Con Emanuele Mandelli affrontiamo ogni mese una storia di musica. Storie conosciute e rilette, che vedono protagonisti gli idoli della discografia del novecento, ma anche storie di provincia, piccole-grandi epopee...
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This podcast frequently uses small snippets of musical recordings in podcast episodes for educational, review, and commentary purposes. In all cases, without exception, we believe this is protected by fair use in the U.S., fair dealing in the U.K. and EEA, and similar exceptions in the copyright laws of other nations. No more of the original than necessary is used, and excerpts are edited into long-form narratives, making the use transformative in nature.

Con Emanuele Mandelli affrontiamo ogni mese una storia di musica. Storie conosciute e rilette, che vedono protagonisti gli idoli della discografia del novecento, ma anche storie di provincia, piccole-grandi epopee...
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This podcast frequently uses small snippets of musical recordings in podcast episodes for educational, review, and commentary purposes. In all cases, without exception, we believe this is protected by fair use in the U.S., fair dealing in the U.K. and EEA, and similar exceptions in the copyright laws of other nations. No more of the original than necessary is used, and excerpts are edited into long-form narratives, making the use transformative in nature.
Organization | Alice Nella Città |
Categories | Music Commentary |
Website | - |
alicenellacitta@gmail.com |
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