This podcast examines everyday concerns with a focus on women. Relationships, personal safety, health and wellness, aging, nutritional supplementation, finances, and retirement are among the many topics that are explored.

Episodes & Posts
30 DEC 2020 · During this year's-end feature, with guest Kristi Bennett, we will look back on the year as well as our friendship, speaking heart to heart to one another and all who will find themselves tuned in.
Kristi is a life-long resident of Indianapolis, Indiana. She is currently enjoying retirement from a very vibrant career in insurance and software development and teaches a weekly Bible Study. Along with her husband (Todd) of 32 years, they have raised two great children and plan to travel, post pandemic.
From my heart to yours, Best wishes for staying well!
~ Zenobia
2 OCT 2020 · Jamila April Johnson, a professionally trained and licensed Massage Practitioner and licensed Esthetician is my next guest. Jamila prides herself in providing her clients’ massage sessions from holistic client centered approach. When asked what differentiates her from other massage practices, she quickly says, “I enjoy sharing with clients my unique massage style, which is very fluid and is best described as a strong yet loving touch.” I met her response with a broad smile because, from first hand experience, I know this to be true. Jamila is founder, owner, and operator of Beautiful Awakenings, located in Tukwila, WA. However, her commitment to her clients also spans to include a special assisted living community in Tacoma, WA which speaks volumes!
11 SEP 2020 · Charlene Kay Fouts, founder of Healing Acres Never Again (HANA) is today's guest. Fouts, who was the victim of abuse after abuse is certainly not a victim today. In fact, she is a flourishing and forceful advocate, assisting victims and others who have been involved in various painful experiences, to rise above the experience and thrive. While HANA addresses various types of trauma, the organization focuses on recovery for people who have experienced incest, domestic violence, sexual abuse, rape, and abortion.
All too often, these traumas, and others, are left unchecked and lie dormant until a circumstance in life draws them out, usually in the form of nightmares, addictions, or unhealthy patterns. In Fouts’ own words, “There’s not one of us that does not have hurts and pains that are sometimes bigger than us. We try to ignore it or excuse that it really isn’t that bad, but the pain is there, even if we don’t understand it.” "The storms we experience in life either build or break us. They ultimately forge our character, build our inner strength, and create our foundation in life, as well as our faith in God." Charlene can be reached at (813) 577-2747 or charlenekay@healingacresneveragain.org Website https://www.healingacresneveragain.org
6 MAR 2020 · COVID-19 (Coronavirus) reports splatter our televisions, radios, computers, phones, newsletters, newspapers, and magazines. In some parts of the country, we enter stores only to find empty shelves. Travelers return from cruises to find themselves quarantined. We even hear of coughing individuals being asked to deboard their plane. Some predict that this is the beginning of a panademic, while others adamantly proclaim it to be yet another hype situation; one that is very much misleading. This segment of Living Well encourages us to embrace the seriousness of the need for cleanliness and self-care at the most basic levels.
Living Well examines everyday concerns with a focus on women. Relationships, responsibilities, personal safety, health and wellness, nutrition supplementation, exercise and fitness, skin care, retirement, and residual income streams are among the many topics that will be explored.
Thank you for listening.
7 FEB 2020 · Are you one to see a bowl that is not totally filled with your favorite salad or soup as having a degree of emptiness or fullness? Some would say that the bowl is half or almost full, while others would view it as half or almost empty. What is it that causes us to form these very different views of sometimes similar and often the same circumstance? Life Coach, Maquestia Grigsby, Quest Coaching and Motivation, LLC, returns Friday, February 7th to help us unpack this and more. Mind-set and self-talk are closely connected. We will explore how a positive mind-set and self-talk sets us up for healthy relationships and outcomes, including those with ourselves. On the other hand, negative mind-sets and self-talk breed the opposite results. There is also much to be said for how we view and, ultimately, handle set-backs and failure.
9 JAN 2020 · I am very excited to introduce a much loved and wonderful man who happens to be my senior pastor. He is Dr. Gary Gulbranson of Westminster Chapel in Bellevue, Washington. Pastor Gary has faithfully served Westminster for twenty seven years and although he is nearing retirement from this particular ministry, in my heart of hearts, I know that he and his wife Jorie will continue in the Lord's service until their respective sunsets.
The subjects for today's podcast, Hope and Love, are often pondered and discussed. However, I've asked Pastor Gary to unpack these for us from a biblical perspective. When we look around, there doesn't appear to be much of either in our world. It's very easy to ask, Where is the Hope and Where is the Love? As an old-time favorite TV show use to say, Kick your shoes off and stay awhile. Folks, let's prepare to receive some food for thought and our souls.
20 DEC 2019 · Tomorrow is the official start of Winter and with it often comes what has become known as the Winter Blues. Christmas, and all of its festivities, is just five (5) days away. Unfortunately, it has become more and more commercialized. This year proves to be no different, dwarfing its true meaning; one of love and sacrifice for the world versus getting and giving the "perfect gift" which, more times than not, leaves bank accounts in the red. As daylight savings time reduces the daylight and the amount of time folks are outdoors, a type of depression known as seasonal emotional disorder surfaces; just around the time of Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwaanza.
Other concerns that contribute to this soar during these holidays and their celebrations include loneliness, economic struggles, fatigue, family disputes, and the loss of loved ones. Our guest, Maquestia Griggsby, will walk us through ways to recognize and combat these Blues. Griggsby holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Avila University in Kansas City, MO. She is a certified life coach and enjoys helping others discover how to achieve their personal and professional goals. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, having quiet time, salsa dancing, cooking, learning Spanish, and writing blogs about various motivational and health related topics. She is the proud mom of a highly creative teenage son, who loves writing, music, and expressing himself through videography. Feel free to contact Maquestia via email at: maquestiagriggsby@gmail.com.
21 NOV 2019 · Welcome everyone. Today's broadcast is earlier in the day than usual. Thank you, for your indulgences, whenever I need them, to accommodate my schedule. Once again, I must ask, How did we get to the middle of November so quickly? In just seven days, we will celebrate the fourth Thursday in the month, known as Thanksgiving Day, here in the US. It is also the time of year when many of us at least think about how we might enjoy all of the food that somehow finds itself tempting our tastebuds, everywhere we turn. To assist us with this goal, I'd like to remind you and myself of the value that fruit and raw veggies offer us. The selections are endless. Dress things up by selecting from the full range of colors... purples, reds, greens, white, yellows and more. If desired, make or purchase your favorite full bodied salad dressing for dipping. In addition to these delicacies helping to minimize extra calories, they are a great source of much needed fiber. Enjoy whatever you do and I look forward to sharing our next segment of Living Well with YOU. Until then, ~ Zenobia
31 OCT 2019 · Our upcoming guest, now retired, has spent the majority of her career in executive leadership and human resources (HR) management and development. Najja E. Brown, MPA, PHR, has served in various HR positions, including director, manager, and consultant. Overall, her career has spanned the public, private, and nonprofit sectors; most recently in the healthcare industry. When asked what's important to her, family is at the top of Najja's list and she enjoys travelling the world. She states that "studying and reading the Word of God is my lifetime priority." In fact, she is the founder and executive director of Yield to the King Ministry, a faith based Christian non-profit organization that is committed to outreach in the Greater Seattle area. Najja invites you to listen to Hope4Today. Call in during the broadcast with your questions and comments (646) 716.8344. Or, you can leave a message at (650) 741.4137 and I will return your call.
17 OCT 2019 · In just three weeks, it will be the fifth year of our guest's appearance on Living Well. The episode was entitled, Self Care: An Important Link to Destressing, Julita G. Bailey-Vasco is a senior program manager at JFF. She is responsible for strategic communication coaching and implementation for the Learning unit at large, and manages content and operations development for JFF’s semi-annual post secondary state network meetings. Julita also works with JFFLabs, project managing employer lead initiatives focused on corporate social responsibility and impact. Before joining JFF, Julita worked at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston, where she scaled, managed, and provided training for a learning community peer mentor program framed in culturally inclusive pedagogy. She also co-chaired BHCC’s professional development committee and served on several other committees. Julita has also worked as a part-time academic advisor at Roxbury Community College in Boston and spent four years at Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, Massachusetts, where she wore a variety of hats within student affairs, contributing to initiatives related to residential life, multicultural affairs, new student orientation, the first year experience, and more. Call in during the broadcast with your questions and comments (646) 716.8344. Or, you can leave a message at (650) 741.4137 and I will return your call.
This podcast examines everyday concerns with a focus on women. Relationships, personal safety, health and wellness, aging, nutritional supplementation, finances, and retirement are among the many topics that are explored.
Author | Zenobia D. Bailey |
Organization | Zenobia D. Bailey |
Categories | Society & Culture , Kids & Family , Mental Health |
Website | www.spreaker.com |
naturallyhealthyandgreen@gmail.com |
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