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Between Heaven and Earth

  • Boosting Intuition and Positive News with Lisa K.

    18 AUG 2016 · Aired Wednesday, 17 August 2016, 4:00 PM ET Join Lisa K. http://www.LMK88.com for this show! Learn how to boost your intuition if you are just learning how to use it. Plus positive news found around the Internet. About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, Lisa teaches people how to connect to their inner divine guidance. Considered intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition and psychic development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on every day spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 6s
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Intuition and Intuition Exercise

    11 AUG 2016 · Aired Wednesday, 10 August 2016, 4:00 PM ET In this show with Lisa K. (http://www.LMK88.com) she’ll answer frequently asked questions about intuition. You can post your questions here (http://www.facebook.com/lmk88fans) and she’ll answer them on the air. Later in the show she’ll do an intuition exercise with listeners. About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, Lisa teaches people how to connect to their inner divine guidance. Considered intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition and psychic development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on every day spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 12s
  • Crystals and Oracle Cards

    4 AUG 2016 · Aired Wednesday, 3 August 2016, 4:00 PM ET Join Lisa K. (http://www.LMK88.com) as we talk about Crystals and Oracle Cards. Find out what the crystal of the week is and which oracle card decks are the best for giving you accurate messages. About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, Lisa teaches people how to connect to their inner divine guidance. Considered intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition and psychic development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on every day spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 44s
  • The Energy of Being Human, Raise Your Vibration

    28 JUL 2016 · Aired Wednesday, 27 July 2016, 4:00 PM ET Join Lisa K., http://www.lmk88.com with her guest Dr. Edwige. If you’re unsure about your odd dreams, experiences, coincidences, budding paranormal experiences and more, Dr. Edwige can help guide you through her book “You’re Not Crazy, You’re Awakening!” She helps people embrace their multi-dimensional self, get comfortable with unexpected experiences that are helping them to raise their frequency, and give a hearty welcome to benevolent beings waiting in the wings to help the transition. About the Guest Dr. Edwige Dr. Edwige, who holds a Doctorate in Metaphysical Science, is a Light Body Mentor, Light Code Activator, metaphysical practitioner, author, and speaker. She helps position people for “Ascension” and the return of their original Divine Blueprint. For more than eight years, Dr. Edwige worked with her energetic team to elevate her skills so she could excel at pinpointing blocked energy flow, clearing it and healing her clients emotionally, physically and mentally, and coaching people to achieve their life dreams. About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, Lisa teaches people how to connect to their inner divine guidance. Considered intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition and psychic development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on every day spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 46s
  • LisaK Tips: Intuition on Vacation and When Intuition is Wrong

    21 JUL 2016 · Aired Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 4:00 PM ET Join Lisa K, http://www.LMK88.com, in this two-part show on improving your intuition in ways that may surprise you. How to Boost Your Intuition When You’re on Vacation: Vacations are a perfect time to relax and enjoy yourself. It’s also when you’ll find your intuition is strongest. Find out why on this episode. What To Do When Your Intuition Is Wrong? If you’ve tried to use your intuition but it didn’t seem to quite work, you’re not alone. Don’t give up there are ways you can handle your ‘misses’ and be able to get it right and be accurate the next time. Listen in to find out how. About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, Lisa teaches people how to connect to their inner divine guidance. Considered intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition and psychic development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on every day spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 45s
  • How to Get Anything You Want in 3 Easy Steps

    14 JUL 2016 · How to Get Anything You Want in 3 Easy Steps - Ken Elliott Aired Wednesday, 13 July 2016, 4:00 PM ET Join Lisa K. (http://www.LMK88.com) to find out how to get anything you want in three easy steps. Imagine you are a genie and everything you wish begins to form up right in front of you. First is your thought and thought creates form. Do you long for more? What would you wish for if you had the chance? You will soon learn how to create the desires of a lifetime while overcoming the worries and blocks that impede your happiness. You will fully understand how to use thought as a simple and powerful tool. No more wishing and hoping for results, you are the genie! Ken Elliott tells us how to manifest anything in 3 steps and you don’t need #3. About the Guest Ken Elliott Ken Elliott is an award winning artist & author of the book, Manifesting 1-2-3 and you don’t need #3, has been on showcased on media all over the world. Ken has learned how to manifest items both big and small, first creating his desires on the Other Side and watching those thoughts take from in our physical world. Ken is living a life that many call “magical and miraculous.” Over the last 20+ years Ken has been teaching others these simple techniques so they can create the life that they desire. About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, and considered an intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on every day spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 54s
  • What are Angels and How to Communicate with Them

    1 JUN 2016 · What are Angels and How to Communicate with Them - Isabelle von Fallois Aired Wednesday, 1 June 2016, 4:00 PM ET After a near-death experience at the age of 8 pianist Isabelle von Fallois started having prophetic dreams and visions. But it was only after leukemia in 2000 that she started to engage intensively with the angels. Within the shortest period of time she started to receive advice from the angels, who helped her to become completely healthy again. From that moment on she studied various forms of energy healing, angels and coaching to be able to support people on their path. Today she is travelling for most of her time, speaking at international events and holding national as well as international lectures and workshops to help more and more people to find out for themselves how to communicate with the angels and to live a fulfilled life. About the Guest Isabelle von Fallois Isabelle von Fallois writes, travels all round the world, and gives presentations and workshops. She has written several books that have been German and Italian bestsellers, recorded more than 50 meditations and developed the ANGEL LIFE COACH® Training, the ISIS ANGEL HEALING® and the MAGDALENE HEALING®. Isabelle has had her own radio show; she has also been featured in many magazines and appeared on several DVDs, in spiritual movies, and on German television. Following the wishes of her angels she also dedicates time to new media and regularly publishes channeled messages on her fan page on Facebook and on Twitter. With her spiritual work and as a pianist alike, Isabelle would like to open people’s hearts and help them lead a fulfilled life. Websites: www.isabellevonfallois.com & www.AngelLifeCoachTraining.com About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, and considered an intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on every day spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 53s
  • Dear Human: A Message From Your Heart

    25 MAY 2016 · Dear Human: A Message From Your Heart - Courtney A. Walsh Aired Wednesday, 25 May 2016, 4:00 PM ET A few years ago, Courtney A. Walsh posted a meme on Facebook. The first words were “Dear Human”. It went viral and has since been seen more than 20 million times. It became and still is, “a starseed” that blazed to earth in its little spaceship of words. One that seems to stir the cells of both the individual and the collective consciousness and agitate some ancient and future memory of what love really is. She then wrote a book, called Dear Human, which grew from that viral message. Courtney says, “The book has come about as a result of thousands and thousands of people all over the world consistently and enthusiastically asking for it. I have been told that I speak directly to people’s spirits and hearts.” About the Guest Courtney A. Walsh Courtney A. Walsh is a social media rockstar and metaphysical humor author, internationally renowned speaker and writer of the “Dear Human” viral media meme that has now been shared with over 20 million people including on Deepak Chopra’s and Elizabeth Gilbert’s pages as well as retweeted by Khloe Kardashian and radio personality Delilah. Website: http://www.courtneyawalsh.com About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, and considered an intuition expert, Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops and seminars. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking, online media and her popular radio show, “Between Heaven and Earth” on every day spirituality. Learn more about Lisa K. and receive a free Intuition eBook at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 53s
  • 5 Secrets to Grow a Successful Spiritual Business

    11 MAY 2016 · 5 Secrets to Grow a Successful Spiritual Business - Lisa K. Aired Wednesday, 11 May 2016, 4:00 PM ET Lisa will show you the 5 key secrets on how to create and grow a successful spiritual business. Lisa also will go over the latest and greatest online actions to take and tools you can use to easily and grow your followers fast. Whether you have a business or just starting, learn how to create a booming spiritual business using proven strategies including Internet Marketing techniques that really work! About Lisa K. Lisa K. is a teacher, author and speaker teaching others how to develop their intuition through a global presence and in-person workshops. Starting her spiritual business in 2007, she nearly tripled her following in 2 years through social media and direct marketing. She teaches her business building techniques online, helping spiritual business entrepreneurs get their business started. As an author, Lisa’s work is frequently published in a variety of online magazines including The Huffinton Post and is a Featured Columnist for OmTimes Magazine. Findhorn Press published her latest book, “Grow Your Spiritual Business” co-authored with Cindy Griffith. Find out more about Lisa at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 53s
  • A Healer From Heaven Returns

    4 MAY 2016 · A Healer From Heaven Returns - Dr. Mary Helen Hensley Aired Wednesday, 4 May 2016, 4:00 PM ET Life took on a whole new meaning for Mary Helen Hensley one unseasonably warm afternoon in December 1991, when a life-changing road accident propelled an out-of-body experience. Ever since, she has embraced the importance of living to the fullest, inciting those around her to do the same. Just prior to impact by a car traveling at more than seventy-five miles an hour, Hensley realized she had a choice: either remain in her body or exit from the earth, allowing the remainder of the scene to unfold without feeling any pain. She chose to depart from her body—and enter heaven. Hensley vividly recalls the precise moment time stalled, followed by the vision of a woman running up to her car and dropping a piece of paper on the passenger seat, and the stunned look of a college friend a few cars behind witnessing the accident unravel. These are facts that unless Hensley was standing outside her vehicle, and conscious, she could not have known…neither of which she was. Dr. Hensley returned to her body and to earth to fulfill her mission of being a healer. Dr. Mary Helen Hensley returns for a second appearance on our show to continue this fascinating discussion on who you are and how to heal. About the Guest Dr. Mary Helen Hensley Dr. Mary Helen Hensley is a chiropractor, metaphysical healer, and international motivational speaker. She has authored numerous books including The Pocket Coach and the Chakra Fairies. She lives and creates in Ireland with her two daughters, Jemma Skye and Jada, also gifted outside of the five senses. Website: maryhelenhensley.com About Lisa K. Lisa K., PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker and expert on intuition. Founder of Developing Your Intuition, Lisa teaches people how to make their intuition happen when they want and on what they want. Lisa has taught hundreds of people intuition development in workshops both online and in-person. Her public appearances reach people around the world through guest speaking and online media. Sign up to get 16 intuition exercises and receive a free Intuition eBook at: http://www.LMK88.com
    Played 56m 54s

Between Heaven and Earth gives listeners practical and useful information to assist them in their every day lives. The spiritual part of our lives should be easy and be part...

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Between Heaven and Earth gives listeners practical and useful information to assist them in their every day lives. The spiritual part of our lives should be easy and be part of everything we do. In this way people find their own path that works for them which becomes their inner Truth and thus brings more happiness and joy in life. One way of finding to our inner Truth is through our ability to connect within to the inner guidance we call intuition.

Listen Live to Between Heaven and Earth every Wednesday at 4 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom
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