Expecto Podtronum is a weekly podcast designated to all things Patronuses. Our hosts explore the Patronus Charm in depth, as well as covering each of its known corporeal forms.

Episodes & Posts
12 FEB 2025 · All about this Patronus form:
- Considered one of the rarest Patronus forms
- Name comes from the Old English word “thestre,” meaning “dark” or “gloomy”
- Sleek, black coats that are so thin their bones are easily seen underneath.
- Thestrals are actually relatively peaceful creatures
- Can only be seen by those who have witnessed death and accepted its significance
- Can fly immense distances at very fast speeds and have a great sense of direction.
- The core of the Elder Wand (aka “deathstick”) is a Thestral tail hair
- Does the caster have to be able to see Thestrals to have this Patronus form?
Personality Traits:
- Gentle
- Protective
- Misunderstood
- Intelligent
- Loyal
Whose Patronus is it Anyway?
We question whether a Thestral would make more sense for Luna Lovegood, rather than the hare she’s given in the series.
We’d love to hear from you!Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
5 FEB 2025 · All about this Patronus form:
- The leopard is one of 5 species in the genus Panthera
- It has a pale yellowish to dark golden fur with dark spots grouped in rosettes.
- Solitary creatures, they do not live in big groups
- Black panthers are just leopards with melanism
- Many cultures have deities with connections to leopards
- Spots are often associated with beauty, mystery, and complexity
Personality Traits:
- Powerful
- Strong
- Courageous
- Resourceful
- Adaptable
- Mediators
Whose Patronus is it Anyway?
While Liz gives us two wild suggestions (Dumbledore and Percy), Carolyn takes us on a ride to convince us this could be Umbridge’s cat Patronus.
We’d love to hear from you!Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
29 JAN 2025 · - Our hosts give a breakdown of the Potters’ Patronuses
- Could Harry have a stag because he is holding on to the family he never knew?
- Should Ginny’s Patronus match Harry’s?
- Why does the Weasley family have different Patronuses?
- Stephanie thinks the Weasley family should have different Patronuses within the weasel family.
We’d love to hear from you!Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
22 JAN 2025 · All about this Patronus form:
- There are 43 different species of deer
- Native to all continents except Antarctica and Australia
- Coat changes color depending on the season
- Can swim!
Personality Traits:
- Protective
- Nurturing
- Gentle
- Determined
- Sensitive
- Noble
The Patronus is Right
We do a quick rundown of the Potter Family’s Patronuses (and Snape’s) to see if they match their personalities. This discussion also prepares us for our next episode!
We’d love to hear from you!
Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
15 JAN 2025 · All about this Patronus form:
- Field mouse is a general term for deer mice
- Found in both rural and suburban/urban areas
- Male field mice get the attention of females by singing (you won’t be able to unhear it)
- Field mice are excellent navigators
- Mice can be seen as a negative omen
- Illyius, from Hogwarts Legacy, has a mouse patronus.
Personality Traits:
- Endurance
- Focused
- Witty
- Fertile
- Adaptability
- Innocent
- Capable of large things
Whose Patronus is it Anyway?
Our hosts have a compelling theory for who could have a mouse Patronus. Lockhart. Enough said.
We’d love to hear from you!
Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
8 JAN 2025 · All about this Patronus form:
- One of the oldest surviving dog breeds, hailing to Roman times.
- Has a short black coat with rust markings.
- Have always been working dogs.
- Often associated with being hellhounds or aggressive guard dogs.
- Amy shares the adorableness of the Carl book series.
Personality Traits:
- Loyal
- Hardworker
- Protective
- Suspicious
- Intelligent
- Stubborn
Patronus Feud:
Stephanie wants to know why a rottweiler and not other “bully breeds” made the list of corporeal Patronuses.
Whose Patronus is it Anyway?
Amy pulls a suggestion from left field (Kendra Dumbledore) and wows us all with the accuracy.
We’d love to hear from you! Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
1 JAN 2025 · All about this Patronus form:
- Most common bear found in the forests of North America, including parts of northern Mexico.
- Black bears have an omnivorous diet.
- Solitary creatures, but not territorial.
- Promiscuity abounds!
- Black bears are seen as protectors and guardians in several cultures across the world.
Personality Traits:
- Curious
- Solitary
- Natural Leaders
- Opportunistic
Whose Patronus is it Anyway?
Lucy makes Stephanie cry with her pitch as to why she thinks this could be George Weasley’s new patronus.
We’d love to hear from you! Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
18 DEC 2024 · All about this Patronus form:
- Mink are members of the weasel family native to the Northern Hemisphere.
- They eat mostly frogs, salamanders, fish, crayfish, muskrats, mice, and voles, along with aquatic birds and their eggs.
- To kill its prey, mink wrap their body around it and bite the back of the head.
- During mating season males and females mate with multiple individuals.
- Produces foul smell to protect against predators.
- Native American culture has many myths involving minks.
- Minks are often associated with the fashion industry.
- A mink in your dream can relate to materialistic tendencies.
Personality Traits:
- Nervous
- Quick tempered
- Unfriendly disposition
- Opportunistic
- Territorial
Whose Patronus is it Anyway?
Our hosts have quite a few suggestions for this one. We chat about Lavender Brown, Romilda Vane, Molly Weasley, and the Patil Twins.
We’d love to hear from you!Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
11 DEC 2024 · On this episode, our hosts are joined by special guest Marjolaine Martin. Marjolaine is a contributor to La Gazette du Sorcier and is a former host of SpeakBeasty podcast.
All about this Patronus form:
- Dun is not a breed of horse but a gene that dilutes and affects red and black pigments in the coat color of a horse.
- Dun visibly affects all the three base colors; bay, black, chestnut.
- Dun is thought to be the color of wild horses throughout history because a lot of the cave art depicts them in a color that can be described as dun.
- Ancient Celtic culture holds the horse in high regard. It’s a symbol of power, nobility, and fertility.
- Amy reflects on one of her favorite childhood games, Herd Your Horses.
Personality Traits:
- Calm
- Intelligent
- Eager to Learn
- Stable
Is this Ginny’s Horse?
- The books & Wizarding World website do not have an animal listed, only that it had a connection to Harry’s stag patronus.
- Is it actually a horse?
- Is this the horse or is it too Hufflepuffy?
We’d love to hear from you! Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
4 DEC 2024 · All about this Patronus form:
- Lucy LOVES swans
- Have 27 neck vertebrae
- “Official bird of Western Australia” according to Perth Zoo
- Promiscuous in their youth
- Flying black swans are a “wedge”, when on the ground they are called a “bank”
Personality Traits:
- Bold
- Loud
- Mysterious
- Cheeky
- Good Communicator
- Stern teacher
- Strong Spirit
The Patronus is Right!
Cho Chang; Does it make sense?
Patronus Feud:
Why was the black swan selected instead of the more well known white swan?
We’d love to hear from you!Send some Patronus Post our way at expectopodtronum@gmail.com or find us on social media.
Remember, a piece of chocolate a day keeps the Dementors away!
Music/Sound Credits: “Food Show” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Movie Score A” by DHy-Nez, Denita Smith -- “Excuse me Cat” by geoffharvey, Geoff Harvey -- “The Classical” by Music_For_Videos, Anastasia Kir -- “Uplifting Celebration” by makesoundmusic, Mike Kripak -- “Mysterious Music: Light Mystical Background Music for Short Video/Vlog” by White Records, Maksym Dudchyk -- “Telling the Story” by goeffharvey, Geoff Harvey
Expecto Podtronum is a weekly podcast designated to all things Patronuses. Our hosts explore the Patronus Charm in depth, as well as covering each of its known corporeal forms.
Author | Expecto Podtronum |
Organization | Expecto Podtronum |
Categories | Books , TV & Film |
Website | expectopodtronum.com |
expectopodtronum@gmail.com |
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