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Bob's Book Reviews

  • Freedom and Evolution by Adrian Bejan

    14 FEB 2024 · Correction: Adrian Bejan's Constructal Law was regretfully misspelled in our presentation at 03:13. Founder of Thales Academy and Thales College Bob Luddy discusses Adrian Bejan's book "Freedom and Evolution". Bejan is a J. A. Jones Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Duke University, a notable author, and a leading scientist in the field of thermodynamics. In his work, "Freedom & Evolution," Dr. Bejan explores the relationship between freedom and evolution through the lens of physics and thermodynamics and notably grounds freedom in the observable, natural world. Bob's Book Review is a periodic webinar led by Bob Luddy, the founder of Thales Academy, Thales College, and CaptiveAire. Learn more about upcoming webinars and all Thales Press events at https://www.thalesacademy.org/resources/thales-press Interested in teaching at Thales Academy? Please check out our website if you are interested in pursuing a career at Thales Academy and learning about needs across our network. Find out more at https://www.thalesacademy.org/contact/careers.
    Played 21m 20s
  • The Dethronement of Truth by Dietrich von Hildebrand

    14 FEB 2024 · John Henry Crosby, the president and founder of the Hildebrand Project, joins Bob Luddy in a discussion on "The Dethronement of Truth" by Dietrich von Hildebrand. Hildebrand (1889–1977) was a major personalist philosopher, heralded as "one of the great ethicists of the twentieth century" by Pope John Paul II. Amongst his numerous books and publications, Hildebrand was a prolific essayist, including his 1943 article, "The Dethronement of Truth." In the work, Hildebrand explains the nature and importance of truth and how the rejection of and indifference to truth tears apart the fabric of society. "The Dethronement of Truth" addresses issues of morality, epistemology, and relativism, as well as speaking out against the totalitarian ideologies of Communism and Nazism that Hildebrand, as a German philosopher, had publicly and heroically resisted. As Hildebrand articulates, and as Bob and John Henry discuss, we seek to understand the truth because human dignity and freedom are connected to us being the kind of beings who can seek and come to know the truth about reality. To put any other criterion in place of truth degrades the human person. Bob's Book Review is a periodic webinar led by Bob Luddy, the founder of Thales Academy, Thales College, and CaptiveAire. Learn more about upcoming webinars and all Thales Press events at https://www.thalesacademy.org/resources/thales-press Interested in teaching at Thales Academy? Please check out our website if you are interested in pursuing a career at Thales Academy and learning about needs across our network. Find out more at https://www.thalesacademy.org/contact/careers.
    Played 33m 17s
  • High Output Management_Andy Grove_Podcast

    13 FEB 2024 · In this episode, Bob looks at two companies, Amazon and Disney, to highlight their strategies for customer service and creating value. Amongst those strategies are embracing change, making well-reasoned and timely decisions, reducing risks, and selling the best possible customer experience to build and maintain customer loyalty. Great companies and great leaders embrace change, build positive relationships with customers, and take well-reasoned, well-mitigated risks to find new opportunities for growth. This webinar was streamed in August of 2017. Bob's Book Review is a periodic webinar led by Bob Luddy, the founder of Thales Academy, Thales College, and CaptiveAire. Learn more about upcoming webinars and all Thales Press events at https://www.thalesacademy.org/resources/thales-press Interested in teaching at Thales Academy? Please check out our website if you are interested in pursuing a career at Thales Academy and learning about needs across our network. Find out more at https://www.thalesacademy.org/contact/careers.
    Played 14m 59s
  • Lessons from the Bezos Way and the Success of Amazon 3 Customer Service Lessons from Disney

    13 FEB 2024 · In this episode, Bob looks at two companies, Amazon and Disney, to highlight their strategies for customer service and creating value. Amongst those strategies are embracing change, making well-reasoned and timely decisions, reducing risks, and selling the best possible customer experience to build and maintain customer loyalty. Great companies and great leaders embrace change, build positive relationships with customers, and take well-reasoned, well-mitigated risks to find new opportunities for growth. This webinar was streamed in August of 2017. Bob's Book Review is a periodic webinar led by Bob Luddy, the founder of Thales Academy, Thales College, and CaptiveAire. Learn more about upcoming webinars and all Thales Press events at https://www.thalesacademy.org/resources/thales-press Interested in teaching at Thales Academy? Please check out our website if you are interested in pursuing a career at Thales Academy and learning about needs across our network. Find out more at https://www.thalesacademy.org/contact/careers.
    Played 22m 1s
  • The Dethronement of Truth by Dietrich von Hildebrand | Bob's Book Review

    15 APR 2023 · John Henry Crosby, the president and founder of the Hildebrand Project, joins Bob Luddy in a discussion on "The Dethronement of Truth" by Dietrich von Hildebrand. Hildebrand (1889–1977) was a major personalist philosopher, heralded as "one of the great ethicists of the twentieth century" by Pope John Paul II. Amongst his numerous books and publications, Hildebrand was a prolific essayist, including his 1943 article, "The Dethronement of Truth." In the work, Hildebrand explains the nature and importance of truth and how the rejection of and indifference to truth tears apart the fabric of society. "The Dethronement of Truth" addresses issues of morality, epistemology, and relativism, as well as speaking out against the totalitarian ideologies of Communism and Nazism that Hildebrand, as a German philosopher, had publicly and heroically resisted. As Hildebrand articulates, and as Bob and John Henry discuss, we seek to understand the truth because human dignity and freedom are connected to us being the kind of beings who can seek and come to know the truth about reality. To put any other criterion in place of truth degrades the human person. Bob's Book Review is a periodic webinar led by Bob Luddy, the founder of Thales Academy, Thales College, and CaptiveAire. Learn more about upcoming webinars and all Thales Press events at https://www.thalesacademy.org/resources/thales-press.
    Played 33m 17s
  • "Good Profit: How Creating Value for Others Built One of the World's Most Successful Companies" by Charles Koch

    10 APR 2023 · In this episode of Bob’s Book Reviews, Bob looks at Charles Koch’s "Good Profit." Per his official author biography, Charles Koch is the chairman of the board and CEO of Koch Industries, Inc., a position he has held since 1967. He is renowned for building Koch Industries into the second-largest private company in the nation—currently valued at $100 billion—making him the fourth wealthiest man in America, according to Forbes Magazine. In "Good Profit," Charles Koch outlines the principles he used to transform Koch Industries into the second-largest private corporation and one of the most valuable companies in the world. Such principles include a focus on continuous improvement and innovation, an emphasis on values and integrity, and the need for leaders to cast a forward-looking vision to help the company navigate difficult challenges and maintain improvement. Bob's Book Review is a periodic webinar led by Bob Luddy, the founder of Thales Academy, Thales College, and CaptiveAire. Learn more about upcoming webinars and all Thales Press events athttps://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazEwcXRmX0w5eEhENGY4NTZ0b2RSZE1MVXNaUXxBQ3Jtc0tsMEpzN1FiUU9IVE9lTTVrdzBtOXVUOThuX2d4bF83ZVBncjFKVXZGN0dIZjNBQ2hBQXFkNlVDTkhNOG5xUnpESUgxajE1S290ZzZrUXZRcllqT0dYMmdMSUt0Q1drVG5QMDZUems2S09OSmhuU2tXdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thalesacademy.org%2Fresources%2Fthales-press&v=Gm8Avg1w4c0https://www.thalesacademy.org/resources/thales-press. This webinar was streamed in June of 2017. "Good Profit: How Creating Value for Others Built One of the World's Most Successful Companies" by Charles Koch was published in 2015 by Currency Publishers and can be purchased here at ​​https://www.amazon.com/Good-Profit-Creating-Successful-Companies/dp/1101904135/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2IXXV5E5QPYFD&keywords=good+profit+charles+koch&qid=1673450985&sprefix=Good+Profit%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-1
    Played 19m 38s
  • "25 Recipes of Inventive Simplification" by Enrico Franzolin

    10 APR 2023 · In this episode of Bob’s Book Reviews, Bob looks at Enrico Franzolin’s "25 Recipes of Inventive Simplification." Franzolin’s work focused on lessons that help various industries create a culture that is simultaneously creative and efficient, tips such as reducing complexity, focusing on simplicity, and the need to think above and beyond the status quo. Bob's Book Review is a periodic webinar led by Bob Luddy, the founder of Thales Academy, Thales College, and CaptiveAire. Learn more about upcoming webinars and all Thales Press events athttps://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazEwcXRmX0w5eEhENGY4NTZ0b2RSZE1MVXNaUXxBQ3Jtc0tsMEpzN1FiUU9IVE9lTTVrdzBtOXVUOThuX2d4bF83ZVBncjFKVXZGN0dIZjNBQ2hBQXFkNlVDTkhNOG5xUnpESUgxajE1S290ZzZrUXZRcllqT0dYMmdMSUt0Q1drVG5QMDZUems2S09OSmhuU2tXdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thalesacademy.org%2Fresources%2Fthales-press&v=Gm8Avg1w4c0https://www.thalesacademy.org/resources/thales-press. This webinar was streamed in April of 2019. "25 Recipes of Inventive Simplification" by Enrico Franzolin is available by Lulu, was published in 2015, and is https://www.amazon.com/Recipes-Inventive-Simplification-Enrico-Franzolin/dp/1329596455/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=25+Recipes+of+Inventive+Simplification%2C+Enrico+Franzolin&qid=1673449567&s=books&sr=1-1 at https://www.amazon.com/Recipes-Inventive-Simplification-Enrico-Franzolin/dp/1329596455/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=25+Recipes+of+Inventive+Simplification%2C+Enrico+Franzolin&qid=1673449567&s=books&sr=1-1
    Played 20m 16s
  • A Year with Peter Drucker: 52 Weeks of Coaching for Leadership Effectiveness by Joseph A. Maciariello

    10 APR 2023 · In this webinar, Bob Luddy shares principles for success in life and business drawn from the life and career of Peter Drucker. Born in Vienna, Austria, Peter Drucker was a management consultant and author of almost 40 books, as well as a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, amongst other periodicals. He is often described as the "founder of modern management." Amongst those key principles include the need to “develop leaders, not functionaries,” prioritize the things that are actually important, and organize your work to be maximally effective. Bob's Book Review is a periodic webinar led by Bob Luddy, the founder of Thales Academy, Thales College, and CaptiveAire. Learn more about upcoming webinars and all Thales Press events athttps://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazEwcXRmX0w5eEhENGY4NTZ0b2RSZE1MVXNaUXxBQ3Jtc0tsMEpzN1FiUU9IVE9lTTVrdzBtOXVUOThuX2d4bF83ZVBncjFKVXZGN0dIZjNBQ2hBQXFkNlVDTkhNOG5xUnpESUgxajE1S290ZzZrUXZRcllqT0dYMmdMSUt0Q1drVG5QMDZUems2S09OSmhuU2tXdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thalesacademy.org%2Fresources%2Fthales-press&v=Gm8Avg1w4c0https://www.thalesacademy.org/resources/thales-press. "A Year with Peter Drucker" is available from Harper Business, was published in 2014, and is https://www.amazon.com/Year-Peter-Drucker-Leadership-Effectiveness/dp/0062315676/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1670265041&sr=8-1 at https://www.amazon.com/Year-Peter-Drucker-Leadership-Effectiveness/dp/0062315676/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1670265041&sr=8-1. This webinar was originally aired in 2016.
    Played 27m 15s
  • Entrepreneurial Life by Bob Luddy

    10 APR 2023 · Founder of Thales Academy and Thales College Bob Luddy discusses his autobiography, Entrepreneurial Life. Entrepreneurial Life tells the fascinating history of CaptiveAire, the largest commercial kitchen ventilation company in North America. In this webinar, Bob Luddy shares some of the values he learned as one of eight children in a “hard-scrabble, can-do” family and details his take on the type of leadership, innovation, financial management, and marketing strategy that has spurred his manufacturing company to grow at a remarkable pace over the course of forty-plus years at the helm. Bob's Book Review is a periodic webinar led by Bob Luddy, the founder of Thales Academy, Thales College, and CaptiveAire. Learn more about upcoming webinars and all Thales Press events athttps://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazEwcXRmX0w5eEhENGY4NTZ0b2RSZE1MVXNaUXxBQ3Jtc0tsMEpzN1FiUU9IVE9lTTVrdzBtOXVUOThuX2d4bF83ZVBncjFKVXZGN0dIZjNBQ2hBQXFkNlVDTkhNOG5xUnpESUgxajE1S290ZzZrUXZRcllqT0dYMmdMSUt0Q1drVG5QMDZUems2S09OSmhuU2tXdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thalesacademy.org%2Fresources%2Fthales-press&v=Gm8Avg1w4c0https://www.thalesacademy.org/resources/thales-press.
    Played 31m 1s
  • Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

    10 APR 2023 · In this episode of BBR, Bob looks at Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. Published in 2007, Mindset tells how we better achieve our goals in the workplace and school by adjusting our mindset and believing we can improve ourselves. Bob takes this idea and applies it to CaptiveAire and the schools he has founded as a way for team members, students, teachers, and parents all alike can better achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. is a leading researcher in the fields of personality and social psychology. She serves as the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. She and her family live in Palo Alto, California. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck was published in 2007 by Ballantine Books and is available here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mindset-Psychology-Carol-S-Dweck/dp/0345472322/ref=sr_1_1?crid=MF7HV0X5GV5C&keywords=Mindset%3A+The+New+Psychology+of+Success&qid=1674661044&sprefix=mindset+the+new+psychology+of+success%2Caps%2C246&sr=8-1
    Played 19m 53s

In Bob's Book Reviews, host Bob Luddy provides a short overview of the book, explains why this book answers pressing issues of our time, and facilitates a discussion on topics...

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In Bob's Book Reviews, host Bob Luddy provides a short overview of the book, explains why this book answers pressing issues of our time, and facilitates a discussion on topics that challenge and enlighten the human mind.
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