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Coach's Corner with Paul Ybarra

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    Episode 65 with Special Guest Tanyka Abbott; Living with an Issue with the Blood

    1 AUG 2021 · Are you ready to touch the heart of Jesus to get your healing? Often it has been read that the woman with the issue of blood was healed simply by touching the hem of Jesus garment, but have you ever looked at her journey right before and after she touched His hem? Once you delve into that part of the story you truly see the healing that Jesus gave her came from her faith and her touching Jesus. Where do you need healing today? Are you willing to reach out to Jesus, and walk in the fullness of the healing He will give you? Tanyka Abbott is bringing you this word of healing! You can’t miss out on her testimony. What she is bringing you is going to set your free from all pain and give you the healing you require today! Tanyka is a wife, mother, licensed clinical social worker, and Child of the Most High! Her passion is to teach and guide you through your healing and to your destiny through the One that gives you your path! Are you ready to be made whole? If so hit the play button, buckle up and be prepared for the journey you will embark on starting today! How to contact Tanyka Abbott: Facebook: Purposefully Whole with Tanyka | Facebook Behind The Veil Consultations, PLLC | Facebook Webpage: Tanyka Abbott - Christian Women Living Magazine Linkedin: Tanyka Abbott, LCSW-C,CPLC - Founder & President - Behind The Veil Ministries, LLC | LinkedIn Website: Counselors | Behind The Veil Consultations, PLLC (btvconsultations.com) How to contact Coach Paul: https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min King’s Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 49m
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    Episode 64 with Special Guest Kassandra Davis

    31 JUL 2021 · How often are you driven by need, that leads you to compromise on your goals? This compromise could come in the form of someone else well-meaningly speaking a word over you in business or work that shifts you from the purpose that has been put in you. Living by need rather than your purpose could, also, be you compromising in staying in your job instead of taking the leap to begin your ministry God has laid out for you, a non-profit or business. So, my friend what is keeping you in need, rather the life of freedom God has already given you? Kassandra Davis is here to give you the word that will set you free in this area. Kassandra is a mission driven entrepreneur, certified business coach, and is creating action plans for entrepreneurs. She is going to show you how to tap into God’s purpose for you. Kassandra is all about walking you through God’s anointing in your yes’ and your no’s. She is going to show you what problems can solve for other people. Are you ready to step out of the need and thrive in the freedom? How to contact Kassandra: Kassandra Moser | Facebook Kassandra Moser (@kassandra.k.moser) • Instagram photos and videos How to contact Coach Paul: https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min King’s Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 39m 38s
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    Episode 63 with Special Guest Karmin Habibi: Including The Source Brings Your Joy

    29 JUL 2021 · What have you learned that you must unlearn to grow to your calling? There is so much information that inundates you daily about how to “get to the next level”, to “be successful”, and to grow, it becomes very overwhelming. In this realm it is too easy for you to get sucked in to the next “success” fad or affirmations. Don’t get me wrong friend, affirmations have a good purpose in your life. However, when they are the only thing, you look to they become hollow. So, how do you keep the power in your words, works, and business? Simply focus on the One that gives you your purpose and calling, GOD! You also, have to be staying in His desires and will over you. Karmin Habibi did just this in her business and God has turned everything around for her. Karmin is from Spain, personally worked with over 100 paying clients, author, mentor, 10 years in the personal development industry, and so much more. She is here to show you how to unlock God’s joy for you in everything you do. Karmin is, also, unapologetically teaching you how to transform into the joy God’s source have for you. Today is your day to tap into the power God has put into you for His honor and glory and your advancement! Are you ready to plug into the Source that has true joy for you? How to connect with Karmin: The Confident Woman Checklist (karminhabibi.com) Karmin Meckael - Sales & Confidence Trainer | Facebook How to connect with Coach Paul: https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min King’s Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 32m 33s
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    Episode 62 with Special Guest Sherry Jones; Learning to Speak Life Over Yourself

    27 JUL 2021 · What do you tell yourself daily? Are you speaking life and encouragement to YOU? Or are you speaking death and beating yourself down? The power of life and death is in the power of the tongue. SPEAK LIFE! Sherry Jones is doing just that for you. She will show you exactly how to go from that everyday thought to igniting your words for your best life! Sherry is an author, speaker, mom, and so much more. Her passion is to open your life and using her experiences to set you free. Sherry is not just about connecting online, as she loves to take it off the screen, and connect in life for God’s glory and honor and your freedom. If you are needing freedom today, do not miss this episode! You cannot afford to miss out on the powerful working of God opening the healing for others that takes place in today’s podcast. Are you ready to let go and be healed? As today is your day for just that healing. How to connect with Sherry Jones: You can find all her links to social media and her website @sherryspeakslife | Linktree How to connect with Coach Paul: https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min King’s Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 41m 29s
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    Episode 61 with Special Guest Eric Kelly- Reinvent Yourself Today

    26 JUL 2021 · What in your mindset is holding you back, from bringing your dreams out of your thoughts and into your physical life? What mind shift do you need right now to accomplish those deep desires? You like the rest of us have unfinished, unaccomplished goals that you need to bring forth. If you are ready to activate that process you will not want to miss out on this word from Eric Kelly. Eric is a 2-time self-published author, current filmmaker, inspirator, and has a huge passion for Christ and what Christ will do in your life. Eric spent 10 years in prison, where he wrote his book The Darkside of South Beach. As a ninth-grade dropout, he has overcome the adversity to bring you the next great instruction to set you free. So, grab your pen and paper and plug in to learn you today you will be set free to reinvent you and bring out your next great accomplishment. How to connect with Eric Kelly: Eric Kelly | Facebook Author Eric Kelly (@thedarksideofsouthbeach) • Instagram photos and videos WRITE TO LIVE with Author Eric Kelly - YouTube How to connect with Coach Paul: https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min King’s Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 32m 21s
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    Episode 60 with Special Guest Prophetess Rein: life after submitting to The Uniform

    23 JUL 2021 · Who are you? Have you put on your proper uniform? You are correct not all of us wear a physical uniform daily. BUT my friend you have a uniform that gives you the power God has given you. How you may ask, well plug in today! Prophetess Rein will teach you just what your uniform is, and how to equip it for everyday battle for your FREEDOM! Prophetess Rein is a wife, mother, and “is committed to transforming lives and introducing kingdom, exposing others to their predestined selves.” She is prepared to equip you for war and for your battles! (40:09) You say we are not in a war; I beg to differ my friend. Daily you are having to fight for your family, jobs, integrity, walk with God, and to be able to hold on to every other good and perfect that comes from the Father. Do NOT miss out on this anointing and word just for you! Watch today to reset your ideas of living out the Faith, to truly LIVE OUT YOUR FAITH WITH THE FATHER! Are you going to pass up this opportunity up or will you invest in you today to be SET FREE? How to contact Rein Johnson: Prophetess Rein Johnson (@therealrein) • Instagram photos and videos Ministry | Rein International Prophetess Rein Wallace - YouTube Rein International (@ProphetessRein) / Twitter Rein International | Facebook How to contact Coach Paul: https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min King’s Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 1h 35m 24s
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    Episode 59 with Special Guest Taren Walton

    23 JUL 2021 · How do you help others in their pain when you are broken yourself? How do you grow better, instead of bitter when all you feel is hurt and rejection? Taren Walton, from helpinghurtingheartsministry.com, is here to walk you through just how to heal from the brokenness, while excelling to your purpose. Taren is a wife of 23 years, mom of 7, grandmother of 16, author, inspirational speaker, and founder of Helping Hurting Hearts Ministry. Mrs. Walton has gone through the abuse of molestation and rape. She has victoriously overcome the rejection of an absent father. Taren has, also, worked through the feelings of suicide and a suicide attempt. That led her to walking alongside her grown kids for their healing. All these triumphs have brought her to her ministry of helping others come out of the tragedies of their own situations. Little did Taren Walton, realize that her journey would change to impact so many, including yourself. If you struggle with needing a place to turn in the darkness or needing a place to sow into to encourage others in their struggles do not hesitate to pour into this amazing ministry. Are you ready to be healed today? As today is your day for being made whole! How to contact Taren Walton: Taren Walton | Facebook Home | Helping Hurting Hearts (helpinghurtingheartsministry.com) How to contact Coach Paul: https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min King’s Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 41m 10s
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    Episode 58 with Special Guests Leonel and Rebekah Colón

    21 JUL 2021 · What percentage of responsibility do you have in discipling your child in the gospel and in the rest God’s word? Some say it is a 50/50 venture between parents and church. I challenge you in that thought process. How would your children’s walk with God excel if you were to adopt a mind and life shift that it is your job as their parent, first and foremost, to show them how walk out God’s word in their lives? Even still, how would your walk with God adjust if you were your child’s or children’s leader to God? In this episode, you will learn how to become your kid’s spiritual leader, and how to teach them to be a productive and on fire worshiper of Christ in every aspect of life. Leo and Rebekah Colón founded the Parentsinit.com to help you be aware and encourage you in becoming and being the parent, you are called to be. Both Leo and Rebekah are PKs (preachers’ kids), have lived out ministry as a missionary to Nepal (Rebekah), and then as student pastors/youth leaders after they were married. They have a passion to help you get a true understanding of being an on-purpose parent and how to grow on purpose children, for the gospel. No matter where you are today in this journey they can and will help you accomplish this goal. Are you ready for your child to be deliberate for God? Do not hesitate, plug-in now to get this word to shift you to your next big win, for you and your kids! Remember, always, children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from Him. Psalms 127:3 How to contact Leo and Rebekah Colón: Website: Home - Parents In It Facebook: Parents Initiative | Facebook Instagram: Parents initiative (@parentsinitiative) • Instagram photos and videos How to contact Coach Paul: https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min King’s Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 47m 9s
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    Episode 57 with Special Guest Dr. Sharlene Allen-Milton: Where you begin doesn't define your finish!

    18 JUL 2021 · When was the last time you were told something was not for you? No, my friend I am not talking about that extra donut or the last slice of pizza. I am talking about something that would advance you to the next level, but the person speaking over you did not see that you could achieve that next level, and basically tried squashing your dreams. Well, that is what happened to Dr. Sharlene. Leaving high school with a 1.7 GPA she was told college probably was not for her. She turned it all around and is on mission to help you find your way past what is holding you back. Dr. Sharlene is all about helping stressed out women, who find themselves competing between work and life to find harmony, in the management of these areas. Dr. Sharlene is an author, coach, mom, wife, former social worker, now is a college professor of social work, soon to be a tenured college professor. Today is the day to be set free from this stronghold. Grab your pen and notepad, your favorite coffee/tea/water and buckle up, because you are in for a treat that is going to explode you into your next success! Oh, and just a heads up there are some dynamic freebies she is giving away just for you. Do not miss this opportunity! How to get in contact with Dr. Sharlene Allen Milton: Website: ABOUT ME | Maximize Your Life (drsharleneallen.com) Facebook: Dr. Sharlene A. Milton Lcsw-c | Facebook Instagram: SOCIAL LINK | Maximize Your Life (drsharleneallen.com) Free 30-minute Discovery call (a $50 value) with Dr. Sharlene coupon code: SELF-WORTH at Schedule Appointment with Maximize Your Life (as.me) How to get in contact with Coach Paul: Paul Links https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min Kings Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 35m 40s
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    Episode 56 with Special Guests the Wilsons: Relax, Relate, and Release

    11 JUL 2021 · When was the last time you looked past someone’s outer appearance or actions to build that person up? This is not the building up of what you think they should be, but the building that brings that person into their calling. Have you ever had an experience like what is described here? Let us look at some examples: The homeless person on the corner, have you ever gone past just handing them the few bucks in your console or handing them food you might have ran to grab super quick from the nearest fast-food joint? How about the prisoner in the jail down the street from you? Have you ever taken time to go minister in the jails, or offer your time to visit with them for the day, how about write them a letter just to lift them up? When was the last time you went to the local rehab to explain to an addict, they have value? Have you ever taken your time to build up the family of the prisoner, addict, or homeless person? Well, my friend you will learn more about how to help these ministries in this episode. The Wilsons, E and Lady J have had the ministry JTC, (Join the Conversation), for the last 12 years. This ministry is building up everyone they encounter. They have a prison ministry that includes going into jails to minister, letter ministry, and have connected with former inmates and their families. They are currently expanding their reach to include the homeless community. They have provided food, as well as other necessities for many in this ministry. Now you may ask how this impacts you…my friend you can not go another day without pouring into those in your community that need you most. We are all called to build up our fellow man, woman, and child, this is your call to service! Are you brave enough to answer that call? How to contact The Wilsons: https://www.jtconthemove.org/?fbclid=IwAR3tER2JDtlcjYdJbMg-2Wlz76ZAlw7NFcJfcBQt0LbLr7RWdCJLSN1eQ4c E.Wilson "The Inspirator" | Facebook E Wilson - YouTube E.Wilson (@IncJtc) / Twitter E Wilson (@erick_wils) • Instagram photos and videos How to contact Coach Paul: https://www.facebook.com/coachpaulybarra https://www.instagram.com/coach.paulybarra/ https://linktr.ee/coachscorner To book a free session with me: https://calendly.com/setfreerecoverycoach/30min King’s Men Ministry: www.setfreelife.net/thekingsmen
    Played 1h 16m 4s

Need a daily and weekly motivation? Then this is the podcast for you! Coach Paul Ybarra will break down life experiences with you that are both influential and biblical!! Drop...

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Need a daily and weekly motivation? Then this is the podcast for you! Coach Paul Ybarra will break down life experiences with you that are both influential and biblical!! Drop him a comment and a review so that we can continue to share good content!! You can reach him at recoverycoach@setfreelife.net God bless!
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