8 FEB 2025 · Sheri Horn Hasan’s “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast--which drops Friday, February 7—is BAAAAACK! Listen here: https://www.karmicevolution.com/astrologically-speaking
This week’s Astro News You Can Use includes a look at how--as we approach the Feb 12 Leo Full Moon--the world has been watching as those in the U.S. begin to wake up to a new reality within its governing structure and to fight back.
There is no doubt, since the January 29 Aquarius New Moon & the direct stations of Uranus & Jupiter, that the news has been flying so fast and furiously that it’s been difficult to keep up most days unless you’re a diehard news addict. No wonder sudden shock (Uranus=sudden change) related to codified U.S. law (Jupiter=law, immigration, higher education, religion, philosophy, ethics & morals) has shaken many American’s faith in their governing systems.
Venus represents who we value as partners, finances, and what we do to earn our money, a.k.a., work, or our “jobs.” And now, since Venus in Aries sextiled Pluto on February 7, these most unconventional—and many say illegal—orders out of President Trump’s White House have prompted legal push back. And the fight (Aries) over governmental finances, jobs, & between existig allies & trading partners (Venus) continues.
The opportunity to fight back against Plutonic efforts to disempower people by imposing tariffs against allied trading partners, withholding funds from Americans, laying off government workers, discontinuing funding for charitable efforts, etc., has began to bear fruit, considering that a double-digit number of lawsuits have been filed to date. And word has it there will be more anon…after all, the Jupiter mission, now direct, is expansion, lol...
We wait to see if there are any new major shocking announcements of the legal sort between now & February 9’s Aquarius Sun/Mercury conjunction, Mars/Saturn trine, February 10’s Mercury/Uranus square, & February 11’s Sun/Uranus square, as we head into the February 12’s Leo Full Moon.
We do know that Trump's been experiencing a square from transiting Saturn in Pisces from his 7th House of partnership to his natal 10th House Gemini Uranus (which conjoins his Gemini North Node & Sun there), likely spurring his need to shock through unconventional pronouncements.
Since several judges have stayed his Executive Orders on issues concerning U.S. birthright, stoppage of funding via USAID, lay-offs of federal workers, granting non elected individuals access to the Treasury Department's payment system, and more, to date, we may well have Saturn to thank. Especially since transiting Saturn will go on to exact square his natal Nodes, Sagittarius Moon, & Gemini Sun--all by April 12, we may see more delays or shut downs of these efforts. We shall see...
This Leo Full Moon forms a fixed cross as the Leo Moon opposes the Aquarius Sun & both luminaries square Juno in Scorpio (the partner in the sign of joint resources) opposite Uranus (sudden change.) This period will likely shock even more people out of their complacency over Trump’s attempts to take a wrecking ball to America’s usual civil & legal structures. Some are calling this a coup from the inside, which puts a new slant on Trump’s “deep state” propaganda to mean that HE is the “deep state.” *(Well, it wouldn't be the first time that he is what he projects others to be, right?)
Meanwhile, we delve into the meaning of the recent shift of the transiting nodal axis into a Virgo South Node & Pisces North Node, & take a look at the health implications (not only for the U.S. but for the world) since the Hygeia’s (asteroid goddess of health) conjoined with the dwarf planet Eris, the goddess of chaos & discord on January 9. This as we await whether the February 11 Senate voters confirm that RFK, Jr., will become our next U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services.
This, as wounded healer Chiron in Aries (wound around the previous inability to take action or to be proactive) heads toward its exact conjunction with Eris on May 26. A lot will likely happen between now and then, given other major astrological shifts coming up, so we’ll wait, and watch, and see…
Join me now for this interesting and timely podcast @ https://www.karmicevolution.com/astrologically-speaking and I’ll see you then! Namaste…