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Astrologically Speaking with Sheri


    21 JUN 2024 ·  SHERI HORN HASAN DISCUSSES THIS FULL MOON & THE JUNE 20 SUMMER SOLSTICE CHART @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM on her latest podcast which drops June 21 @ 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET! Disagreements, squabbles, he said/she said—get ready for a summer full of it, as the summer solstice chart’s entrance of the Sun into Cancer portends another three months of angst around our partnerships until the Sun enters Libra at the September 22 fall equinox. That’s because this solstice chart reflects a tensional T-square between the Moon in Sagittarius to Juno (a.k.a., the archetypal energy of “the wife”) in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces, indicating disharmony between what each partner needs to feel emotionally secure. Witness the formation of new partnerships, such as those between Russia & North Korea, for example, to counteract that of NATO, just to name one collective happening at the time of this solstice…And the fact that Venus—the ruler of the transiting Libra South Node—squares the nodal axis—continues to test our relationships doesn't help either, sad to say… This podcast looks also at what led us to now, including more fallout from the Mars/Pluto exact square June 11 & discusses the deeper meaning of the cycle between these two planets which—when in frictional aspect—often depict explosive events, including potential violence. The fact that these two will be in exact opposition from Cancer to Capricorn on November 3—two days before the U.S. presidential election—makes this cycle one worthy of our attention as it waxes now. So, bump stocks anyone? Get ‘em while they’re hot! The Supreme Court says it’s A-OKAY to turn a semi-automatic rifle into a nonstop firing machine—but hey, it’s NOT a machine gun, ok? Can’t get a high court decision less reality-based than that during a week when—following the Mars/Pluto waxing first quarter square June 11 & the first quarter Moon/Sun square June 13—Venus, Mercury, & the Sun all squared Neptune from June 17-20. Tune in for more specifics on how such legal myopia distorts reality! Now, at this Capricorn Full Moon, with the same planetary players still square to Neptune but waning in strength, the Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon calls us all to release our attachment to that “victim thang,” and to instead put on our big girl & boy pants and just deal with reality already! It’s NOT cool to be a victim, the Capricorn Moon admonishes the Cancer Sun, conjoined with Venus & Mercury in weepy Cancer. Grow up! Act like an adult! Take responsibility! Join us for all this & more Astro News You Can Use at “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast which drops today at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM or any of your favorite podcast stations! So much to discuss, so little time! Namaste… https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1007746264689301&set=a.521888016608464&__cft__[0]=AZXrTKfANTSosc2CF6uDQ0B3VZW6gGnve2dn_U1KFuzT4BEQx3BXi-YpGkzF157CpkxF1AukLialW-B9ENcfY0bKlg2ATpyVWOq6zJQr17CHTUU9KZr5XLu-66xwir0Nck_5CqW64w225bPPn2lVwksDD8Dgzbyh0W4EUq6HdQZsnerkTDtXUEzey7nz1c346Yzg2-1H6jJWvDotqbAXwS6I&__tn__=EH-R
    Played 59m 12s

    14 JUN 2024 · WEEK! JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN AT KARMIC EVOUTION DOT COM FOR A NEW “KARMIC EVOLOUTION’S ASTROLOGICALLY SPEAKING!” PODCAST dropping 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET June 14! We’ll review how astrological energies of the past week actually played out as the Gemini New Moon lunar cycle from June 6 continues to wax toward next week’s Capricorn Full Moon June 21… As Mars in Taurus waxed toward its exact fixed square to Pluto in Aquarius on June 11—an aspect that can predict violence--we first learned of the rescue of four Israeli hostages in Gaza, but also that, in doing so, 274 Palestinians perished. And on June 10, the U.N. Security Council passed a U.S.-backed Gaza cease-fire resolution that laid out a three-phase plan that begins with an immediate cease-fire. But action there has been stalled, as per the squares to Saturn by Venus, the Sun, & Mercury between June 8 & 10—as the Gemini New Moon began to wax--just as it’s been stalled elsewhere in places like the U.S. Congress. These squares reflect resistance, particularly from authority figures &/or institutions. This became obvious this past week in Germany & France, where right-wing factions gained ground in last week’s elections, causing French President Macron to dissolve the lower house of parliament & call for new elections beginning June 30. Part of a historic surge of the far-right’s in European elections—including in Germany—France’s politics have been thrown into disarray. This podcast reviews also how on June 11 former President Donald Trump, convicted on May 30 of 34 felonies, met with his probation officer who will make sentencing recommendations to the judge who’s scheduled to announce Trump’s sentene on July 11. Also on July 11, as Mars exact squared Pluto, a jury found Hunter Biden guilty for lying about his drug use on his application to own a gun. As noted, Mars & Pluto in frictional aspect can mean violence, and guns—whether used or not—certainly imply potential violent intent. We look during this podcast at Hunter Biden’s natal chart & discuss how it reflects the sudden loss of his mother due to an automobile accident. It's Gemini season, after all, & the Geminian archetype includes local transportation--& Biden has a Mars/Uranus opposition square to his natal Cancer/Capricorn Ascendent/Descent. Tune in for more about this… More on the Mars/Pluto square front was the news that Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief of staff during the early years of his presidency is due to report to jail on July 1, though he’s still attempting a last minute appeal. Bannon--who’s been accused of stealing money from the fund collected to “build the wall” (the resurrection of another Saturnian symbol during a week of squares to Saturn,” lol)—is being jailed for refusing to respond to a House January 6 committee subpoena & was sentenced to four months in prison on October 21, 2022. Talk about delay, eh? And, how about—as we approached the June 13/14 first quarter lunar square of the Virgo Moon to the Gemini Sun AND the Sun/Mercury conjunction in Gemini—the Supreme Court decision declaring that the case to prevent mifepristone from being sent through the mail was decided. The lack of standing of the petitioners was the deciding factor, but this means another case is probably coming down the pike, again illustrating those squares to Saturn as a delay but not a final resolution. Finally, there’s the decision by the G7 nations meeting this past week that both U.S. & European banks housing frozen Russian assets—to the tune of $250BN—agree to use the $50BN in interest to fund a U.S. loan to Ukraine to help with this nation’s reconstruction once the war of Russian aggression there ends. Confiscating "joint resources" monies as retribution against war--you can’t get more Mars/Pluto square-y than that! Tune in to learn more about the astrological specifics of all this and more Astro News You Can Use! @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM! See you later! Namaste…
    Played 59m 25s

    7 JUN 2024 · ! JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for the latest “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM—dropping June 7 @ 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET—for a breakdown of Astro News that’s led us to point… Just as night follows day, it’s a given that one monthly lunar cycle follows another—astrology is, after all, the study of cycles. This podcast delves deeply into how this past month’s planetary aspects—starting with the May 7 Taurus New Moon monthly lunar cycle--helped us renew our innate sense of morality, ethics, and yes, true justice! By now most of us are familiar with the May 30 waning third quarter lunar square & the big news about a trial conviction for former president Donald Trump as Mercury conjoined Uranus in Taurus. This podcast looks at the play-by-play of astrological aspects that led to a jury of his peers finding him guilty on all 34 felony counts, & how in the end that Taurus New Moon cycle’s energies reinforced our inherent sense of justice—including in the power of the feminine divine. HINT: We’ll look at how, since May 7’s Taurus New Moon lunation--& its conjunctions to Uranus & Jupiter in Taurus & sextile to Saturn in Pisces—we were asked us to plant seeds of greater commitment to our truest sense of ethics, morality, & the ability to judge fairly. And how the May 23 Sagittarius Full Moon called us to release our attachment to unrelated or random details that do not add up to the whole story. And now how that renewed sense of faith can lead us to discover-- during this Gemini New Moon monthly lunar cycle—that it’s time to plant seeds that allows us to LISTEN to details that make sense because they add up to a logical conclusion. We may use the Gemini archetype’s mental agility & adaptability to continue to exchange our old set of no longer relevant values for ones more appropriate to current times. And to plan to our tactical advantage, as long as we remember to keep in mind that we must develop an overall strategy that gets us to the end goal.   The issue this month will move from last month’s lunar cycle’s sextile to Saturn in Pisces to this month’s set of squares to Saturn, which include Venus, the Sun, & Mercury in Gemini all squaring Saturn June 8 9, & 12. Will our renewed optimism turn to pessimism as this month progresses? Will there be even more spin (read: denying what is factually true) as we move toward through this month’s lunar cycle? The key here is to get the facts straight and to keep the faith, babe, especially between now and when the Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 asks us to release any infantile habits or behaviors that might make us want to cry if we don’t get our way… In addition, we discuss the waxing Mars/Pluto cycle, which began February 18 as it Mars makes an exact waxing square to Pluto July 11. Btw, July 11 is the same day Donald Trump is scheduled to be sentenced, unless his usually tactic of delay, delay, delay is successful, we shall see. We take note of the fact as well that Mars will exact oppose Pluto on November 1—just two days before the November 3, 2024 presidential election, so stay tuned… Finally, we look again at how transiting Pluto’s been quincunxing Trump’s Leo Ascendant conjunct fixed star Regulus & how I’ve been saying for months now that this was going to change (read: adjust) the public’s views of who he “really” is. That, along with transiting Uranus hitting his Midheaven at the jury verdict, do not bode well for his reputation going forward.  However, as always we shall see, but this podcase discusses also the deeper meaning of being born with Regulus prominent in one’s chart & how it portends a fall from grace when one misuses one’s power through any acts of revenge. Don’t miss this week’s “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM! See y’all later! Namaste…
    Played 59m 2s

    24 MAY 2024 · JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM starting May 24 at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET when this week’s podcast drops for more about Jupiter in Gemini for the next year & the higher meaning of the recent May 23 Sagittarius Full Moon! When the Sagittarius Moon opposed the Gemini Sun at this lunation, it highlighted for us all the shadow side of the Gemini archetype, because it reflected the light of the Sun back to itself, as do all full Moons. Thus, it asked us to release our attachment toward endless chatter & the tendency to run around in mental circles, which can create both confusion & mental exhaustion.  The Sagittarius Moon reminded the Gemini Sun that there’s a bigger picture—based on a wider interpretation of our personal philosophies—that can cure the Geminian tendency toward getting stuck in the local ‘hood & ignore that there’s a wider world out there to which we are all connected. Without such consciousness, the Gemini archetype can get stuck in the maze of its own making (read: distracted by gossip & conspiracy theories) & engage in short-term tactics that don’t advance us toward an actual long-term goal. A perfect metaphorical example is this: Imagine the Gemini Sun as a person wandering confusedly through the labyrinth’s maze, unable to find an exit. The longer one walks, the more confused one gets as she loses all sense of direction. Well, when the Sagittarius Moon tells the Gemini Sun to “look up!” he’s reminding this archetypal energy that there’s a way out. If we can expand our mind beyond the narrower ken of being stuck in that labyrinth’s seemingly endless mental rut, we can rise above & see its configuration more clearly. The difference boils down to a rat being stuck in a maze with no way out compared to the eagle soaring above who sees the exit clearly. And the Gemini Sun’s trine to Pluto Rx in Aquarius at this lunation called us to take stock of the deeper meaning of our lives & to study what no longer works so that we may make changes. The intent is to reform the necessary parts of our lives so they may run more smoothly in the future. Venus entered Gemini then, too, which can help us communicate with others in more loving ways as long as we watch out for superficial communication.  So, as Jupiter enters Gemini May 25 for the next year until June 9, 2025, he will expand the Geminian archetype’s potential. However, it goes without saying (though I’ll say it anyway, lol) that this means it will expand both the good, bad, & the ugly.  So, get ready for the expansion of new ideas, ways of communicating, more reading, writing, talking about, & discussing of, ideas. But be prepared also for Gemini’s shadow side to rear its ugly head in the form of more mis- & disinformation & propaganda, gossip, fickle behavior, & conspiracy theories. However, since Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius is the sign of higher knowledge & expansion of consciousness, and includes in its archetypal range the subject of law, we may well see an expansion of legal applications to combat Gemini’s shadow side energies. So, if we can keep the focus on the positive of Gemini’s energies, which include talking, teaching, writing--& the reception of information through listening, learning, reading, & observing—we can make the highest use of Jupiter’s transit through Gemini over the next year. Join us @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM to hear more about the repercussions already being felt from the May 23 Sagittarius Full Moon, Jupiter’s year-long move into Gemini May 25, & the upcoming astrological energies for this next week!  These include current events as related to astrological ones, such as how the May 26 conjunction of Mars/Hygeia (goddess asteroid of health) & current Ceres/Chiron cardinal square in the sky may bring more famine in places like Gaza & Haiti before warring parties agree to a solution. (Ceres is the goddess of the grain, related to sustenance as both food & faith.) And whether Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries May 29 will result in a continued outcry by other nations (as Jupiter expands Gemini’s ability to broadcast perspectives & opinions, along with its capacity for legal interpretation) for sanctions against Israel. And whether we’ll hear a sudden announcement by the time Mercury conjoins with Uranus in Taurus May 30/31 (read: a jury verdict in the current Trump trial, maybe?)  Stay tuned for all this & more Astro News You Can Use when you tune into this week’s “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking” podcast which drops today! See you later! Namaste…
    Played 58m 57s

    10 MAY 2024 · JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for this week’s podcast drops at  First, let’s remember how the March 10 Pisces New Moon called us to develop compassion—for both ourselves & others. Then the April 8 Aries New Moon solar eclipse, which conjoined wounded healer Chiron, asked us to speak out about past & present wounds so that we may heal them going forward. The April 23 Scorpio Full Moon square to Pluto in Aquarius illustrated that social reform is necessary to accomplish both of these goals, as this square—along with Pluto’s May 2 station retrograde--represented groups fighting for future change & equality for all. Whether domestically in state legislatures or on college campuses where students call for international equality, this reality has become pretty obvious, wouldn’t you say? And when Venus squared Pluto April 30/May 1 issues around sex & money hit the collective in rapid fire, including: Russia raising its citizens taxes to fund its war on Ukraine, the repeal & enactment of abortion laws in several U.S. states, & an ongoing election fraud trial in NYC centered on paying off a porn star to keep quiet about a sexual liaison to win a presidential election. We also had the news—just as Mercury stationed direct in Aries on April 25—that New York’s highest court threw out Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 rape conviction because it found the trial judge unfairly allowed testimony against Weinstein based on allegations that weren’t part of the case. (Don’t worry, he’s still in prison based on the rape conviction in his Los Angeles trial.) This makes the message of the May 7 Taurus New Moon--which sextiled Saturn in Pisces—even more important with regard to showing greater respect for feminine divine energies & cycles. Especially as convicted sexual abuser former president Donald Trump continues to stand trial in New York for covering up a sex scandal with a porn star as part of an election fraud scheme. Quite representative of all the Venus energy juxtaposed against Mars in Aries right now in a "he said, she said" kinda way, right? Combined with the Aries True North Node’s May 8 conjunction to Hygeia, the goddess asteroid of health, we’re called this month to work toward improving our own & the world’s health. The Sun’s sextile to Saturn May 6/7 set the stage for the opportunity to succeed at a plan that Venus’s May 13 sextile to Saturn can commit to for the long-term. But this will require a change in values as the Taurus Sun approaches conjunction to Uranus May 13, & a further commitment to justice as the Sun/Jupiter conjunction takes place May 18. And all of this further requires that we understand the messages sent to us already. That self-compassion leads to compassion for others, speaking out about our own & others’ deep wounds leads to future healing, & that the opportunity to commit to lasting peaceful solutions that stand the test of time is what’s most important as we move forward. Join us at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT, or any of your favorite podcast stations, for more details about how the heavens reflect back to us these major messages! Namaste…
    Played 1h 59s

    26 APR 2024 · JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM when a new “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast drops at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. PT April 26 & find out more! Like how the Sun’s move into Taurus April 19 & the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus April 20 led to expanded knowledge & a rapid change in perspective concerning finances & values. This, combined with reduced frustration as the energy of the recent Mars/Saturn conjunction wanes, led to sudden U.S. Congressional cooperation & passage of funding for Ukraine--without which it’s predicted Ukraine would lose the war against its Russian aggressor. We look further at how the April 23 Scorpio Full Moon formed a fixed square to Pluto in Aquarius & how this energy manifests now through widening student protests against U.S. support for Israel its war in Gaza, & the growing backlash by authority figures. (Read: Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, Scorpio Moon & Taurus Sun square Pluto in rebellious Aquarius=expansion of student (Jupiter) protests (Uranus/Aquarius) over U.S. financial backing (Taurus) of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza (Jupiter as the ruler of higher education, law, foreign places, AND religion.)  We explore another theme related to these energies in the form of finances & sexual abuse--as Venus approaches a square to Pluto April 30/May 1--by Spain’s decision to hold the Catholic Church financially responsible for 440K victims of such abuse by clergy & others. Meanwhile, the Arizona state house repeals the archaic 1864 law that bans abortions there, & we wait to see if the state senate will follow suit.  And then there’s the U.S. DoJ’s $138M award to female Olympic athletes abused by Larry Nasser, the official Olympic gynecologist at the University of Michigan, already serving tine in prison. Can’t get more Venus/Pluto than that as the two approach their exact square April 30/May 1! Join us at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for more on all this, plus Venus’s entrance into Taurus April 29, Mars’ move into its own sign of Aries April 30, & the third-quarter monthly lunar square of the Aquarius Moon to the Taurus Sun May 1. (Hint: This asks us to push through current crises in ways that resonate with the mission of this monthly lunar cycle’s inception at the April 8 Aries New Moon solar eclipse conjunct wounded healer Chiron by speaking out about our own & other peoples’ pain & suffering.)  And finally, we take a deeper look at the overall meaning of Pluto’s station retrograde in Aquarius on May 2 until October 11. This is where the rubber meets the road in terms of each of us sorting out for ourselves where we stand in terms of morals/integrity, money, & power, & what we can discover from an intense exploration of the meaning of “soul” vs the allures, temptations, & trappings of the outer world… (Hint: Any personal confusion on what this means more specifically for each of us will come clear by watching what happens in the outer world & wider collective during this period!) Don’t miss this explanation of how all these astro energies blend together to manifest in the physical world through a look at current events & our role in them! See you then! Namaste…
    Played 57m 55s

    19 APR 2024 · JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for more about these astro-events when a new “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!”  We’ll delve into the higher meaning of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus—the first time these two have come together in this fixed earth sign since 1941--& how it fits into the upcoming Scorpio Full Moon square to Pluto in Aquarius energy! (Hint: New revelations about necessary future evolutionary societal changes!) Along the way, Sheri discusses recent events within the collective related to Mercury & the Sun’s conjunctions to Eris this past week & what news they brought us. AND, how the Sun’s move into Taurus April 19 & waning Mars/Saturn in Pisces energy may calm things down a bit going forward, despite the currently ongoing warfare between places like Israel & Iran. Plus, we take a deep dive into Israel’s natal chart to see where past wounds (Scorpio South Node conjunct wounded healer Chiron) are triggered now by an opposition from the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction & the quincunx from transiting Chiron in Aries. And how this may determine this nation’s future actions/reactions, especially since its karmic nodal axis & Chiron square its natal Saturn/Pluto in Leo. We look also at where these energies occur in the U.S. Sibly chart. And how GOP House speaker Mike Johnson’s recent change of heart on supporting funding for Ukraine can be seen as the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction occurs on the U.S. 6th H cusp, calling this nation to once again “be of service” to its allies. This is especially true as transiting Chiron continues making its return & triggers the natal U.S. chart’s opposition of natal Chiron to natal Juno/Saturn (read: commitment in partnership) & square to its natal 7th H of partnership Cancer Sun. Translation: Congress debates passing financial & military support for Israel & Ukraine, & supplying humanitarian funds for Gazans based on the retriggering of its own natal wound. Read: The wound to its quest for independence from an overbearing monarchy, which led to its birth as an independent sovereign nation. Finally, the upcoming April 23 Scorpio Full Moon squares Pluto in Aquarius, telling us that change is inevitable as the evolution-oriented Scorpio Moon reflects the light of stubborn change-resistant Taurus Sun back to itself. Change is inevitable as a law of the universe, but won’t come easily, as the square of both luminaries to Pluto in Aquarius is already been felt by events like the arrest of 100+ students protesting the war in Gaza at NYC’s Columbia University on April 18. With Pluto about to enter Aquarius for the long haul on November 19, we’re seeing shades of the revolutionary energy of the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo from the mid-1960’s when the protests by students nationwide at college campuses were shut down by the authorities, sometimes brutally (Kent State, anyone?) We had a preview of this kind of energy when Saturn transited through Uranus-ruled Aquarius (a rebellious energy as well) from March 21, 2020 to July 1, 2020; and then later from December 17, 2020, to March 7, 2023. This is when we experienced groups of people taking to the streets in support of the Black Lives Matter movement—not only in America but in places like France too. Stay tuned for all this Astro News You Can Use & more by checking out this week’s podcast @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM (or any of your favorite podcast stations) starting at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET today! Namaste…
    Played 58m 49s

    12 APR 2024 ·  JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S PODCAST  to review the overall themes of the recent March 25 & April 8 eclipses, when they came into play, & where their influence is being felt most! We look back also as last year’s eclipses to learn how they’ve influenced recent events, including Donald Trump’s multiple legal indictments--& how these two most recent eclipses, along with Mercury retrograde, resulted in losses of three appeals in his ongoing court cases. We’ll look also at the recent eclipse driven earthquakes as symbolic wake up calls as Mercury retrograde conjoined Eris in Aries at the April 8 solar eclipse & then moved back to rejoin the Aries Sun April 11, the day of O.J. Simpson’s passing. We review how last fall’s Eris/North Node conjunction & eclipses manifested in former GOP House speaker Kevin McCarthy’s fall from power, & Rep Mike Johnson’s political elevation—all under the influence of dwarf planet Eris, goddess of chaos & discord! This podcast reviews also how, under both Venus & Mercury in the god of war Mars-ruled Aries—but Mercury now retrograde until April 25—Israel withdraws troops from southern Gaza but vows to continue its goal to eliminate Hamas. However, the message of the most recent eclipses has been to release old, unsuccessful, goals & to review, revise, & realign with new ones. In addition, learn how the April 8 solar eclipse conjunct wounded healer Chiron is playing out in terms of turning the tide toward greater healing for women’s rights to bodily autonomy. Hint: Mercury’s retrograde, so it’s one step back, but hopefully two steps forward as Arizona & Florida resurrect archaic abortion laws, but their courts allow referendums on women’s rights to abortion onto the November 5 upcoming election ballots—a move sure to bring more pro-choice advocates to the polls. And how we’re headed now for a Sun/Eris conjunction on April 14, just before the April 15 first quarter waxing lunar square of the Cancer Moon to the Aries Sun, as we head toward the Sun’s entrance into Taurus April 19 & the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction April 20! Will additional chaos result in more confusion or greater revelations that bring clarity? Join us for all this & more Astro News You Can Use at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM starting today! See you then! Namaste…
    Played 58m 43s

    5 APR 2024 ·  JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN AT KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S PODCAST--which drops April 5 @ 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET—to learn more about how we arrived at this energy & what to expect moving forward… When we extrapolate current astrological energies out of collective happenings down into the level of the personal, we might ask ourselves now: “What dream did I plant at the March 10 Pisces New Moon that I’m now finding was unrealistic because I will be, in the end, unable to successfully manifest it out in the world? And where, at the March 25 Libra Full Moon, did I need to release any tendency to fight rather than create an environment of peace & harmony? OR where did I decide to go along to get along & acquiesce with others against my true wishes? And how, as we approach the Aries New Moon solar eclipse on April 8, can I recognize—as Mercury retrogrades in Aries until April 25 & Mars waxes toward a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces April 10—that I must reorient my creative aspirations into ones more concretely possible in the real world? This podcast outlines the major happenings within the collective since the Capricorn Moon & dwarf planet Ceres squared the Aries Sun & transiting karmic nodal axis at the third-quarter lunar square April 1. (Hint: Ceres is related to “sustenance” in the form of both literal food & faith, as it’s when our bellies are full that we can have faith that we needn’t worry about from where our next meal will come.) And how the April 3 Venus/Neptune conjunction in Pisces—though fleeting—dissolved any fantasies around the success of previous plans because they’ve now proven to be unworkable. Further, we’re watching now how Venus’s April 4 entrance into Mars-ruled Aries transforms the goddess of beauty & love into a warrior for relationships, which--through negotiation & compromise—can prove more harmonious & peaceful in the end. We’re challenged now—as Mars waxes toward an exact conjunction to Saturn in Pisces April 10--with the frustrating task of divining a new, more workable, plan for the future. And we have two choices with this aspect: fatigue & depression OR exhaustion after we put our shoulder to the wheel & work hard to achieve success. It's up to each of us to decide which way will prove more healing given Chiron’s prominent presence conjunct the Sun & Moon in Aries at this solar eclipse, which calls us to act in order to heal old wounds. By April 11, when the Aries Sun meets Mercury retrograde at their inferior conjunction, we will doubtless hear some kind of major announcement from the powers that be. And it will likely be something that’s revising an older policy or plan because, as noted, Mercury is retrograde--a time when we review & revise our previous courses of action. And it’s then we hopefully will hear something meant to promote further healing within the collective. Tune in to KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM to hear more details about how astrological events within the collective illustrate how these heavenly energies manifest on terra firma! And what else they may reveal at the April 8 Aries New Moon solar eclipse! Check it all out for more Astro News You Can Use & this don’t miss podcast episode that illustrates how real-life events enlighten us all about our future direction—both personally & collectively! See you then! Namaste…
    Played 58m 43s

    29 MAR 2024 · JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for the latest podcast, which drops March 29 @ 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET, about how the recent March 25 & upcoming April 8 eclipses—AND Mercury’s retrograde in Aries April 1-25—kick off a long-term review of both current partnerships & creative projects! This includes a look at how the March 25 Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse revealed changes in our relationships to others—both personal & as part of the collective. In addition, we discuss how Mercury’s station retrograde from 27-degrees 10-minutes Aries April 1 back to 16-degrees Aries on April 25--when it stations direct again--provides us all the opportunity to review where & how we need to make changes to those which no longer inspire us.   This Mercury retrograde period may stall the flow of our creative juices—temporarily—but the gift is time to review where we may have lost our mojo & need to recapture the kind of intuitive inspiration that helps us better plan our future. This theme is likely to be most prevalent when Mercury hits the upcoming Mars-ruled April 8 Aries New Moon solar eclipse degree of 19-degrees 24-minutes of the archetypal sign of motivation, ambition, & proactive assertion. This period is already activated since Mercury already conjoined this eclipse degree circa March 20/21, will do so again when retrograde on April 16, & once more when direct on May 5. Combined with the theme of this spring eclipse season, we’re asked to reorient our creative pursuits in order to release any stagnant non-productive energy & make way for something new—partnerships included. As always, we discuss also the specifics of where partners have come together to negotiate, compromise, & successfully change their attitudes toward each other, & where, sadly, people & nations are still at war. Given that the April 8 solar eclipse has both luminaries tightly conjunct wounded healer Chiron, we discuss as well how future healing may be possible since repercussions of the Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse last through November 20, 2024—the day the South Node conjoins the March 25 lunar eclipse degree. Which, btw, also happens to be the day after Pluto reenters Aquarius on November 19 for the next 19 years. If you’re ready to delve more deeply into the March 25 Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse’s already realized effects on partnerships AND learn what’s yet to come with the April 8 Aries New Moon Solar eclipse, then this podcast is a don’t miss! Join us anytime for more Astro News You Can Use, starting March 29, at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM! Namaste… #
    Played 58m 26s

Interested in astrology and how it really works? Want to know the truth about astrology & your soul’s karmic evolution? Karmic Evolution seeks to inform us all—through astrological insight—how we...

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Interested in astrology and how it really works? Want to know the truth about astrology & your soul’s karmic evolution?
Karmic Evolution seeks to inform us all—through astrological insight—how we may better our relationships, ascertain our true values, & find the courage to be who we truly came here to be...after all, isn’t that what life is really all about?
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