Travelling the world bite by bite. Where to go to eat and where to eat when you go.

Episodes & Posts
19 DEC 2016 · Stream episodes on demand from www.bitesz.com (mobile friendly).
While in Adelaide recently, I got to spend some wonderful time with Poh Ling Yeow ....or as she's simply known here in Australia...Poh.
For our overseas listeners, Poh is a Malaysian-born Australian artist, actress and runner-up in MasterChef Australia (series 1). And an Australian cooking legend thanks to her regular TV shows, books and appearances.
Poh recently opened a Cafe in Adelaide, South Australia called Jamface ...and I sat down to talk with her about it. As you'll hear...it's busy, noisy and vibrant. I loved it!
Subscribe to the podcast at audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, and most good podcatcher apps. Coming to iTunes shortly.
For more...please subscribe to my blog at https://eatdrinkandbekerry.blogspot.com.au/ or on Facebook, twitter and Google+.
You can follow Poh's Jamface Cafe on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jamfacebypoh
#food #restaurants #Poh #eating #Adelaide #Australia #cafe
25 NOV 2016 · Stream episodes on demand from www.bitesz.com (mobile friendly).
Follow Kerry's blog at https://eatdrinkandbekerry.blogspot.com.au/
In this episode we meet Spencer Patrick...
From his facebook (@spencerpatrickchef): Spencer Patrick is the chef/director of hatted Port Douglas venue, Harrisons Restaurant and acclaimed food and wine festival, Taste Port Douglas.
Subscribe to the podcast at audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts and coming to iTunes shortly.
For more, follow Kerry on Facebook and twitter (@eatdrinkbekerry)
#food #blog #podcast #Qld #Queensland #Australia
29 SEP 2016 · Stream episodes on demand from www.bitesz.com (mobile friendly).
Hi everyone...Kerry here with the Show Notes.
And in this episode I get to chat with Shirley Harring from Hand Sourced...who says of herself: 'Unsurprisingly, I love to eat, cook and experiment with food. I take great pleasure in creating things from scratch and own a preserve filled pantry always at ready for the Zombie apocalypse.'
Hand Sourced is Shirley's ethical farming specialist food outlet that describes itself as: Real food from real farms for real people. Unique, rare, and endangered breeds grown by farmers with transparency in ethics, sustainability, soil health and animal husbandry.
Local. Seasonal. Ethical.
Farmed for your table.
Find out more in our fascinating chat.
Plus visit the Hand Sourced website at http://www.handsourced.com.au/
You can subscribe to the podcast at audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts and via many other good podcatcher apps. Coming to iTunes soon. Stream from www.bitesz.com
For more great food insights, follow my blog at http://eatdrinkandbekerry.blogspot.com.au/
Follow me on twitter: @eatdrinkbekerry
and Facebook: @EatDrinkbeKerry
If you're enjoying my new podcast, please share and tell your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you...
#food #farming #ethical
8 SEP 2016 · Stream episodes on demand from www.bitesz.com (mobile friendly).
Hi everyone...Kerry with the Show Notes for Episode 1 of my brand new podcast.
If you're new to me, welcome aboard and you can find out more about who I am and what I do at my blog.... http://eatdrinkandbekerry.blogspot.com.au/
For my very first interview, I chat with with head chef and co-owner of Indulge Cafe in Bundaberg, Queensland (Australia) - Amanda Hines.
Indulge was recently announced as the winner of the Brisbane Times Good Food Guide 2016 People's Choice award beating out many big name, big city nominees.
So how can a cafe from a small country location be so successful? Hard work and a simple secret is the answer.
Amanda explains all in this very enjoyable chat.
You can subscribe to the podcast at audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocketcasts and shortly at iTunes. Check your other podcatcher apps as well.
If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe to my blog, follow me on Facebook and twitter:
Blog: http://eatdrinkandbekerry.blogspot.com.au/
Facebook: @EatDrinkbeKerry
twitter: @eatdrinkbekerry
And please share and tell your friends I'm here. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you...
#food #travel #eating #cafe #Bundaberg #Qld #Australia
Travelling the world bite by bite. Where to go to eat and where to eat when you go.
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