Bringing a light to brain injury Follow my journey as i travel this brain injury road mear months after my accident till today, soon to be 20 years.

Episodes & Posts
14 SEP 2010 · Brain Injury - The Silent Epidemic - What The Hell You Think I look Fine!!! If your a survivor then you know what I am talking about, you can be sitting with someone and they say well I would have never thought you have a brain injury, people don't get it. We can change this, lots of education needs to happen in our communities. The effects of this not being understood destroys families and lives There are lots of families doing... great things for their survivors, but in a lot of cases TBI goes misunderstood, and lives are torn apart, family member begin to believe the actions are intentional. The countless lives that have been lost. it does not have to be that hard. We need to reach out and educate our community.
28 SEP 2010 · So many times we know what we want and desire we have lost the way we used to communicate, no one understands us now. Talk about ways we can get out the prison we find ourselves in, our-self. We need to learn how this new self ticks and communicate and enjoy all that life has to offer. Sometimes life just seems to be in slow motion and we are stuck behind a glass room where we cannot get out or anyone get in. And we just watch life pass us by. It is time to break these walls down and live again.
12 OCT 2010 · One of the hardest things many brain injury survivors go through is the loss of loved ones in our lives. These changes we perceive as subtitle are extreme and overwhelming for our friends and family. The soon lose the ability and desire in many cases to support us. Most times it is because they are clueless to what is going on and by the time people figure it out it is to late. As we watch our relationships fall apart one by one, feeling the pains of the energy being sucked directly from our soul. Changing them and us forever. If you were one of the lucky ones and still those relationships you were bless with people of strong conviction, and full of love, let them know how much that means, it really is what life is about. For the rest of us our journey is to rebuild our new lives and forgiving those who tore our soul at its core.
26 OCT 2010 · One of the hardest things many brain injury survivors go through is the loss of loved ones in our lives. These changes we perceive as subtitle are extreme and overwhelming for our friends and family. The soon lose the ability and desire in many cases to support us. Most times it is because they are clueless to what is going on and by the time people figure it out it is to late. As we watch our relationships fall apart one by one, feeling the pains of the energy being sucked directly from our soul. Changing them and us forever. If you were one of the lucky ones and still those relationships you were bless with people of strong conviction, and full of love, let them know how much that means, it really is what life is about. For the rest of us our journey is to rebuild our new lives and forgiving those who tore our soul at its core. Isolation is very common among us survivors; sometime we feel like we don’t fit in anywhere, sometimes we just need a break. But prolonged isolation leads to major depressive disorders and even death. We are going to have a wide Varity of guests to share their journey and experiences. I believe this is more far of a common occurrence than people would like to admit. How do we stop the cycle and begin to live our lives.
9 NOV 2010 · Wish I Would Have Died After are traumatic incidents and the people we used to love have abandoned us, for many of us we wonder why couldn't we just have died, what purpose does this serve. Through the pain and hurt, and not to mention the struggle to get back what we lost, poverty and loneliness take their toll on our souls. We will talk about the dark undertones of death and this life we have been forced to live and what purpose can it serve to have total loss of ones self.
23 NOV 2010 · As the holidays approach this becomes a very difficult time for many of us. Weather we are dealing with this new self and trying to embrace and discover who the heck we are. Or we are remembering who we once were, the feeling that we no longer belong in this life that we are living. For many of us we remember the things we once valued and how that change has affected our lives. How in the world did we get here but more importantly how and the world do we get out. We need to be heard and appreciate who we now are, or are becoming. We are not alone there are many of us. But how can we turn that into purpose and a sense of belonging again.
7 DEC 2010 · After a brain injury many times we lose what once was, and we can be left living a life that seems meaningless. Life is meant to be lived with purpose and passion. Often we need to find or reinvent purpose in our live. It is not an easy journey in the face of so much loss. But like it or not it becomes a time to rebuild. It’s a time to reestablish our lives, to learn to love and appreciate this new person we have become. I believe if we let it we can find a greater purpose that before, one with passion and meaning. What makes things interesting at least for me the thing I once valued or believed look very much different to this new me. I have to be honest there are times I just want to give up, and pity myself and ponder on the losses. But as a post a fellow advocate once posted, “Joe Martin” made me think one day it could be worse. So as I move forward I know I don’t want it to be worse but I could possible make it that way. So lets share how we find purpose and embrace what we can do rather than what we can’t, because face it many people can’t do things. But we need to focus on what we can not what we used to be able to do but what we can. And as we accept the purpose based on what we can do, all the amazing and wonderful things that are possible.
4 JAN 2011 · So here we are in a new year, so much change is needed to my life to make it a happier place for myself. Where to begin what things do I need to improve on, and what things do I need to change in my environment, my friends, my work and my community. So much needs to happen, where do we begin. Lets get the ideas out there let us change our tomorrow into something we can want. As overwhelming as it can be to have to change everything, it can be done. It has been done and people have reached their full potential and found satisfying lives once again.
18 JAN 2011 · MLK set the way for so many of us trying to achieve civil equality, after a disability such as brain injuries our rights and participation in our own lives is taken away or sometimes abandoned in the confusion. People begin to believe we do not matter as much as we once did because of our disability, but it is that very disability that makes us who we now are. As we become strong as a community we can begin to strive for equality learning from others. To this day there is no standard of care from state to state or city to city for that matter. We are tossed into a system that’s backlogged up to 6 months or more. Meanwhile most often we are drugged up until they can deal with us. The path of destruction that the delayed treatment causes in the lives of those affected by Brain Injury is usually non-reparable and takes the very lives and souls of those surviving for years and sometimes a life time.
8 FEB 2011 · After my last show going silent for 6 minutes serves as a reminder of some of the deficits I now have, things that I used to be so good at now I struggle just to maintain, but the harsh reality is I still fall so short. I have to tell you it makes me feel less than a person, I get so down on myself that I make things worse, I find myself trying to pick back my confidence and self worth. And there are those who are right there to remind us constantly our short comings, and what we need is to focus on i what we can do and what we have to contribute. This episode lets focus on how we remind ourselves our own greatness and what we have to offer is valuable and the tricks we use to get out of the negative spaces
Bringing a light to brain injury Follow my journey as i travel this brain injury road mear months after my accident till today, soon to be 20 years.
Author | Brain Injury Radio |
Organization | Brain Injury Radio |
Categories | Mental Health , Non-Profit , Education |
Website | www.braininjuryradio.com |
craig@pfow.org |
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