forefront of our lives.
For more information and to follow along with our worship, you can view the digital worship bulletin here: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0VoQ1pXRmxGUXFUWC1aQlBCaVExMEZwTG1IQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUmQ2NmtCWk5OU0xfZzJ0TndfQnY5amlqTHM0dC14b2VycjNaYUxlQVJGYmRVTE9PcW9iYU9rWmYycGJxSDlIVFVFbEI3RExGQkZWRmhJX0dmWnI2cTJwUEdFZHBRdE5kaFZaalJrOEpMMllFM1lTMA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbible.com%2Fevents%2F49329074&v=Hz97d4Nf-rE.Â
Visit our church website at http://adamsumc.org to learn more about our ministries, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our church community.
Subscribe and tune in every week for a new message, and may you find God’s grace and peace in every word.
30 SEP 2024 · Welcome to the Adams United Methodist Church Sermon Podcast, where we bring you the weekly message of hope, faith, and love from our Sunday worship service. Each episode features an inspiring sermon delivered by our pastor, helping you to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God.
This Week’s Sermon: Gatekeeping The Gospel Scripture: Mark 9:38-50
John tried to stop a man from casting out demons in the name of Jesus because the man wasn't "one of them." Jesus warns of the dangers of being gatekeepers of the gospel.
For more information and to follow along with our worship, you can view the digital worship bulletin here: http://bible.com/events/49325671
Visit our church website at http://adamsumc.org to learn more about our ministries, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our church community.
Subscribe and tune in every week for a new message, and may you find God’s grace and peace in every word.
30 SEP 2024 · Welcome to the Adams United Methodist Church Sermon Podcast, where we bring you the weekly message of hope, faith, and love from our Sunday worship service. Each episode features an inspiring sermon delivered by our pastor, helping you to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God.
This Week’s Sermon: The Lost Art of Prayer
Visit our church website at http://adamsumc.org to learn more about our ministries, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our church community.
Subscribe and tune in every week for a new message, and may you find God’s grace and peace in every word.
3 SEP 2024 · Welcome to the Adams United Methodist Church Sermon Podcast, where we bring you the weekly message of hope, faith, and love from our Sunday worship service. Each episode features an inspiring sermon delivered by our pastor, helping you to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God.
This Week’s Sermon: Saying, Doing, Being Scripture: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
The Pharisees were good at looking the part and demanding that others did likewise. But, they completely missed the point of faith. Rev. Jonathan Tullos reminds us of what’s important in our relationship with Christ.
For more information and to follow along with our worship, you can http://bible.com/events/49311989
Visit our church website at http://adamsumc.org to learn more about our ministries, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our church community.
Subscribe and tune in every week for a new message, and may you find God’s grace and peace in every word.
26 AUG 2024 · Welcome to the Adams United Methodist Church Sermon Podcast, where we bring you the weekly message of hope, faith, and love from our Sunday worship service. Each episode features an inspiring sermon delivered by our pastor, helping you to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God.
This Week’s Sermon: Sent Out to Live Scripture: 1 Kings 8:22-30
Solomon dedicated the temple but knew that not even that fine edifice could contain God. Rev. Jonathan Tullos gives a message on being the presence of God in the world.
For more information and to follow along with our worship, you can view the digital worship bulletin here: http://bible.com/events/49308508.Â
Visit our church website at http://adamsumc.org to learn more about our ministries, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our church community.
Subscribe and tune in every week for a new message, and may you find God’s grace and peace in every word.
19 AUG 2024 · Welcome to the Adams United Methodist Church Sermon Podcast, where we bring you the weekly message from our Sunday worship service. Each episode features an inspiring sermon delivered by our pastor, Rev. Jonathan Tullos, helping you to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God.Â
This Week’s Sermon: "Walking in Wisdom" Scripture: 1 Kings 3:3-14
For more information and to follow along with our worship, you can view the digital worship bulletin here: http://bible.com/events/49305167.Â
Visit our church website at http://adamsumc.org to learn more about our ministries, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our church community.
Subscribe and tune in every week for a new message, and may you find God’s grace and peace in every word.
12 AUG 2024 · Welcome to the Adams United Methodist Church Sermon Podcast, where we bring you the weekly message from our Sunday worship service. Each episode features an inspiring sermon delivered by our pastor, Rev. Jonathan Tullos, helping you to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God.Â
This Week’s Sermon: "Walking in Love" Scripture: Ephesians 4:25-5:2 (NLT)
For more information and to follow along with our worship, you can view the digital worship bulletin here: http://bible.com/events/49301848.Â
Visit our church website at http://adamsumc.org to learn more about our ministries, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our church community.
Subscribe and tune in every week for a new message, and may you find God’s grace and peace in every word.
The weekly sermon podcast from Adams United Methodist Church of Auburn, Mississippi. Learn more about us at adamsumc.org.
Author | Adams UMC Pastor |
Organization | Adams UMC Pastor |
Categories | Christianity , Religion & Spirituality |
Website | adamsumc.org |
adamsumcpastor@gmail.com |
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