21 JAN 2025 · Please join Dave the Mystic on January 21, 2025 with guests Sheila Seppi and Barbara Lamb. This show was prerecorded on January 20, 2025 SHEILA SEPPI is the co-author of Cosmic Convergence: Journeys of Walk-Ins, Starseeds, and Hybrids and a soul-exchange walk-in who entered the body of a thirty-eight-year-old mother with three children, and experienced instantaneous healing from documented illnesses. She emerged with new spiritual gifts and memories, transforming her life completely. Sheila’s first soul experience was in the angelic realm with the Elohim, where she was given the name Nawaila (Na-wai-la) by her original star family. Sheila’s soul is a blend of Angelic, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian-Lyran, Mantis, and Andromedan lineages, among others. She initially entered the body as and in alignment with her Arcturian frequency but has since fully integrated her Andromedan self. Sheila’s mission, guided by her collective known as the Yahni (Yah-knee), is to be a wayshower, helping humanity to spiritually awaken and evolve. BARBARA LAMB is a licensed psychotherapist (recently retired) and a current hypnotherapist and regression therapist. She is the co-author of Cosmic Convergence: Journeys of Walk-Ins, Starseeds, and Hybrids and considered one of the world’s leading authorities in the field of UFOlogy and extraterrestrial contact. Since 1991, she has regressed countless numbers of people to some of their past lives. She is an author and has co-authored Crop Circles Revealed, Alien Experiences, Meet the Hybrids, Kids’ Adventures with ET Friends in Space and now Cosmic Convergence: Journeys of Walk-Ins, Starseeds, and Hybrids. Websites: SheilaSeppi.com  BarbaraLambRegression.com Thanks for listening! Blessings Dave the Mystic