9 MAY 2020 · Bulldog Tales Ep. 10 – We talk with Melissa Vasconez and Jessica Garchik, for our mother’s day spectacular. 5-9-20
Bulldog Tales Episode 10 – We talk with Melissa Vasconez (1:00) and Jessica Garchik (11:30), our better halves. They talk about working from home, and having to organize kids as young as 4 and as old as 20. Melissa, who is working from home, talks about what business is like these days, while Jessica, a Master Gardner, talks about what to plant. Here’s how they do it.
23:00 – Recommendations
Sam – Instapot and Air Fryer
CSA’s in Iowa
What to See:
Octonauts and Storybots (Netflix) and Mira, Royal Detective (Disney)
Vudu – Boy Called Sailboat