A fan podcast about the Chicago Cubs

Episodes & Posts
21 JAN 2025 · In this episode of Dingers, we dive into the latest updates and speculation surrounding the Cubs’ offseason strategy. With a focus on bolstering the bullpen and bench, we analyze the team's priorities as they gear up for the season. We also dissect Tom Ricketts' recent comments and what they might reveal about the Cubs' financial plans, especially given their silence since the blockbuster Kyle Tucker trade. Are they playing it safe, or is there a big move still in the works? Plus, we recap all the major takeaways and highlights from the Cubs Convention, bringing you the latest buzz and insights. Don’t miss this packed episode of Dingers! Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g Talk https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnBDVkdHUlBpal90My1fZWtDV0hOZkpHdnRxQXxBQ3Jtc0trTHRfNGdWR2FvbzNweTFTczBteVROYW53YWxUS2xBUFFmOWlIWGx0WTY5S2g1QlZ6S1FDWGdvY0pxRy1nN3VVUHBXS01WR015eEktaWNEU2tuelpUeFBuQ190WlFIMzgybTVidXJLNlRLR0FzWEZmZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F188995809182063%2F&v=DwhROsrTqUU @dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates. Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNet Panelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 | Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubs TikTok: @dingercubs Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs B4 Bat App Train like a pro, anywhere you go, with the B4 Bat App! Whether you’re hitting the cages or working on your swing in the backyard, all you need is an iPhone and a tripod to take your game to the next level. The B4 Bat App provides professional-level insights and tools to analyze and improve your swing, helping you achieve peak performance. Ready to elevate your training? Download the app for free today at www.b4-app.com! Plate Crate Looking for the ultimate baseball gift? Plate Crate has you covered! Plate Crate is a baseball subscription box packed with gear, training aids, snacks, and more, making it the perfect choice for competitive players of all ages. Whether you’re gearing up for the season or just love the game, each crate is a home run for baseball lovers. Treat yourself or the ballplayer in your life to a monthly delivery of baseball joy with Plate Crate!
10 DEC 2024 · n this episode, we dive into the hot stove buzz surrounding the Chicago Cubs at the Winter Meetings. Will the front office pull the trigger on key moves? With Cody Bellinger, Nico Hoerner, and others rumored to be on the trade block, the Cubs are reportedly focused on acquiring starting pitching. We’ll also break down the news of Dansby Swanson’s recent surgery, what it means for the team’s offseason plans, and why building a strong bullpen is crucial. Can the Cubs assemble a reliable relief corps by Opening Day? Tune in for all this and more as we explore what’s next for the North Siders.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g Talk https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFR0Ulk4QzdHb0hGazBMazlhUEFDeHJfaElEQXxBQ3Jtc0tuT3dMOGxRWlJTdWZhX2NTdUdYanVlWEpsYklkR0pkOEJWb21MSlkzZk1vaHZfVE9jSlZEVDRRTTZtSWgtVXhvRXhydkVDVXMzX19QM01EczRkb2xxeGc2aGhkbUowRDFERkZ4TG1tb21pd3dMS2xpWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F188995809182063%2F&v=cV6r79azoB4 @dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates. Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNet Panelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 | Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubs TikTok: @dingercubs Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs
8 OCT 2024 · The Chicago Cubs' 2024 season has come to a close, falling short of a playoff berth. Despite finishing with the same record as last year, fans are left wondering: is it the same old Cubs, or is there something deeper at play? In this episode, the Dingers crew dives deep into what went wrong this season, from missed opportunities to key player performances, and where the team goes from here. Will the front office make bold moves, or is another year of mediocrity on the horizon? Tune in as the entire crew shares their thoughts on a season full of frustration and unmet expectations, and what Cubs fans can look forward to in the offseason and beyond. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g Talk https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjFCYzRzODJVTEk3c1dOa1loWWVnSUZaX09mUXxBQ3Jtc0tuWmtjalhneU4tZmV1c2w2SzhRc2ppWklkUUZJZHplUmhPR3RZRTVDQk8wR0duRElhbXJUWVE2SUdoaFBUX2oxdE9RTVh4RDhiRTFxNU1RN29Fdjlhc0RhTTEzLURvZVJYcXRaNlZERUU2UUt5YXNIYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F188995809182063%2F&v=HW2_p4cuz2g @dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates. Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNet Panelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 | Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubs TikTok: @dingercubs Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs
18 SEP 2024 · In this episode of Dingers, the Cubs dominate the A’s, with Shota Imanaga continuing to make a strong case for the team’s 2024 MVP. Jake recounts his unforgettable encounter with Cubs legend Kerry Wood, sharing insights from their conversation. As the Cubs look to make room for top prospects and potential free-agent signings, we ask the question: do they have the roster flexibility to make it happen? Tune in as we break down all the latest moves and news for the North Siders. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g Talk https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbl9QYWIzZTg0M2k5WXM2WU02RVRYMzA2aG1ud3xBQ3Jtc0tuV3BXd2lpc1BLMnpwbmlKNEVDVVBmVG9aVkI0clNwOHFYLW01ekJIYlMzbXlKYk9hOERDNk5IbEFweDVmS0hVQUpGZjJUdmJwNXNSS0VTdW5KS2tBT0hIemdYSmQwaGZLOXJRREZhVl84c0ZqaUpOYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F188995809182063%2F&v=nS6690PHERk @dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates. Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNet Panelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 | Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubs TikTok: @dingercubs Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs
4 SEP 2024 · In this episode of Dingers, we break down the Cubs' heartbreaking 5-3 loss to the Pirates after leading 3-0 into the 8th inning, only to see Jorge Lopez give up 4 runs. With the Cubs now 3.5 games back in the Wild Card race, we dive into the harsh realities and potential paths that could lead to October baseball. Is it still a dream, or can the Cubs make it a reality? We recap Tuesday nights game vs the Pirates as the Cubs face Skenes for the 4th time. Tune in as we analyze the road ahead and what it will take for the Cubs to keep their playoff hopes alive. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g Talk https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkRuQW94Rk80Mk5IQmVGVlNCSERFcngtQ2xjQXxBQ3Jtc0ttbDBwc282TTV0a0paUDBRcWJ4TjNVcWFWQmRDaU51dXlVVDRReTRxdDFtQjkwV2NtaXVreC0zM1lWbE9jZXBFZG15dmZQMXBKWWttOHB1Tjk0V2RNb25QUmRxMXRzbUx3bkRfeVYwcUdCLTd6aHlpVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F188995809182063%2F&v=ubAlSnHMxR4 @dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates. Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNet Panelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 | Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubs TikTok: @dingercubs Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs
20 AUG 2024 · In this episode of the Dingers podcast, we break down the Cubs' recent series win over the Blue Jays, where they narrowly missed a sweep with a 1-0 loss on Sunday. We discuss the missed opportunity for a clean sweep and what it means for the team's momentum heading into the final 37 games of the season. Can the Cubs make a push for the playoffs? We dive into the key players to watch and analyze what needs to happen for the Cubs to make their move down the stretch. Tune in for our in-depth analysis and predictions for the road ahead.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g
Talk #Cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/188995809182063/
@dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates.Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNetPanelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 |
Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubsTikTok: @dingercubsFind us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs
14 AUG 2024 · In this episode of the Dingers Podcast, we break down the Cubs' exciting sweep of the White Sox, moving them just three games out of the third wild card spot. But the joy was short-lived as the Cubs faced a tough loss to the Guardians. After an incredible comeback from being down 8-3 to tie the game 8-8, manager Craig Counsell made a puzzling decision to leave Julian Merryweather on the mound, resulting in a heartbreaking 9-8 defeat. The Cubs are now four games back, but with meaningful games ahead, the fight for the postseason is far from over. Tune in for all the analysis and what lies ahead for the Cubs! Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g Talk https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDNnNTdhWGhCdUV6Y18yVnZtQ0FYN0l1TjNxd3xBQ3Jtc0tudUkydERCWmZwSTFmM2xYMG9kYkM5XzhsQnhRMTgwelFVbTJRM0FRMGE1emQ1MU1zMjBfb0kxWmR2bXpWWFZZY0FOdUJBaUxFSUVnamdmZWJsaGNOZGlpZFpWc3ZUYXRUVkNWVTVwOExXTnpVcFY2Yw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F188995809182063%2F&v=dOtjpUUdszc @dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates. Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNet Panelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 | Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubs TikTok: @dingercubs Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs
6 AUG 2024 · In this episode of the Dingers podcast, we dive into the thrilling series where the Cubs took three out of four games against the Cardinals. Mike Tauchman continues to shine with his heroic performances, and the Cubs' offense is firing on all cylinders. With the team now 6 games out of the wild card spot, we discuss whether they have what it takes to go on a run and claw their way back into the playoff race. Join us as we break down the key moments, standout players, and what the Cubs need to do to keep their postseason hopes alive. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g Talk https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjhXdEhKZl9YSjc3QWYtcUtXUU9Ld0kwUVFMQXxBQ3Jtc0ttRjZBV19SYkt2MFo3MVBLYmZFSWVBaFNGd1hmWXRyMmRCRVhuSEM3cFVENEhMRm9HLURocTFlbVotY0RPOG9zc3BYR1VPNWlwSDlmeWZEZk1aNlp0Q3A0YnA2REV5UE9LZEFqTUljc2JMSDlScFdEdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F188995809182063%2F&v=-KyOZiRO_V0 @dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates. Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNet Panelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 | Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubs TikTok: @dingercubs Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs
2 AUG 2024 · In this episode of the Dingers podcast, the Chicago Cubs' thrilling 5-4 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals on Thursday night at Wrigley Field. Sporting their new Motorola uniforms, the Cubs pulled off an unforgettable comeback. Shota Imanaga started on the mound, pitching 6.2 innings and allowing 4 earned runs. Trailing 4-2 heading into the 9th, the Cubs ignited a spectacular rally. Cody Bellinger launched a clutch homer, Dansby Swanson followed with a single, and Mike Tauchman sealed the win with a walk-off base hit. Tune in as we break down this epic game and celebrate the Cubs' first win in their new threads!
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g
Talk #Cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/188995809182063/
@dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates.Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNetPanelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 |
Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubsTikTok: @dingercubsFind us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs
30 JUL 2024 · As the MLB trade deadline approaches, the Cubs have made some stunning moves. After acquiring pitcher Nate Pearson on Saturday, Jed Hoyer and the Cubs have pulled off another surprise by trading for Rays third baseman Isaac Paredes. In exchange, they’ve sent Christopher Morel and two pitching prospects to Tampa Bay. Join us on this episode of the Dingers Podcast as we dive into the details of this unexpected trade, explore its impact on both teams and discuss what it means for the Cubs moving forward. Tune in for our in-depth analysis and expert commentary!
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6OPiZjNevj-P7W9_gj4X3g Talk https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cubs baseball on our facebook group: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkVYRWVsZC1ZbWxNNGQ3Tm9TVkJXMllNa1ZRd3xBQ3Jtc0ttZ1pEYlJHNnRxSm1pdUZrcjRfcWZPSUlsc1lQUjZtdVV2cFNmNmdlZkFKM19oMmNfWjFXNjZqY1NHSlhIaEJldndQeWQ0aUpoQklCRVNGTTQ0S21yLXY1dllxMEZIRlVKOE5Mbm9VVkQ1bFRSZFVwMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F188995809182063%2F&v=xXfL9j5Y-LA @dingercubs is presented by OnTapSportsNet.com, your go-to source for Cubs news, analysis, and updates. Follow us on social media: @Diingercubs | @OnTapSportsNet Panelists: @dingercubs | @baseball_buj | @wycoffjd23 | Follow us on Twitter: @dingercubs Follow us on Instagram: @dingercubs TikTok: @dingercubs Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/dingercubs
A fan podcast about the Chicago Cubs
Author | Mitchell Nims |
Organization | Mitchell Nims |
Categories | Baseball , Sports |
Website | www.spreaker.com |
dingerscubspodcast@gmail.com |
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