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Extraordinary Women Radio

  • Viveka von Rosen: The LinkedIn Expert PLUS Forbes Top 50 Social Media Influencer and Top 10 Women in Social Media – 060

    28 JUN 2018 · Today's 60th Extraordinary Women Radio episode is with Viveka von Rosen - a Forbes Top 50 Social Media Influencer and Forbes Top 10 Women in Social Media, as well as one of LinkedIn’s Top 25 Social Media Experts. And she shares some of her best LinkedIn tips in this interview! You don't want to miss it! She shares her story of starting one of the first LinkedIn training companies, Linked into Business in 2006 where she was able to grab the @LinkedInExpert handles on both LinkedIn and Twitter, which sky rocked her to a leading expert in those very early days. In 2017, she cofounded Vengreso, a full spectrum digital sales transformation solutions. In addition to sharing some must-know tips about raising your influence on LinkedIn, Viveka shares rich insights into building your brand online and goes as bold to say, "Your company is going to die if you don’t fully embrace digital." She encourages the listeners to focus on building community, no matter what platform you are on and most important - to keep our humanity about us, as things become more and more digital. After all, it is about human-to-human relationships. Known internationally as the “LinkedIn Expert”, she is an author of the best-selling LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day and LinkedIn: 101 Ways to Rock Your Personal Brand! As a contributing expert to LinkedIn’s official Sales and Marketing blogs and their Sophisticated Marketer’s Guides, she is often called on to contribute to publications like BuzzFeed, Fast Company, Forbes, Money, Entrepreneur, The Social Media Examiner and many others. Jump in, claim your expertise! ~Viveka von Rosen To learn more about Viveka and to access her many online trainings, visit the Vengreso.com web site, or follow her on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. Show notes will be available here soon, with a list of additional resources.          
    Played 53m 59s
  • Michelle Vos: Business and Branding Coach and Creator of Be365 – 059

    20 JUN 2018 · Today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Michelle Vos is a perfect guest to join us on this Summer Solstice week! She's soulful, spiritually guided and so full of wisdom! Michelle and I have known this for some time. We love to get together over a cup and jam on our passion for doing business in a different way! I always leave these conversations feeling jazzed and I think you will fill into this today! We have a passion for creating business that is in the flow and not in the hustle. As she shares in the interview, Michelle believes that you do not need a break down in order to have a break thru, but instead she chooses ease and grace and flow vs. struggle. She acknowledges that growing your business takes effort and focus BUT it can be way easier if you show up differently. It’s all about being energetically aligned with what you want. When you devote time and energy to what matters most to you, the universe aligns to meet you. She shares her story of how she really listened to the answers that came to her in a journaling exercise back in 2008, and dramatically shifted what she was doing in her profession. She courageously stepped into doing things she had never done before because she trusted the wisdom the Universe flowed to her. It's a brilliant story and it took her down her own pathway to her purpose. Michelle also shares her work around the Twelve Energetic Relationships that we can incorporate into our lives to play with the energy of the Universe and Source in our life. It's good stuff! Michelle is a Business and Branding coach who marries strategy and spirituality. She is the founder and creator of the Be365 Body of Work, The creator of The Authentic Signature Style and Vision Process. As I look at all Michelle stands for – I catch myself saying… Yes… Yes… Yes!!! And today she shares some of her brilliant teachings on how you can manifest more in your life! I am thrilled to introduce you to Michelle and all her wonderful wisdom. Let’s meet Michelle Vos! To learn more about Michelle, visit her on her web site or follow her on Facebook or Instagram.  
    Played 1h 6m 3s
  • Jamie ‘Sensei' Leno Zimron: Founder of The KiAi Way®, Integrative, Body-Based Peak Performance Training – 058

    14 JUN 2018 · Today I am so pleased to bring Jamie 'Sensei' Leno Zimron to Extraordinary Women Radio - a modern-day 'renaissance woman.' She is a 5th Degree Aikido Black Belt, Class A LPGA Teaching Professional, Marriage Family Therapist (MFT), Certified Sports Counselor, Master Bodyworker, Corporate and Conference Speaker-Trainer, and an International Citizen’s Diplomat. And on top of all of this - Her work has been the center of peacemaking efforts in some of the most challenging war-torn regions of the world. The principles that Jamie shares with us in this interview – about becoming centered and aligned helps us find a peaceful inner power – one where we’re completely present in our body, our head and our voice. Her work helps people discover the body-mind keys and tools to work, play and be their best – for their own peak performance. Making the world a better place for everyone. Yes, Jamie is certainly a changemaker. Known by her clients as Jamie Sensei, Jamie is a pioneer in blending ancient eastern wisdom with modern western disciplines for self-mastery and peak performance in all things life, leadership and even golf. This interview is rich with somatic wisdom and how you can apply it in your own life and business. And what’s really extraordinary, is that Jamie has brought her teaching to the Middle East Aikido Project to help unite Israelis and Palestinians through the Martial Art of Peace. Arabs and Jews are now meeting on the mat to explore non-violent conflict resolution and possibilities for peace. Jamie Sensei brings a rare combination of knowledge, insight and creativity to sports, business, personal growth, and to learning itself. She is acclaimed worldwide for her dynamic teaching style and unique gifts in guiding people to newfound well-being and success. In this interview we talk about energy and how important (and sometimes difficult) it can be to truly be IN our body, despite the fact, that our body is the one thing that is with us from the minute we are born until the minute we die. We are energy. We are the stewards of our energy. We are in charge of our energy. ~Jamie 'Sensei' Leno Zimron To learn more about Jamie Sensei, visit her on her web site or follow her on Facebook or LinkedIn. At the beginning of this interview I mention that you can catch me speaking at several different places in the next few months and that I would include the links here, so here they are! Women of Denver on June 21: where I'll present The Brand of You: Igniting Your Presence, Purpose and Profile as a Change Maker Emerging Expert of You: Your Next Bold Move to Boost Your Voice In the World - 1-day workshop with me on June 27! eWomen Network Portland on July 18: where I'll present The Changing Art of Women in Leadership Let's meet Jamie 'Sensei' Leno Zimron!
    Played 52m
  • Krystal Covington: Founder of Women of Denver, PR and Branding Expert – 057

    7 JUN 2018 · Today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Krystal Covington, the Founder and CEO of Women of Denver, a social enterprise association and quarterly magazine. Krystal was on my Extraordinary Women Connect stage last Fall, and I'm on a panel at Krystal's Women of Denver Quarterly Networking party this coming Saturday evening, which I understand brings 150 women together in a single evening. And then I speak at her monthly Women of Denver meeting on June 21 on "The Brand of You: Igniting Your Presence, Purpose and Profile as a Change Maker." You can learn more about both of these events here. Come join us - it would be great to see you there! Denver is such a happening place for female entrepreneurs with several growing and collaborative groups like Women of Denver, my own Extraordinary Women Connect, The Dames, eWoman Network Denver, FemCity Denver and others. I'm in awe of all the collaboration and ways Denver women entrepreneurs are coming together to uplift one another! It's a pretty cool energy of incubation and support. As a PR and branding expert, Krystal has a strong passion and belief that now is the time for women to take the lead! We dig into how women can make an impact in the world, Krystal expressed, "Go speak it. Put yourself out there right. Put it in words." In our interview, she drops all kinds of tips on getting into the media, including how important it is to build a story that links your philosophies and ideas to what is going on in the world right now - make it newsworthy. She tell us "That's what will get you interviews!" She shares her story of starting Women of Denver in 2014, just jumping in and doing it! As she shares in the interview, "I had to let go of the idea that THEY had all the answers for me, and that only I had the answers for me." She's a risk taker, a doer and a bright and shiny young star in the Denver community. And she's so full of wisdom! Here are a few of her insights: When you are doing the things that feel good, time feels different, you experience life with more fullness, you are just energized Believe in the changes that you want to see happen Life goes in waves, just like sounds and just like water. There will be ups and downs, and be sure to have a plan for the lows in life. Krystal is a TEDx presenter, a national speaker and trainer and a regular Forbes contributor. You can learn more about Krystal on her KrystalCovington.com and TheWomenOfDenver.com or follow her on Facebook or Twitter. Be sure to check out her new Women of Denver Magazine! Let’s meet Krystal Covington of Women of Denver.
    Played 47m 48s
  • Hope Zvara: Mindfulness and Lifestyle Expert Focused on Pillars of Breath, Body and Belief – 056

    31 MAY 2018 · Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio interview with Hope Zvara, is so good. Hope is a mindfulness and lifestyle expert, a best selling author, and a motivational speaker who empowers individuals with her personal stories. And her stories are powerful. I can promise you - you will be moved. This may be my first podcast interview that I have ended up in tears. Her stories are truly heart touching, and it is within these stories, as Hope shares – that yoga found her – and transformed her life to finding her purpose. The pillars of Hope's mission are Breath, Body, and Belief. In our interview today, Hope shares her wisdom on how the mind operates, how the body works, and how our beliefs can affect our mental health and our wellness overall – and the success we find in life. I think Hope and I were meant to meet, and in the midst of this interview the idea drops in that we should be planning a retreat together, and I’m just going to say I’m all in! We’re so aligned in so many ways – even our written purpose – which I’ll leave as a surprise to come out in the interview. Some of the key insights Hope shares includes: Breath is the first thing your given in life and the last to be taken away and you only get one life Whatever your next thing is, just do it, get out there and do it Turn off headphones and walk each day Ideas come better if you slow down and listen, let nature in Step out but also step inward You can learn more about Hope and her work on her website or follow her on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. So let’s jump and meet the fabulous Hope Zvara!
    Played 51m 8s
  • Wendy Leone: Partner and Business Manager for Mt Hood Steel & Wood, Building High Rises in the Pacific Northwest – 055

    24 MAY 2018 · Today on Extraordinary Women Radio I am so excited to share this interview with Wendy Leone - a partner in a steel & construction company – Mt. Hood Steel & Wood – building high rises in Portland and across the Northwest. Wendy is a friend of my son Josh, who I had the opportunity to meet last summer when I was visiting. I fell in love with Wendy the moment I met her, and you will too! In our interview, she tells the story of how she and her brothers started this company from the seedlings of a dream, and what’s it’s like to be a woman in the very male dominated steel industry. If you drive around the thriving city of Portland, many of the rising skyscrapers you see are being built by Mt. Hood Steel & Wood. And not only is Wendy a make-it-happen business owner in the steel industry… She’s also an incredible rock climber and we dig into some of the lessons that climbing teaches her, and how they parallel running a $1 million+ steel company! Wendy is an advocate for more women stepping into the construction industry! She shares, "Women can make a really good living being a welder, electrician or plumber with great benefits. Women are strong enough and tough enough to be out there. And from my experience, women’s pay in the construction world is equal to men's." That was exciting news to me! Wendy's story from humble beginnings to all she's doing today is inspiring and uplifting! For those of you tuning in – from Portland – mark your calendars and come meet both Wendy and I on July 18th, when I’ll be speaking at the Portland eWoman Network monthly meeting. Fear isn’t a bad thing. I enjoy pushing myself past what I am comfortable with. ~Wendy Leone To learn more about Mt. Hood Steel & Wood, watch for their new web site set to launch soon or follow them on Facebook. You can follow Wendy on LinkedIn.
    Played 43m 50s
  • Amber Rae: Author of Choose Wonder Over Worry – 054

    14 MAY 2018 · Today we’re joining our Extraordinary Women Radio guest – Amber Rae – in celebration of her new book – Choose Wonder over Worry! Choose Wonder Over Worry is launching around the world today and I’m happy to be a part of this celebration! I invite YOU to jump out to Amazon today and order a copy of her book and perhaps gift a few to some extraordinary women friends! Amber has been called a “Millennial Motivator” by Fortune and "The Brené Brown of Wonder” by Mind Body Green. Her work invites you to live your truth, befriend your emotions, and express your gifts. Amber’s writing blends raw, personal storytelling with actionable aha-moments and has reached more than 5 million people in 195 countries. Her public art has spread to more than 20 countries, and she's spoken to and collaborated with brands like Kate Spade, Apple, Amazon, and Unilever. Amber has been featured in The New York Times, TIME, Fast Company, BBC, ABC World News, and more. She’s truly an extraordinary woman. This is a delightful interview with a woman is making ripples around the world. The stories she shares in this interview are funny and real and will inspire! We chat about the power of engaging our curiosity around 'what's possible' and making space to discover who you really are - yes, you can see why I love this woman! Everyone has worry in their life - and worry can be toxic. Since we can never rid ourselves entirely of worry, the goal isn’t to avoid it, suppress it, or run from it, but to learn from it, work with it, and use it to our advantage.  Amber shares a simple process to connect and work with their more difficult emotions. She poses the question - "What if we chose wonder instead." I made a commitment to myself that I would always tell myself the wild and honest truth. ~Amber Rae Let’s meet Amber Rae – author of Choose Wonder Over Worry or follow Amber on Facebook or Twitter.
    Played 47m 39s
  • Dr. Sharron Stroud: Spiritual Leader, International Peace Prize Winner, Recognized by White House for Lifetime Achievements in Humanities –

    11 MAY 2018 · I'm super honored to feature today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Dr. Sharron Stroud. Dr. Stroud is a woman dedicated to serving the planet. The slogan "Think Globally and Act Locally" would describe what she has been about for the past 40 years. She is an author, professional speaker, and a spiritual leader. She has served the New Thought movement for 42 years as a spiritual leader. Dr. Stroud has serves as the Spiritual Leader of Innerfaith Spiritual Center Worldwide in Palm Springs, CA. since 2001. She also serves as the Dean of the Institute of Successful Living. In our interview, Dr. Stroud shares life stories that have shaped her life and the wisdom she has earned along the way. She says that "Whatever the present moment is, act as if you chose it. Work with it." This is such a powerful statement. We talk about courage, confidence and callings. And yes, because Dr. Stroud is a Minister of Peace, we talk about peace on earth. Dr. Stroud is the President Elect of The International Foundation for World Peace and Research, in which she goes all over the world lecturing at Universities and Institutions of Learning. Most recently at the Cultural Arts Festival in India in January, The International Congress on Art, Science, Communication and Technology in Edinburgh, Scotland, Madonna University in Nigeria, Africa, the University of Istanbul Medical Center in Turkey, The University of Zagreb in Croatia, The University of African and Oriental Studies in London, England, Essen, Germany, Queen’s College in Cambridge England and Oslo, Norway. Her list of awards is impressive and lengthy and includes: The Palm Springs Human Rights Award 2017 & 2015 - Life Time Achievement Award for Service to her Nation from the White House signed by President Obama for her work in the field of Humanities. 2017 – Limitless Woman Award by the Limitless Woman Foundation Riverside County Woman of the Year Award 2016/2017 2015 - International Peace Prize given by Madonna University in Nigeria, Africa 2015 - Palm Springs Walk of Stars in the Field of Humanities / Minister of Peace The President of the United States Call to Service Award of Excellence from the White House, the highest acknowledgement a citizen can receive signed by President Obama for her work in the field of Humanities in 2010, and again July of 2014. Outstanding Service Award for the United Nations 100th Anniversary of the International Day of the Woman presented by the Women’s International Network. The International Athena / Terra Award of Service, from Palm Springs, CA The Woman of the Year Gold Medal of Honor 2009 was presented by the World Forum Federation in which over 40 countries were represented. Dr. Stroud was presented with the International Peace Prize 2008, inscribed: “Daring to Soar and Creating a Harmony of Humankind, by the authority of the United Cultural Convention, United States of America. International Woman of the Year 2012 awarded by the Cultural Convention, USA Dr. Stroud was an Ambassador representing the United States of America. In 2008. Dr. Stroud was named Top 100 Communicators of the World from the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge England. A Certificate of Congressional Recognition from Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack for receiving the Woman of the Year Gold Medal of Honor 2009 in Washington D.C. The Tesla Award for Communication – International Biographical Center 2010. Amazing Woman Award 2008 for Feminine Leadership at the Los Angeles, California Cultural Center. International Woman of the Year 2001 - The American Biographical Institute You can learn more about Dr. Stroud on the Innerfaith New Thought Spiritual Center Palm Springs Facebook page or on her Facebook page.
    Played 49m 55s
  • Michelle Marie King: Entrepreneur, Former Ms. Colorado Taking a Stand as a Positivity Activist Helping Women Discover Their Inner Beauty – 0

    3 MAY 2018 · Today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with the fabulous Michelle Marie King, a philanthropic leader and motivational public speaker who has devoted her life to volunteerism and mentoring young women on giving back to their communities and building self-esteem. Michelle is blazing the country as a positivity activist and passionate visionary. In our interview today, Michelle shares how her life experiences as a former international runway model and former Ms. Colorado shaped her passion for helping women of all ages find their inner beauty – a mission she carries out in her model-coaching and confidence building company - Positive Presence, LLC. Suffering from anorexia, bulimia and living through an attempted suicide as an international runway model, Michelle hopes to use her experience in the modeling industry and her passion for philanthropy to simply make a positive difference in the life of others.  She combines these disparate worlds—modeling & philanthropy. In our interview, we dig into how to break through fear (false evidence appearing real), the not enoughism that we all can run into on a daily basis, leading change in in an industry that isn't necessarily looking for change and the power of positivity. Michelle’s mission is to masterfully motivate all ages to lead a positive life and inspire others to do the same! I’m smiling through this whole interview – because we are so aligned in what we’re putting into the world. A bit of a soul-sisterhood I believe. In her career as a model, philanthropist, emcee, spokesperson and public speaker, Michelle has appeared on radio, television, billboards and in print in over 10 different states. Be unapologetically authentic. Find what makes you happy and do more of that. Your authenticity is directly correlated to our happiness. ~Michelle Marie King You will love Michelle! To learn more about Michelle and her work, visit her web site or follow her on Facebook.  
    Played 50m 46s
  • Haley Hoffman Smith: Founder of Her Big Idea Foundation and Author of Her Big Idea – 051

    26 APR 2018 · Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest – Haley Hoffman Smith is a young and upcoming rockstar in the entrepreneurial world. I love the energy she is bringing into the world and her incredible wisdom is way beyond her years! Haley started her first global non-profit and wrote her first book at age 18, and is in the midst of starting her second non-profit – Her Big IDEA Foundation. She also will be a key team member on The Next Gen Summit - leading a community of 2000 entrepreneurs to their success. Her second book Her Big Idea will launch on June 11 – shortly after she graduates from Brown University in May. At Brown, Haley studied how women develop their sense of self agency in entrepreneurship and venture capital for her honors' thesis. She also created the first-ever women's entrepreneurship incubator to help female students bring their ideas from concept to reality. Haley's research around the impact of women in leadership, on boards and in venture capital firms was recently published in Forbes. She has huge passion for shining light on women's presence on a board boosts the bottom line. She shared the  research from the venture capital firm, First Round Capital who did a 10-year study on all the companies they invested in during that time period. The research showed that the companies with at least one woman on the board generated about 65% more ROI than companies with no women on the board. Haley has a passion for opening up opportunities for other women and helping them find the partnering and resources to launch their own companies. This is a rich delightful conversation of courage and bravery, self love and vulnerability, success and 'perceived' failure, and getting up and doing it all over again anyway. "You don't learn anything from success." ~Haley Hoffman Smith Haley is dynamic and there is no doubt in my mind that we need to take note of her name – because there will be a time when we say about Haley Hoffman Smith – I remember her when. She’s got an impact to make – I promise! To follow Haley's work and watch for the launch of her new book Her Big Idea, follow her on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Let’s dig in and meet Haley Hoffman Smith!
    Played 41m 26s

1 Wildly successful women living out loud… in voice, vitality and vigor. SHE is making a difference. SHE is living in her passions and shining her light brightly into the...

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Wildly successful women living out loud… in voice, vitality and vigor. SHE is making a difference. SHE is living in her passions and shining her light brightly into the world. SHE is a firedancer, a wise goddess, a warrior princess. SHE knows what she wants, why she wants it and makes it happen. SHE is needed in our world today. Join entrepreneur Kami Guildner as she brings the voices of these extraordinary women from around the world to share their personal stories of life, success, loss, transition, following dreams and stepping into their courage.
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