Podcast Cover

Christian Mystics

  • Fear as a Gateway: Exploring the Mystical Initiation with a Shaman"

    12 JUN 2024 · Are you feeling disconnected from your spiritual path, struggling to find deeper meaning in your daily life? This episode is a treasure trove of insights, exploring the hidden codes in ancient scriptures, the profound lessons from nature, and the transformative power of understanding your unique archetypes. Join us for a journey that demystifies the Bible as a quantum book, and introduces the life-changing Sphinx Code. Don't miss out on the chance to unlock the deeper layers of your spiritual potential! Links: Manex Ibar https://manexibar.com  https://sphinxcode.com/team/manex-ibar/ Links: TruthSeekah  *Check out our friends at Magic Mind! They have a limited offer you can use now, that gets you up to 48% off your first subscription or 20% off one time purchases with code TRUTHSEEKAH20 at checkout! https://www.magicmind.com/truthseekah *Get tickets to our INSPIRIA event! https://tinyurl.com/inspiriaevnt 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ Reserve your spot!https://SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️https://amzn.to/31g9ydR
    Played 2h 1m 54s
  • Rogan, Carlson, and the Angelic UFO Debate

    3 JUN 2024 · Are UFO's and Aliens demonic entities?  https://www.truthseekah.com/are-ufos-and-aliens-demonic In this episode, TruthSeekah and Arien tackle the topic of UFO's and Aliens. We talk about what people believe and we reference the recent interview where Joe Rogan interviewed Tucker Carlson and share some of what they talked about and give our thoughts on the subject. UFO's are not always to be feared. You need to investigate how they make you feel and the fruit that comes forth in your life after having such encounters. We also share some of our most profound encounters and experiences, and we also talk about a new supplement we are taking that we absolutely LOVE for mental focus and clarity.  Are UFO's just nuts and bolts ships that are government testing of some sort, or could it be possible that they are living breathing entities, like angels or demons? Listen to this episode to get all of the details and let us know what your thoughts are on the matter.  Thanks as always for being here! We appreciate you so much!  *Check out our friends at Magic Mind! They have a limited offer you can use now, that gets you up to 48% off your first subscription or 20% off one time purchases with code TRUTHSEEKAH20 at checkout! https://www.magicmind.com/truthseekah *Get tickets to our INSPIRIA event! https://inspiria-christocentric--ovi7mx8.gamma.site/
    Played 1h 35m 23s
  • Who Hears the Elohim? Rabbi Ariel's Theory

    27 MAY 2024 · Who receives messages from the Elohim? and is there one sovereign god? https://www.truthseekah.com/the-raelian-movement-and-the-elohim  Rabbi Ariel, a prominent leader of The Raëlian Movement, shares their ideals and their faith basis. He doesn't believe that just anyone can receive messages from the Elohim. He has an interesting theory about who they will speak to. In this episode, we share our thoughts on the Raelian Movement and the Elohim and there are certainly some things we definitely disagree with. However, it is an interesting talk with someone who firmly believes his mission and his faith. *Check out our friends at Magic Mind! They have a limited offer you can use now, that gets you up to 48% off your first subscription or 20% off one time purchases with code TRUTHSEEKAH20 at checkout! https://www.magicmind.com/truthseekah  *Get tickets to our INSPIRIA event!  https://inspiria-christocentric--ovi7mx8.gamma.site/
    Played 1h 22m 46s
  • Incense and Insight: A Journey Through Biblical Plant Wisdom

    9 MAY 2024 · This episode discussion between TruthSeekah and Arien offers community engagement, personal stories, and deep spiritual discussions. We also cover a range of topics including the significance of plants in the Bible, modern Christianity, and spiritual healing. The episode is interspersed with listener feedback and personal anecdotes, culminating in plans for future podcasts and also includes a NEW EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT!   Tickets to the event and more info here!  https://www.truthseekah.com/seeing-god-in-nature/ 🌠 Join Our Online Seer School of Mystics! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZXQVFZU1N3dGtjNkEyckFUWkpXRWpwa0YyZ3xBQ3Jtc0trcV9OSl9LWGtPS0piNEtzSkdHX3VFU3JfcEpNN3VlbUhuSW15dURkb3NPU1RaeG9HWEhqUGcwa3NmRE5CVkw2S1RsQ3I1OGwzd3VrRzlEQ1BnV2d0Vlhnc19MYVRnRTBaQU93ZXFHS1dpUzJDcmstTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.Seer.school%2F&v=XdRgyC6RGpc ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE15cDhWV2FJcmNrOUJZLTZhMXcwTEx6TkZEd3xBQ3Jtc0ttVEdiZTFOcGhPNjAySW5jTFVMZjF0Y0E0Tk1sY2dzcmxZYVFsMlluT05JM0hYenRLM3I5a292bTdLaGNhaUZ4UTBvYlJ2MXpaSDEyaXpIR21PazhBUXN0aHJ2WjhwWkJIUHE3cmtoNFVHN0tBeW5KQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpatreon.com%2Fjoin%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUhYbFNOdG1EQ1J5aTI3Mm1haDBQUTF6MUh5Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuS2RJa08xc090MzJnZUJuVEJUVm05U3gySW5NbTVQWHdfMWlZeVd4MW5QV1hVeTBGb19oUDZwNjJqbFpXc3BwalhuVExoQzF3UXdERjYzRmNZY1VpbnFHYi1id1l4TVBuTkJFbGRoOWM0YWNJWEdjSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F31g9ydR&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 🌟Follow: Facebook ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmMzZjBWTlI2aUdtVlcxQS1ieXdQcjdBTXY0UXxBQ3Jtc0trMURnS0p0ck1hNDZJR3dMay1GSUkyZlRWNE9OVHJYUVUzalA2LVRkNVlMLTJyVVRlYm5ScHpualBXQk83SjB0Tjk5ZHc3THgxMzZkTWZkYWMzUVFfOUUxeENOU29hbjR5WWtiTG9sQ1kxaERYeEFfYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Instagram ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUFNRXlDU1EtU1MwcHRLaWlSejBaY3JUbGNpQXxBQ3Jtc0trWnVESHM3TzBCTHcxdkZaX1g1U19PU3AzWDFMc3VEdTVtaDJKQk9HeXMtXzhZdE5YNG05bHhRWDB5RDBFaGJoMzRQdEM4bkVpaHNJalhENC1NdWJkVFRjcGVkeC1VQ3gwdlVZWHpKNjJVWTVYb255aw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Twitter ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazZRaHhGWDdSUWtCTFFpSTFsQjBCX0UwMnBNQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUnFXYlVuZGk4alIyWVZiQmxWODJjR2d6RXRjdFYxM0FXb0loMGVaQnZCNlI5N2NacnoxYmtTdDEyelREZlVrUXlsUHozWVdYVHBwc0c0NFozN3hmcVlqdk16R2JvZEt1U2YxZmtzajJqcTg2d3p4SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Topics:  #jesus #spirituality #sage #smudging #fumigation #incense #ancientreligion #chrsitianity #inspiria 
    Played 1h 40m 58s
  • Ayahuasca is Not ALL Good: What You Need to Know If It Calls You As a Christian

    16 APR 2024 · This podcast is from one of our Sunday sessions at ➡ https://www.seer.school TruthSeekah shares a personal account of an Ayahuasca experience, exploring the complex interplay between Christian beliefs and the encounters with both divine and demonic presences facilitated by this powerful plant medicine. Listen as we discuss the transformative and challenging aspects of Ayahuasca ceremonies, including the integration of profound spiritual insights and the confrontation with personal demons. This honest reflection aims to provide listeners with a deeper understanding of Ayahuasca's impact from a Christian perspective, emphasizing the spiritual and emotional journey involved. https://www.truthseekah.com/the-dark-side-of-ayahuasca 🌠 Join Our Online Seer School of Mystics! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZXQVFZU1N3dGtjNkEyckFUWkpXRWpwa0YyZ3xBQ3Jtc0trcV9OSl9LWGtPS0piNEtzSkdHX3VFU3JfcEpNN3VlbUhuSW15dURkb3NPU1RaeG9HWEhqUGcwa3NmRE5CVkw2S1RsQ3I1OGwzd3VrRzlEQ1BnV2d0Vlhnc19MYVRnRTBaQU93ZXFHS1dpUzJDcmstTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.Seer.school%2F&v=XdRgyC6RGpc ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE15cDhWV2FJcmNrOUJZLTZhMXcwTEx6TkZEd3xBQ3Jtc0ttVEdiZTFOcGhPNjAySW5jTFVMZjF0Y0E0Tk1sY2dzcmxZYVFsMlluT05JM0hYenRLM3I5a292bTdLaGNhaUZ4UTBvYlJ2MXpaSDEyaXpIR21PazhBUXN0aHJ2WjhwWkJIUHE3cmtoNFVHN0tBeW5KQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpatreon.com%2Fjoin%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUhYbFNOdG1EQ1J5aTI3Mm1haDBQUTF6MUh5Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuS2RJa08xc090MzJnZUJuVEJUVm05U3gySW5NbTVQWHdfMWlZeVd4MW5QV1hVeTBGb19oUDZwNjJqbFpXc3BwalhuVExoQzF3UXdERjYzRmNZY1VpbnFHYi1id1l4TVBuTkJFbGRoOWM0YWNJWEdjSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F31g9ydR&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 🌟Follow: Facebook ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmMzZjBWTlI2aUdtVlcxQS1ieXdQcjdBTXY0UXxBQ3Jtc0trMURnS0p0ck1hNDZJR3dMay1GSUkyZlRWNE9OVHJYUVUzalA2LVRkNVlMLTJyVVRlYm5ScHpualBXQk83SjB0Tjk5ZHc3THgxMzZkTWZkYWMzUVFfOUUxeENOU29hbjR5WWtiTG9sQ1kxaERYeEFfYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Instagram ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUFNRXlDU1EtU1MwcHRLaWlSejBaY3JUbGNpQXxBQ3Jtc0trWnVESHM3TzBCTHcxdkZaX1g1U19PU3AzWDFMc3VEdTVtaDJKQk9HeXMtXzhZdE5YNG05bHhRWDB5RDBFaGJoMzRQdEM4bkVpaHNJalhENC1NdWJkVFRjcGVkeC1VQ3gwdlVZWHpKNjJVWTVYb255aw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Twitter ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazZRaHhGWDdSUWtCTFFpSTFsQjBCX0UwMnBNQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUnFXYlVuZGk4alIyWVZiQmxWODJjR2d6RXRjdFYxM0FXb0loMGVaQnZCNlI5N2NacnoxYmtTdDEyelREZlVrUXlsUHozWVdYVHBwc0c0NFozN3hmcVlqdk16R2JvZEt1U2YxZmtzajJqcTg2d3p4SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Topics: SpiritualJourney, AyahuascaExperience, HealingProcess, PersonalGrowth, CommunitySupport, SpiritualRetreats, PlantMedicine, ScienceAndSpirituality, PrayerPower, ForgivenessHealing https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/ayahuascaceremony https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/psychadelics https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/christian
    Played 2h 19m 6s
  • Christians Can Receive Healing By Stepping Outside the Box

    1 APR 2024 · A Christian's unexpected journey with Ayahuasca unveils transformative insights into spirituality, healing, and the profound impact of community support. TruthSeekah and his wife Arien share personal stories of grief, breakthroughs at spiritual retreats, and the harmonious blend of ancient Christianity and spirituality in the quest for deeper understanding, healing and personal growth. http://www.truthseekah.com/truthseekahs-wife-arien 🌠 Join Our Online Seer School of Mystics! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZXQVFZU1N3dGtjNkEyckFUWkpXRWpwa0YyZ3xBQ3Jtc0trcV9OSl9LWGtPS0piNEtzSkdHX3VFU3JfcEpNN3VlbUhuSW15dURkb3NPU1RaeG9HWEhqUGcwa3NmRE5CVkw2S1RsQ3I1OGwzd3VrRzlEQ1BnV2d0Vlhnc19MYVRnRTBaQU93ZXFHS1dpUzJDcmstTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.Seer.school%2F&v=XdRgyC6RGpc ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE15cDhWV2FJcmNrOUJZLTZhMXcwTEx6TkZEd3xBQ3Jtc0ttVEdiZTFOcGhPNjAySW5jTFVMZjF0Y0E0Tk1sY2dzcmxZYVFsMlluT05JM0hYenRLM3I5a292bTdLaGNhaUZ4UTBvYlJ2MXpaSDEyaXpIR21PazhBUXN0aHJ2WjhwWkJIUHE3cmtoNFVHN0tBeW5KQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpatreon.com%2Fjoin%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUhYbFNOdG1EQ1J5aTI3Mm1haDBQUTF6MUh5Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuS2RJa08xc090MzJnZUJuVEJUVm05U3gySW5NbTVQWHdfMWlZeVd4MW5QV1hVeTBGb19oUDZwNjJqbFpXc3BwalhuVExoQzF3UXdERjYzRmNZY1VpbnFHYi1id1l4TVBuTkJFbGRoOWM0YWNJWEdjSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F31g9ydR&v=XdRgyC6RGpc 🌟Follow: Facebook ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmMzZjBWTlI2aUdtVlcxQS1ieXdQcjdBTXY0UXxBQ3Jtc0trMURnS0p0ck1hNDZJR3dMay1GSUkyZlRWNE9OVHJYUVUzalA2LVRkNVlMLTJyVVRlYm5ScHpualBXQk83SjB0Tjk5ZHc3THgxMzZkTWZkYWMzUVFfOUUxeENOU29hbjR5WWtiTG9sQ1kxaERYeEFfYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Instagram ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUFNRXlDU1EtU1MwcHRLaWlSejBaY3JUbGNpQXxBQ3Jtc0trWnVESHM3TzBCTHcxdkZaX1g1U19PU3AzWDFMc3VEdTVtaDJKQk9HeXMtXzhZdE5YNG05bHhRWDB5RDBFaGJoMzRQdEM4bkVpaHNJalhENC1NdWJkVFRjcGVkeC1VQ3gwdlVZWHpKNjJVWTVYb255aw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Ftruthseekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Twitter ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazZRaHhGWDdSUWtCTFFpSTFsQjBCX0UwMnBNQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUnFXYlVuZGk4alIyWVZiQmxWODJjR2d6RXRjdFYxM0FXb0loMGVaQnZCNlI5N2NacnoxYmtTdDEyelREZlVrUXlsUHozWVdYVHBwc0c0NFozN3hmcVlqdk16R2JvZEt1U2YxZmtzajJqcTg2d3p4SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FTruthSeekah&v=XdRgyC6RGpc Topics: SpiritualJourney, AyahuascaExperience, HealingProcess, PersonalGrowth, CommunitySupport, SpiritualRetreats, PlantMedicine, ScienceAndSpirituality, PrayerPower, ForgivenessHealing https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/ayahuascaceremony https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/psychadelics https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/christian
    Played 1h 18m 25s
  • UFOs Alive: The Chris Evers Revelation

    19 FEB 2024 · In Hull, East Yorkshire, Chris Evers turned his own UFO sighting into a quest for the unknown. As the editor of 'OUTER LIMITS MAGAZINE' and organizer of UFO conferences, he's no stranger to the unexplained. But on December 1st, he took a giant leap with his first book, 'THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME: FROM ELSEWHERE.' This book is more than just pages; it's Chris's journey into the mysteries of the cosmos, inspired by what he saw in the sky above Hull. What can we learn about the universe and our place within it? What if UFO's aren't all nuts and bolts? https://www.truthseekah.com/chris-evers 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ https://www.SEER.SCHOOL ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Learn to connect with Spirit and walk in freedom! ✅ School of the Mystics Thursdays 7pm CST ✅ Sunday Morning Mystic Circle Session 9am CST ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Spiritual Development! ✅ Get behind the scenes access! ✅ Get Access To The ZOOM Spiritual Development Sessions! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Full Music Discography & Unreleased Music ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://amzn.to/31g9ydR
    Played 1h 51m 58s
  • Divine Whispers in Creation: Encountering Angels Among Us Through God's Creatures

    9 FEB 2024 · Corin Grillo, alongside TruthSeekah and Arien, delves into the realm of spiritual experiences with celestial beings. Corin's first encounter involved a prayer for a wounded bird, which miraculously transformed into three vibrant birds that soared into the sky. Do you ever experience a yearning for a spiritual connection? By extending your senses towards the angelic, you'll start noticing their presence everywhere. They manifest in the natural world and through others around you. Attuning to their whispers can provide direction on life's journey. Embracing your highest self is to embody your authentic self. Explore all this and more as we have an intriguing chat with our dear friend Corin Grillo. https://www.TruthSeekah.com/Corin-Grillo-Birds 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ https://www.SEER.SCHOOL ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Learn to connect with Spirit and walk in freedom! ✅ School of the Mystics Thursdays 7pm CST ✅ Sunday Morning Mystic Circle Session 9am CST ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Spiritual Development! ✅ Get behind the scenes access! ✅ Get Access To The ZOOM Spiritual Development Sessions! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Full Music Discography & Unreleased Music ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://amzn.to/31g9ydR
    Played 1h 34m 21s
  • "Mystical Christianity: Bridging Ancient Traditions and Modern Faith"

    12 DEC 2023 · Christian mysticism, often seen as the pursuit of a deeper, more intimate relationship with God, has its roots in the early days of Christianity. Mystics sought to experience God's presence beyond the traditional liturgical practices and doctrinal teachings. They emphasized personal encounters with the divine, often through prayer, meditation, and contemplation. In our modern era, where many feel disconnected due to the fast-paced and technology-driven world, there's a growing movement among Christians to return to these ancient mystical practices. This resurgence is not about discarding the foundational beliefs of Christianity but about deepening one's faith and experiencing God's love and presence in a more profound way. We'll explore how contemporary Christians are integrating mystical practices into their daily lives. From contemplative prayer and Lectio Divina to modern adaptations of ancient rituals, these practices offer a way to slow down, reflect, and connect with God on a deeper level. https://www.theancientwaypodcast.com/ https://www.Seer.School
    Played 2h 55m 58s
  • The Power of Light and Frequency w/ Marleah Vidal

    7 DEC 2023 · Join us for an insightful episode of The TruthSeekah Podcast as we delve deep into the world of spirituality and self-discovery with our special guest, Marleah Vidal, host of the "Ancient Way Podcast." In this captivating conversation, we explore the profound connection between physical cleanliness and spiritual well-being, shedding light on how parasites and toxins can thrive in an unclean body. 🌠 Join TruthSeekah's Online School of the Mystics! ➡️ https://www.SEER.SCHOOL ✅ Get access to 40+ video lessons + Weekly LIVE calls! ✅ Learn to connect with Spirit and walk in freedom! ✅ School of the Mystics Thursdays 7pm CST ✅ Sunday Morning Mystic Circle Session 9am CST ✅ Worldwide Online Community! ✅ Spiritual Development! ✅ Get behind the scenes access! ✅ Get Access To The ZOOM Spiritual Development Sessions! ✅ Courses, Monthly Webinars, Prayer, Meditation, Discussion ✅ TruthSeekah's Full Music Discography & Unreleased Music ✅ TruthSeekah's Meditation Library ➡️ Reserve your spot! https://www.SEER.SCHOOL 📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons, Spirits and the Sovereignty of God (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell) ➡️ https://amzn.to/31g9ydR
    Played 2h 3m 58s
Christian Mystics having real conversations about their experiences with Jesus, Angels, Demons and the Spirit Realm.

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