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Crown - fighting the lockdown through radio

  • CROWN XXXIII - Fabio Mina

    10 MAY 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ 10.5.2020 - Episode XXXIII • Roberto Paci Dalò & Fabio Mina Fabio plays from his home in Riccione. Fabio Mina plays flute and electronics and he's mostly an improviser. For him improvisation is the best tool that allows you to get in touch with the moment, with the situation, listening deeply what is happening outside and inside you while you’re creating music. Being attracted by different musical approaches and ideas, he studied North-Indian, and Japanese music, also through the practicing and various kind of winds and Jaws Harp. Since 2007 he has started to collaborate with Markus Stockhausen, playing with him in several festivals in Europe. Further he plays with the Norwegian guitarist Geir Sundstøl. His last album HIGH WINDS MAY EXIST, released by the Osaka based label Da Vinci, is inspired by the wind. Now he's about to release his new album Lonesome Tracks, crossing over the ideas of loneliness, extinction, resistance, strength, vision and nature. He tries to create a flute portrait with no cliché, deepening the underestimated nuances of the flute and its “voice”; furthermore with pedal effects he produces an even larger specter of sounds, focusing on different kinds of delays and harmonizers, creating a kind of music made of contrast, from density to emptiness. http://www.fabiomina.it
    Played 47m 38s
  • Crown XXXII - Roberto Fabbriciani

    3 MAY 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ TODAY 3.5.2020 - Episode XXXII • Roberto Paci Dalò & Roberto Fabbriciani 🔴 LIVE every Sunday at 5pm (CET) - usmaradio.org Roberto plays from his home in Florence. Roberto Fabbriciani, flautista e compositore, è nato ad Arezzo. È internazionalmente riconosciuto tra i migliori interpreti e ha innovato la tecnica flautistica moltiplicando con la ricerca personale le possibilità sonore dello strumento. Ha collaborato con i maggiori compositori del nostro tempo: Luciano Berio, Pierre Boulez, Sylvano Bussotti, John Cage, Elliot Carter, Aldo Clementi, Luis De Pablo, Franco Donatoni, Brian Ferneyhough, Jean Françaix, Giorgio Gaslini, Adriano Guarnieri, Toshio Hosokawa, Ernest Krenek, György Kurtág, György Ligeti, Luca Lombardi, Bruno Maderna, Giacomo Manzoni, Olivier Messiaen, Ennio Morricone, Luigi Nono, Goffredo Petrassi, Henri Pousseur, Wolfgang Rihm, Jean-Claude Risset, Nino Rota, Nicola Sani, Giacinto Scelsi, Salvatore Sciarrino, Mauricio Sotelo, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Toru Takemitsu, Isang Yun, i quali gli hanno dedicato numerose ed importanti opere da lui eseguite in prima assoluta. Con Luigi Nono ha lavorato a lungo, presso lo studio sperimentale della SWF a Freiburg, aprendo e percorrendo vie nuove ed inusitate per la musica. Ha suonato come solista con i direttori Claudio Abbado, Luciano Berio, Bruno Maderna, Riccardo Muti, Zoltán Peskó, Josep Pons, Giuseppe Sinopoli, e con le principali orchestre al mondo. Ha effettuato concerti presso prestigiosi teatri ed istituzioni musicali: Scala di Milano, Filarmonica di Berlino, Royal Festival Hall di Londra, Suntory Hall di Tokyo, Sala Cajkowskij di Mosca, Carnegie Hall di New York e Teatro Colón di Buenos. ☛ www.robertofabbriciani.it
    Played 49m 15s
  • Crown XXXI – Wissal Houbabi

    26 APR 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ 26.4.2020 - Episode XXXI • Roberto Paci Dalò & Wissal Houbabi Wissal plays live from her home in Trieste. Il testo di Wissal Houbabi che potete ascoltare in questo episodio, è contenuto nel volume "Ora vogliamo tutto" - poesia, musica e dissenso materiali dal Premio Dubito 2019, curato da Marco Philopat e Lello Voce. Scaricabile da: http://www.agenziax.it/ora-vogliamo-tutto e in libreria dal 28 maggio 2020. Wissal Houbabi, feminist activist, artist and writer. Voice and lyrics of the show "Che Razza di Rap" currently on tour, in collaboration with the author and researcher hip hop u.net who saw his debut at Santeria Toscana 31 (Milan). Co-founder of the Trieste artistic collective ZufZone. She has published the "Manifesto for the anti-sexism of Italian rap" for EUT and a research on hip hop "pimpology" for PalGrave MacMillan. She collaborates with VICE - Noisey, Jacobin and Agenzia X, among the authors of Future (effequ). She writes about anti-racism, feminism, hip hop, and identity. Second classified in the National Poetry Prize with music Alberto Dubito, Wissal participated with her poems in national events and festivals. She exhibited her drawings and paintings at personal and collective exhibitions, creating wine labels, participating in street art works or magazine covers, with Arabic calligraphy, however, she was invited to exhibit for the 2015 Salone del libro in Turin. (CC) 2020 Roberto Paci Dalò / Wissal Houbabi CC BY-NC-ND
    Played 31m 57s
  • Crown XXX - Lello Voce

    9 APR 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ Today 9.4.2020 - Episode XXX • Roberto Paci Dalò & Lello Voce Lello plays live from his home in Treviso. Lello Voce – poeta, scrittore e performer – è uno dei pionieri europei dello Spoken Word e della ‘Spoken Music’ ed ha introdotto in Italia il Poetry slam. Ha pubblicato svariati libri e CD di poesia, collaborando con artisti come P. Fresu, F. Nemola, A. Salis, M.P. De Vito, M. Gross, S. Merlino. Nel 2012 ha vinto il Premio Napoli per le opere multimediali con Piccola cucina cannibale (Squilibri) e nel 2016 il Premio Nazionale Elio Pagliarani per la poesia con Il fiore inverso (Squilibri). http://www.lellovoce.it CC BY-NC-ND
    Played 31m 10s
  • Crown XXIX - Michele Braga

    8 APR 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ Today 8.4.2020 - Episode XXIX • Roberto Paci Dalò & Michele Braga Michele plays live from his studio in Venezia. Sound artist, music producer and sound designer, Michele Braga’s research spans various genres in a interdisciplinary exploration between avant-garde music, film, visual arts, multi-media installation and sound art. Sound designer for the films of the DAU project by Ilya Khrzhanovsky (feat. Marina Abramovic, Peter Sellars, Carsten Holler, Robert Del Naja, Brian Eno, among others), Michele has been responsible for the sound for range of projects: from sound installation to award-winning films and documentaries. His works have been presented in numerous festivals and exhibitions and had collaborated with a wide range of artist and directors as Anatoly Vassiliev, Romeo Castellucci - Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, Martin Percy, Giorgio Andreotta Calò, Natasha Süder Happelman, Libia Castro e Ólafur Ólafsson, Katrin Olafsdottir, Carolyn Carlson e Paki Zennaro, among the others. From 2018 he works as live sound director with Romeo Castellucci - Societas Raffaello Sanzio and from 2019 as executive producer and stage director for Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia. In 2017 Michele co-founded the project Corte Supernova in Venice where he also runs his own studio. http://www.michelebraga.eu
    Played 31m 41s

    7 APR 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ Today 7.4.2020 - Episode XXVIII • Roberto Paci Dalò & HOLLYSPLEEF HOLLYSPLEEF plays live from his home in Ravenna. HOLLYSPLEEF is an experimental music producer who loves the"micro environments” sounds and has a solo project where he works with very sweet and suggestive frequencies and harmonizations. His second project called TYPO is a duo with Giovanni Lami where they flow in vast soundscapes without borders. The second album will be released soon. In his free time he dedicates himself to botany and the production of beats with shades that come from new jazz, broken beat, Dub and electronics all of them constant elements of his work. https://soundcloud.com/feline-608202806/ >> Check out "BoscOscuro" the performance of HOLLYSPLEEF aka Leonardo Passanti live in Usmaradio's studio during last October - http://spreaker.com/user/usma_radio/leonardo-passanto-boscoscuro
    Played 31m 16s
  • Crown XXVII - Francesco Giomi

    6 APR 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ Today 6.4.2020 - Episode XXVII • Roberto Paci Dalò & Francesco Giomi Francesco plays from his home in Montagnana V.P. (Firenze) Composer and performer of electronic music, Francesco Giomi has collaborated with Luciano Berio and other relevant composers, musicians, choreographers and directors besides orchestras and ensembles from Italy and abroad. He has lead the live electronics staff of Tempo Reale in theatres and festivals all over the world. His works are regularly performed all over the world in festivals and concerts while his music is selected for and awarded by italian and foreign festivals. In the last six years he has started new creative projects for the investigation of the relations between electroacoustic music and improvisation, conducting collective music performances in Florence, Bologna, Bremen, Bruxelles, Manchester. He is professor of Electroacoustic Music Composition at the Music Conservatory in Bologna and director of Tempo Reale in Florence. http://giomi.net
    Played 30m 27s
  • Crown XXVI - Fabio Mina

    5 APR 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ Today 5.4.2020 - Episode XXVI • Roberto Paci Dalò & Fabio Mina Fabio plays from his home in Riccione. Fabio Mina plays flute and electronics and he's mostly an improviser. For him improvisation is the best tool that allows you to get in touch with the moment, with the situation, listening deeply what is happening outside and inside you while you’re creating music. Being attracted by different musical approaches and ideas, he studied North-Indian, and Japanese music, also through the practicing and various kind of winds and Jaws Harp. Since 2007 he has started to collaborate with Markus Stockhausen, playing with him in several festivals in Europe. Further he plays with the Norwegian guitarist Geir Sundstøl. His last album HIGH WINDS MAY EXIST, released by the Osaka based label Da Vinci, is inspired by the wind. Now he's about to release his new album Lonesome Tracks, crossing over the ideas of loneliness, extinction, resistance, strength, vision and nature. He tries to create a flute portrait with no cliché, deepening the underestimated nuances of the flute and its “voice”; furthermore with pedal effects he produces an even larger specter of sounds, focusing on different kinds of delays and harmonizers, creating a kind of music made of contrast, from density to emptiness. http://www.fabiomina.it
    Played 30m 58s
  • Crown XXV - Roberta Busechian

    4 APR 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ Today 4.4.2020 - Episode XXV • Roberto Paci Dalò & Roberta Busechian (Errant Sound) Roberta Busechian (1990) – field recordings/ virtual ambiences sound artist and sound studies researcher. She works in the field of sound installations and interventions in the public space, with a focus on field recordings and generative listening tecniques. She is a professor for sound art in Milan, a lecturer in Venice, Trieste and Berlin. Roberta founded and directs the activities of spazio (T)Raum and is a member of ERRANT SOUND in Berlin. She works on live stream sound installations/performances. http://robertabusechian.com
    Played 29m 29s
  • Crown XXIV - Vincenzo Ostuni

    3 APR 2020 · 𝗖𝗥𝗢𝗪𝗡 | fighting the lockdown through radio ☛ Today 3.4.2020 - Episode XXIV • Roberto Paci Dalò & Vincenzo Ostuni Vincenzo è in performance da Roma. Vincenzo Ostuni è editor di Ponte alle Grazie per la narrativa e la saggistica. Ha pubblicato Faldone zero-otto (Oèdipus, 2004), Faldone zero-venti (Ponte Sisto, 2012), due selezioni dal Faldone zero-trentasette (Aragno, 2014 e Oèdipus, 2018) e Deleuze, o dell’essere chiunque chiunque (estratto dalla quarta versione del Faldone, Tic, 2019), Il libro di G. (il Saggiatore, 2019). Ha inoltre curato Poeti degli anni Zero, un’antologia di tredici autori contemporanei (Ponte Sisto, 2011).
    Played 30m 25s

An international tea time live concerts radio series. Roberto Paci Dalò plays an improvised session together with a guest. Musicians, artists, writers, actors, poets, singers, radio lovers performing from their...

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An international tea time live concerts radio series.
Roberto Paci Dalò plays an improvised session together with a guest. Musicians, artists, writers, actors, poets, singers, radio lovers performing from their very homes. You’re welcome.

A project born during the Italian lockdown in 2020.

CROWN is for
Mirko Bertuccioli Zagor
in memoriam
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