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Channeling Wisdom from higher dimensions

  • The Fire Elementals - Channeling Fire & Black Dragon Council (Trailer)

    29 JAN 2024 · Buy the full transmission at https://shop.abetterliving.co/fire-elementals-channeling-by-fire-dragons Ready to unlock the secrets of fire and connect with powerful unseen beings? Moumita channels the Fire & Black Dragon Council who reveal the secret world of the fire elementals. Discover - - The hidden realm: Discover 3,942 unique fire elementals, misunderstood and eager to be your allies. - Their ancient wisdom: Learn how these beings can empower firefighters, artists, chefs, and everyone who uses fire. - Unique abilities: Explore diverse fire elemental types and their unique abilities. This trailer is just the beginning. Own the full video and: - Master fire bending: Learn the complete, safe technique to control fire using a candle flame like never before! - Connect with the fire elementals: Discover your unique elemental connection and receive personalized guidance from them. - Empower yourself: Unlock personal growth, inner fire, and deeper transformation. - Heal our planet: Learn how respecting fire elementals can restore Earth's balance and harmony. - https://www.facebook.com/groups/channelingbymoumita: Share your experiences with fellow fire elemental enthusiasts. Don't wait! Ignite your potential and own the full "Fire Elementals" video for only $10. Buy here: https://shop.abetterliving.co/fire-elementals-channeling-by-fire-dragons
    Played 3m 20s
  • How you are creating your own reality - Part 1

    26 JAN 2024 · You are manifesting your reality 24X7, 365 days a year. So when people talk about manifestation or the law of attraction as if you have to do something special, they talk about manifesting specific things in your reality. Not the whole of your reality. You are already a master manifestor! All you have to do is understand how the law of attraction works and how you create your reality. Once you understand the underlying mechanics of how you are constantly manifesting, then it will become very easy for you to manifest what you want. In the first part, I will talk about how the greater reality around you is created. In part 2 we will dive deeper into your personal reality & law of attraction. If you have no idea what a parallel reality is, I highly recommend reading my book's first few pages. It is free to download. My Parallel Reality Book: https://abetterliving.co/books-by-me/ If you don't know what is the Higher Self, https://www.spreaker.com/episode/what-is-higher-self-channeling-archangel-michael--57952619
    Played 15m 47s
  • Activate your 3rd eye - talk to your spirit guides

    23 JAN 2024 · While most people think activating your brow (ajna) chakra will give access to spiritual realms, what it actually does is power up your pineal gland. The Ajna & Crown chakras control your pineal gland, which is a portal to otherworldly abilities. Most people do not use the abilities that the pineal gland can give you access to. Opening your 'third eye' means you are activating your 'clair' senses like clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. So in this video, instead of talking about the 3rd eye, I will talk about what the 8 'Clair' senses are and use Hod's light language activation to enable your special abilities. And then you can use the meditation described in the video to speak with your spirit guides. Watch the video twice. After listening to the light language activation, wait for at least 24-48 hours before you try to establish contact with your spirit guides. Give your body the time to adjust to the activation. And then do the guided meditation by rewatching the video. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content of the episode: 1:43: What are spirit guides 4:02: Your soul contracts with spirit guides 7:10: How spirit guides communicate with you 11:00: 8 types of Clair senses that you can use to communicate with your spirit guides 26:31: Talk with your spirit guide meditation 35:06: Light language activation by Hod If you have no idea what the higher self is, watch this video: https://youtu.be/u9GNevmDinc
    Played 38m 30s
  • How to find your life purpose?

    21 JAN 2024 · Your life purpose is calling you if you are watching this video. This video covers the following: 8:45: How do you find your mission statement of your purpose? 13:57: How will you 'live' or implement your mission statement? 21:00: What are you going to do once you have found your purpose? This is a live journaling exercise that you can do. Links discussed in the video: - Book a Private channeling session with me: https://abetterliving.co/private-channeling-by-moumita-paul/ - Teal Swan's Free Heart chakra meditation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4bKficC1ag - Book a coaching session with me to find your purpose: https://calendly.com/moumitapaul2/90-minute-meeting - My Parallel Reality book: https://abetterliving.co/books-by-me/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to learn to channel: - Learn Automatic writing: https://shop.abetterliving.co/automatic-writing-online-course Learn - Learn Vocal channeling: https://shop.abetterliving.co/learn-vocal-channeling
    Played 37m 1s
  • What is vibration? How is human frequency measured? Channeled Message from HOD

    14 DEC 2023 · ✨ What is Vibration? Channeled message from HOD ✨ Welcome to another of my solo channeling sessions where HOD describes what we mean by 'vibration' and how can we measure human 'frequency' in cycles per second. Here are some key points discussed in the podcast: Nature of Matter: - Physical matter breaks down into smaller components endlessly. - At a microscopic level, matter is energy vibrating at a slow speed. Energy and matter are interchangeable, as proven by Einstein's formula (e=mc²). Human Body as Light: - The human body is made of light, beyond the visible light spectrum. - High-frequency light (higher self) existing in lower dimensions enters a warp in space-time. Gravitational Cavity: - A gravitational cavity is formed, allowing high-frequency light to trickle down through dimensions. - As it reaches 3D, it gets sucked into the gravitational warp of the physical body's mold. Bouncing Light Patterns: - Light bouncing within the warp creates specific patterns, frequencies, and gravitational center points. - Microgravities of proton-neutron combo capture electron clouds, creating a stable structure similar to a solar system. Life Force or Chi: - Energies, vibrating at unique frequencies, create life force or chi in the body. - Chi moves in a specific rhythm, differentiating into cells, and forming the body. Core Frequency and DNA: - Each being's core frequency is unique, based on the gravitational mold created. - The core frequency follows a pattern similar to sacred geometries, like DNA's double helix. Measuring Frequency: - Measuring the speed at which the overall body energy vibrates. - Follow your highest excitement and joy to increase vibration, attempting to reach higher dimensions. True Nature of Matter: - The true nature of matter is energy trapped in a specific mold, constantly changing. - Astral travel allows seeing matter's true nature in the fifth dimension. Frequency Measurement Challenges: - Human eyes perceive solid objects due to collective egregores. - Awakening humanity to merge science and spirituality needed to see the true nature of matter. Advanced Frequency Measurement: - Extraterrestrials in higher dimensions possess advanced knowledge to measure frequencies. - Equipment creation to measure frequencies requires seeing matter differently, a challenge for current human perception. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: https://youtu.be/CLaKV_qlY5g
    Played 20m 46s
  • The Water Elementals - Channeled Message from Mary Magdalene (trailer)

    1 DEC 2023 · Buy the Full transmission: https://shop.abetterliving.co/water-elementals-mary-magdalene-channelingExperience the powerful water dragon light language activation, programming the water with love to attract your soulmate in this transmission. Connect with water elementals and your emotions more easily with this permission slip. Summary:We are going to talk about the 4012 species of water elementals. I will have assistants here from the elementals and a few ascended masters. So it's just not going to be me. It's going to be a collective with me. Now, if you are wondering why we are talking about the water elementals at this point in time, Humans have grown very fond of animals on Earth right now, and it is time for you to embrace the non-physical beings too. So, hereby I am educating all of you about all the non-physical beings that exist. The others have already described the earth elementals and air elementals. And I'm going to talk about the water because water is related to emotion. The water, elementals reside in water. All kinds of water, still water, moving water, ocean lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls. And sometimes if you have large water bodies in your house, like a pool which does not have harmful chemicals in it, or a small pond, then in those too. All the harmful chemicals you put in the water harm the elemental, so those pools will not have them. Your private pools will not have them because those are not habitable by them. The water elementals, just by their presence, creates an atmosphere inside the water kingdom that thrives and allows survival of the kingdom. All the water animals and plants. You could say the water elementals create different effects in water. They increase the conductivity of water in certain areas. There are some water elementals that increase the conductivity so that certain kinds of life that need specific gravity and specific temperatures and specific alkalinity or acidity in the water or specific electromagnetic fields in water can survive. The water and the huge water bodies on Earth are Earth's emotions. And as you can see, 70 percent of Earth's body is covered in water just like 70 percent of the human body is water because you are all emotional beings. So, the water elementals manage the emotions of Earth by maintaining balance. There are those... Who regulates how much oxygen and other gaseous content will be absorbed in water. There are those who keep the water clean and free of all the negative programs that are emitted into water by humans, either through speech or other chemicals or any other kind of harmful pollution.. All the life in water hasn't collapsed yet because these water elementals are constantly working behind the scenes, but they can only do so much. Some of those that are living near human civilizations have already died out. So this transmission is a call for help, to help them not only do their jobs. But so that you can befriend them and use them in your daily life. You can do some specific tasks with their help if you're involved in any kind of work with the water. If you're a sailor or if you're a scientist or if you are a watsu massage therapist. No matter what your profession or your hobby is, if it involves water, you can seek help from the water elementals. Because water balances your emotions as well as Earth's. Questions asked by the live audience: Questions asked in the live session: 1. You said that we are 70 percent water and the water is representing emotion. So the rest 30% would be the more dense material in our body. What is that 30 percent representing? 2. Why is it so much water? Why is it so important that it's more water than the...
    Played 7m 57s
  • Shadows of Humanity - Channeled Message from Archangel Michael (Trailer)

    15 NOV 2023 · Buy Full Transmission: https://shop.abetterliving.co/shadows-of-humanity-archangel-michaelSummary of the session from AA Michael:We are going to talk about the shadow side of humanity. So that you can experience more compassion towards one another, especially people who you regard as criminals, outlaws, and demonic or evil. We would like to explain our point of view about why such people do such things, which makes them an outcast in society and hurts other people. This is crucial at this stage because humanity is conflicted and divided at the maximum at this stage on earth. We would like you, to have compassion towards yourselves and others by truly understanding why people behave the way they behave. Because once you understand, you will be coming from a place of compassion instead of hatred and judgment. All humans deserve love. Even those who have committed heinous crimes. When you refuse your love towards them, you refuse love towards yourself. Because remember, they are also an aspect of Source. And hating others is as good as hating yourself. So we would also like to go into depth and explain how the reality mirror works when you are hating others. Permission slip (baked into the monologue): How to do shadow work on yourself. Questions asked in the session: 1. Would you say all reflections that we get in our day to day lives are always, to within a certain degree, going to be aligned with whatever frequency we're embodying in any given moment? 2. when I daydream, the created visual can usually be very negative, like violence. Are those daydreams a sign that the shadow wants to come to light and want to be understood? 3. What to do when we aren’t able to heal aspects of ourselves? I have money issues and do my own healing and also call on higher consciousness Beings and still the issues persist. Thank you. 4. What would be some examples of practices to shift that type of focus? 5. For there to be a time where there will be world peace, do the individual humans have to go through shadow work? 6. Does world peace reflect when the hybrid children will start to come to earth? 7. When I am doing the inner search, my ego distracts me often. What is happening? 8. So when people do shadow work, I have come across a few others saying that you kind of have to be a little bit mindful of being careful not to sort of get too entrenched in the idea of shadow work because that can almost kind of attract more negative situations or circumstances. Is that true? 9. What I hear is integration of our aspects as source. How does that compare with allowance? Is that the same thing, the same principle, allowance and integration? 10. Do 4th dimensionsional souls need to go through this type of duality experience to learn? And how could we do that? Like maybe through virtual experiences? 11. Is that something we will still do in order to bring the lesson? 12. So if I already did my inner work and I want to serve in a way I can still be present in the third dimension by choice? 13. How can we utilize kundalini energy in healing our selves, others, and the collective? Can we heal past traumas for the collective consciousness in the quantum to span time and space. Effectively changing our ancient past? 14. There are like 95 percent negativity in the news. So once we shift our focus, attention and integration, will the news become more positive in a sense?
    Played 4m 26s
  • What is sacred geometry - Channeled explanation from Archangel Michael

    1 NOV 2023 · Welcome to another of my solo channeling sessions with Michael where I asked him to explain sacred geometry. I have wanted to know this for a long time and was very excited to do this transmission. The first part of the session is me explaining what I understand about sacred geometry and what it looks like, what my hypothesis is. In the second part, I channel Archangel Michael who then goes about explaining what sacred geometry is and how it can be used in space travel, teleportation, software programming to create conscious AI, harvest free energy, or create ’conscious’ architectural designs. 1. Introduction to Sacred Geometry: It is the fundamental structure of the universe and comprises various shapes and patterns. 2. Universe’s Principal Structures: Sacred geometry defines the universe’s structures, from cells to galaxies, portraying the interconnectedness and infinite nature of existence. 3. DNA and Sacred Geometry: DNA, represented by double helix geometry, signifies a fragmental representation of an individual within a larger sacred geometry structure. 4. Consciousness of Beings: Each being, such as Earth, solar systems, and galaxies, has its unique sacred geometry, representing its core vibration and consciousness. 5. Eternal and Self-Perpetuating Patterns: Sacred geometries create self-perpetuating patterns and consciousness, setting life in motion and perpetuating its existence. 6. Different Degrees of Consciousness: Consciousness varies across different entities, from living beings to inanimate objects, signifying varying degrees of self-awareness. 7. Practical application of sacred geometry for humans.
    Played 39m 1s
  • What is Higher self? Channeling Archangel Michael

    29 OCT 2023 · Here’s the link to the 5 free meditations mentioned in the video: https://shop.abetterliving.co/5-day-daily-meditation-challengeI decided to do this solo channeling to go into a deeper explanation of some spiritual concepts that have often intrigued me and others. I explain what a higher self is with some simple analogies. And then I channeled Archangel Michael to explain some gaps and questions I had about the higher self to complete the picture. Unlike my group channeling events which invite many questions from others, these solo channelings are short and give you a short explanation of the spiritual & metaphysical concepts on the go. Hope you enjoy it! Don’t forget to post your questions in the comments below.
    Played 24m 16s
  • Awakening the divine feminine with you - a channeled message from Mary Magdalene

    23 OCT 2023 · Are you ready to bask in some sweet, feminine energies? I channeled Mary Magdalene where she shares her relationship with Jesus. And tells us that her transmissions are going to be a step process of awakening the divine feminine, with one permission slip baked into the monologue of every transmission. Today’s permission slip was about how to find your "shadows".She also unexpectedly brought up the issues of patriarchy creating a disbalance in people & societies. That’s because masculine energies are promoted instead of creating a balance between both. This tendency in our society has also imbalanced the human body, with more preference towards masculine creative energies and not enough nurturing feminine energies. This disturbs the fluidity of the body composition. She goes into a great lot of detail to explain that. Summary:I’ll (Mary Magdalene) be talking about the Divine Feminine and how, including men, can awaken that Divine Feminine aspect within themselves with raw creative power, empathy, love, kindness, the connection to ourselves and others. To strengthen it. Because when we are deeply connected to ourselves, then it’s easy for us to connect to others. If you are facing relationship challenges, it’s because you are not connected with yourself. So I will go more into shadow work. I’ll go more into being more feminine or unlocking your feminine aspects, even if you are men. The divine feminine and the divine masculine exist as yin and yang. Only when you balance it, do you find the balance point. That’s when you create the holy trinity. The son, the father, and the holy spirit. The Brahma, the Vishnu, and the Maheshwar. You can reach the trinity of balance when you have balanced the masculine and feminine energy within you. Right now, most of you are imbalanced in this energy. Unlock your raw creativity. Physically speaking. Unleash your manifestation powers. Questions asked by the audience:1. I have had several health issues and the beings I channel said because I was toxic. Do you see that I need to actually do some form of detox, or what is the most important thing that I can do to move forward with this? 2. When I asked to ask my question, I feel a pressure inside of me and I don’t understand where it’s coming from or why I’m even scared. Why do I feel so scared to ask questions? 3. Weren’t you Jesus’s partner? 4. You were with him though, weren’t you? 5. So you helped him balance his shadow side, as you’re doing with us? 6. So does the feminine side equate to compassion? 7. So how did we lose our feminine aspect? Where did we, how did that get programmed out of us by religion? Is that the feminine side? 8. Can changing our inner conflicts on a personal scale also impact global energy, particularly in societies where women face challenges like wearing the burqa and abuse, such as in the Muslim religion? 9. So after we identify a shadow aspect, how do we go about healing them? So is there a process that we do? 10. Could we have shadows from another parallel counterpart of ourselves? 11. As I work on those beliefs, which were like from a parallel life, will I connect with a healed version of that parallel life? 12. I have a fear of being judged. Is that in a way a shadow? 13. I feel really connected to you in a personal way. Are you able to share what is our connection? 14. Have I successfully worked through my fear of suffocation and the belief connected to it, which seems to have originated from a past life where I was a captured nun and experienced violence in tight spaces? 15. Why did I decide to get circumcised now,...
    Played 1h 31m 45s

Moumita is a transformative coach, clairaudient, and gifted vocal channeler. As a vocal channeler, Moumita brings through divine wisdom of extraterrestrial and higher dimensional beings. She enters into an altered...

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Moumita is a transformative coach, clairaudient, and gifted vocal channeler. As a vocal channeler, Moumita brings through divine wisdom of extraterrestrial and higher dimensional beings.

She enters into an altered state of consciousness and allows beings like Archangel Michael, The Arcturian Council of 7, Nomura Lemurians, HOD, etc. speak through her voice.
Through her channeling sessions, individuals have gained a deeper understanding of the spiritual significance of their life events, formed profound connections with their inner selves and spirit guides, and received mind-blowing insights into spirituality and metaphysics.

With a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to her client’s well-being, Moumita is a beacon of inspiration for those seeking profound healing & purposeful life.

Check out her website for full video transmission details, courses, workshops, and upcoming live channeling events where you can participate & ask questions to these beings: https://abetterliving.co

Or contact us at support@abetterliving.co.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@a.better.living/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hellobetterliving
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a.better.living
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/channelingbymoumita
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